The technological dynamics that today dominate the world of work, directly impacted by the covid-19 pandemic, have represented an important challenge for professionals, in terms of new skills, since the profiles that companies will request from the beginning of 2022, they must have knowledge to ensure competitiveness and understanding of the current market.

This is why professionals must prepare themselves and acquire skills that allow them to provide companies with added value, in order to face challenges and provide answers to problems that did not exist before. Likewise, if you are not working, you can connect more quickly and meet the needs of a company in certain areas.
Below we show you some characteristics that digital profiles have for better performance in the world of work, according to a report presented by Page Group, a leading company in the market for specialized recruitment of professionals.
It should be noted that there are profiles that are purely digital, such as developers, professionals in digital marketing, Data Science, among others, who have technical, specialized and soft skills. However, profiles from areas such as human resources, financial management and management are increasingly interested in having digital skills to understand the current dynamics of consumers, their strategic allies and the market in general.
Some of these features are:
– They seek the automation of processes to be more agile and to be able to dedÃcate more time to the strategy than to the execution of tasks.
– They use several work tools simultaneously to take advantage of the benefits of each one and not depend on a single system.
– Be disruptive.
– They seek change and always be at the Forefront in order to be competitive.
– They have great adaptability to change and are very flexible.
How to potentiate a traditional profile to a more digital one?
Companies from different economic sectors seek to evolve and thereby motivate those who are part of the companies to develop in the digital aspect. Therefore, some recommendations to stand out and be a more digital profile are:
– Get training regardless of the profession, since the digital transformation is a reality and all professionals are able to acquire related skills that allow them to have a different approach to their daily tasks.
– Adopt agile methodologies, since under disruptive methodologies the development of tasks will be more efficient and will encourage creativity.