How To

How should the resume of a Community Manager be?

Undoubtedly, the community manager of a company is the figure that is not only responsible for the communication or digital image of a company or product, but also to identify and interact with the interests, tastes and needs of a digital audience, allowing there to be a growth of the brand for which it works.

How should the resume of a Community Manager be

Now, many professionals decide to direct their focus to this role, but this requires knowledge, skills, experiences and a profile that identifies it.

Consider these tips for your resume if you want to stand out in the job market as a ‘community manager’:

1. Highlight your technical skills: For recruiters it is important to have a professional who, in addition to being excellent in networks, -in case he deserves it- knows how to develop when creating a graphic piece or the basic editing of a video. However, it is a ‘plus’ skill, not mandatory.

“Currently the figure of the community manager is undergoing an evolution towards a mixed profile, which combines traditional skills of advertising and also in the field of corporate communication,” says Sol León, social media strategist at Habitant and teacher at Cerem International Business.

2. Detail your achievements: The ‘community’ can be supported by its results of figures, ‘engagement’ or indicators that it has achieved in the management of a project, brand or product, for example: interactions, shared publications, reach or reactions.

You can help yourself with graphs or curves that demonstrate the growth that a product, campaign or brand had during your management.

According to León, “it is essential to know and know how to develop analytical tasks, since it is usually the person who is responsible for preparing the monitoring reports of the strategy”.

3. Highlight what you know how to use: Learn to highlight your technical skills. Do not forget to include the level of management of tools such as the Adobe suite or Canva to design content. It is very important to announce if you have experience programming content, organizing and filtering metrics with Google Analytics or managing networks such as Facebook, Twitter or Instagram through Hootsuite.

4. Take care of your spelling and writing: In your resume you must demonstrate -once again- that you are excellent with your writing, that through attractive and ingenious ‘copys’ or publications you can attract the attention of the public, yes, always with good spelling.

In addition, with Viviana Carolina Romero, professor in Marketing and Commercial Management at the Pilot University of Colombia, about the main knowledge that today is expected to be found in the curriculum of a ‘community’. She noted the following:

  • Digital Marketing and “omnichannel”.
  • Google Analytics.
  • SEO strategy.
  • SEM strategy.
  • Management of tools to manage digital advertising.
  • Development of ‘e-mail marketing’ campaigns.
  • Management of tools to apply the tactic of ‘marketing’ of proximity.

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