The ‘thread’ refers, among Colombians, to having an influence that serves to get a job or better positions.
Some people attribute to this aspect the ability of others to easily access the labor market.
Don’t miss any job offers!
Of course, this should be differentiated from having a network of contacts to whom you can share the intention of being employed. It is the ‘networking’ with which connections of interest can be established and that can be used to give references.

Get ready to improve your profile
Unemployment increases competition between candidates, so it is important to adapt to the labor market.
Nowadays many companies are looking for professionals with distinguished skills, so it is necessary “to work on differentiating elements that can make us stand out; Enhance soft skills and dore-skilling (learning new skills) is fundamental,” explains Noel González, head of Development and Internal Communication at Adecco.
Among these soft skills, Carolina Mejía, strategic communicator and specialist in Human Resources at the European Business School of Barcelona, highlights assertive communication, flexibility, self-management, conflict resolution and innovation. In addition, “we must work on our personal brand through professional social networks and enhance the mastery of a second language”.
Communicate assertively
If you apply for a vacancy via email, remember to express yourself clearly and concisely. In one or two paragraphs, write your presentation and why you think you would fit into that position.
Also, during the job interview, you can expose your greatest achievements and contributions in previous experiences, as well as your affinity with the possible challenges of the vacancy that is being offered.
What recruiters really look at
“The elements in the resume, which may carry more weight than a lever, are the quantitative achievements obtained in previous jobs. We must also avoid making mistakes in the description of functions and how it was contributed to the company, “says Mejía.
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Do not forget to take care of your writing and the keywords you use to develop your profile. The coherence and similarity between these with what is described in the vacancy depends on the possibility of being called to a job interview.
Finally, do not forget that there is nothing wrong with “generating valuable relationships, with which you can create alliances between people in the same sector; We can also share our talents and skills. If we do not open our social circle, with a professional objective, some doors can be closed, “says the HR expert.
Why should there be no ‘preferences’ when selecting staff?
Each vacancy requires specific competencies, which will be reflected in the results of the entire organization and the work team.
Therefore, “by choosing a person not suitable for the role, the company and the entire team is affected; these types of choices are not profitable or sustainable for a company,” concludes Mejía.