Sometimes the presentation in the resume is not enough and some companies prefer to know the candidates in a format that allows more details of the person to be detected.

Virtual or digital interviews have become an ally for selection processes, they serve companies to streamline and optimize recruitment processes and candidates to be effective through technological tools.
Talent recruiters currently use two types of video interviews. In the first, the interviewer sends the candidate a series of questions to be recorded and later sends the video with the answers so that it can be analyzed. The second is the best known and implemented by companies and is done through a virtual platform such as Skype, Google Hangouts, Facebook Messenger or Viber; In these cases, the candidate is spoken to in real time and not only his knowledge but also aspects of his personality are measured.
“Video interviews allow us to speed up the selection of candidates during the early stages of the process. In divisions such as technology, about 40% of the interviews, in the first instance, are carried out using this methodology, since it is a tool that makes it possible to efficiently refine the list of candidates without implying greater efforts in travel and identifying key skills for the position that needs to be covered”, explained Daniel Camacho, IT executive manager at Michael Page Colombia.
Register or update your resume
Faced with these situations typical of a selection process, ask what type of video interview you are going to do, check the conditions that the video must have, the duration, the operating system, the place where you are going to record, the camera, the computer and other details that could present inconveniences.
“The interview process allows the candidate to make the reasons that have been put in the resume to access a position much clearer. For this reason, it is necessary to think about it strategically and concentrate efforts on demonstrating the specialization of the profile. Some selection processes may require the support of audiovisual media, either as an input for companies in the first phase or as a means for the interview when the distance does not allow a face-to-face meeting,” said Carolina Forero, Marketing and Communications Manager. in Colombia and leader in Latin America for Hays.
“Whether the medium is, you have to think about the information that is going to be provided in that first instance. Knowing the profile of the company and, if possible, the interviewer, this will help to set the tone: formal or informal conversation, emphasis on certain skills of the profile, adjustment in one’s own speech and even a position issue. The key message that must be delivered is that of a specialized profile that meets the skills expected by the company, this demonstrated in specialized knowledge and experience”, added Forero.
Choose a good place to make the video, find one where you won’t have distractions. Apart from this, the videoconference or video must have the same relevance as a traditional interview. Personal presentation is essential, regardless of whether you are in a workplace, a public place or at home. So, it’s important to rise to the occasion and meet the expectations that companies have of an applicant for one of their positions.
“Minimize possible interruptions: it is important to put the cell phone on silent, and in the case of being at home, also the landline. Think of anything else that might distract you during your interview and schedule everything so that doesn’t happen. Close all web pages that might catch your eye and turn off email alerts. If you live with other people, let them know you’re having an interview so they won’t interrupt you. If you have a pet that makes a lot of noise, try to move it from the room,” Camacho recommended.
Apart from the traditional questions, about formation, strengths and weaknesses, think about the possible questions that you will be asked. Take care of your image and the way in which you will make the video. Your creativity and formality can be the way to get the job you want.
“Make visible your skills that are required for this new position, the achievements in previous experiences, and how you have managed to build your experience. It is also essential, depending on the industry, to have the latest requirements in the advancement of existing programs or regulations that are essential for the business. Demonstrating the strength of the profile is the key, and the questions can be many. Seek to make it evident, as it will help you provide a more solid image,” Forero pointed out.
Keep in mind
If the username or email you’ll use to submit the video isn’t professional, your interview may get off to a bad start. There are many video editing applications that you can use. Everything you say and do in an interview will be used to create an image. Lastly, make sure your profile photo features only and exclusively you, and hopefully it’s a sober photo.