The comprehensive minimum wage in force for 2021 is $11,810,838, equivalent to 10 minimum wages. If there is something that interests a worker is his liquidation, either because he resigns or because he is fired with or without just cause. However, some They have doubts about what should be paid, for example, to those who earn a full salary.

The comprehensive minimum wage for 2021 in Colombia is $ 11,810,838, a figure that corresponds to the sum of 10 monthly minimum wages, plus a 30% benefit load equivalent to three minimum wages, according to Law 50 of 1990 and Article 132 of the Substantive Labor Code (CST).
It is valid to clarify that the above sum is the minimum to be considered full salary, however, between employer and employee can agree – without problem – a salary with a higher amount of income.
The comprehensive salary is a form of remuneration that includes social benefits.
Jorge Alberto Hernández, a specialist in Human Management at the Universidad Piloto de Colombia, says it is important to keep in mind that the integral salary must always be agreed in writing.
A worker who has this type of salary is entitled to enjoy 15 working days of rest for each year worked. And, in the same way, the company must liquidate your vacation.
“When you have an employment contract, whether for an indefinite term or a fixed term, but with a full minimum wage, at the time of resigning or being retired with just cause, within your settlement the worker must only be paid the days that have not paid him from his last working month and, if he has, the proportional to the vacations to which he is entitled, “, Hernández clarifies.
In short, if you earn a full salary, your settlement is like this: if you are dismissed for just cause or if you resign, you will be paid the days of the month that have not been paid and the corresponding to the vacation days you have pending to take.
For the settlement with compensation, the entire comprehensive minimum wage is taken as a basis.
If you are retired without just cause, according to article 64 of the CST, modified by article 28 of Law 789 of 2002, you must be compensated with 20 days of salary for the first year worked, and with 15 days of salary for each year you have worked subsequent to the first -or proportional to what you have worked-, plus the pending holidays and the days of the month that you have not been paid. All of the above is done on the full comprehensive minimum wage.