Looking for work in Colombia has evolved and, now, there are many strategies we can follow to achieve that goal. Networking is one of them and seeks to take advantage of the contacts you have to move forward in your working life.

But what is Networking and why does it help us achieve work goals?
Networking, according to Laura Bonilla, product and employability coordinator, isĀ “a process through which we make an accumulation of contacts, face-to-face or digital, where we can establish long-term value relationships and with a defined objective, in this case the labor issue”.
If you want to improve your work life or look for a job from the beginning, register your resume here.
Networking can be done through social networks, especially in those where the primary objective is to be known for work skills. For example: Linkedin or, to a lesser extent, Twitter.
The main basis for making this network of contacts is to be clear about the objective we are looking for: if we want to look for a job it would be interesting to find people who are interested in my job value offer.
“We can share content, on social media, alluding to my strengths so that people in my network can have me in their heads. We have to generate that they take us into account, “says Bonilla.
However, it is not enough to generate a network and share content, it is necessary to create a personal brand process so that our network sees in us a person with criteria in the knowledge we handle.
“From the content and skills, I have, I can create my personal brand on the social network so that recruiters or colleagues have me in mind for a position,” he added.
It is important, according to Bonilla, that my personal brand is reflected not only in a social network, but in all contexts of life.
“The personal brand must be consistent in all spaces, not only in digital, but in face-to-face. The idea is that my communications are assertive, based on respect. We must understand the diversity of opinions and know how to express myself when I disagree with something,” says Bonilla.
These are the steps to have an effective networking strategy and be able to find a job:
- Set a goal, be it employment, entrepreneurship, positioning of your company or any you are looking for.
- Segment contacts. Look for those people who can help you achieve your goal.
- Build the personal brand. There you analyze your strengths and your opportunities for improvement.
- Determine what advantages I have over others to exploit your personal brand.
- Build content to communicate the points where you are strong.
Remember that this contact building takes several months to consolidate, so you need to start building it before you’re in an active job search process.
If you want to create or improve your resume with recommendations from professionals, in this link you can get the product advice.