Joining the workforce is one of the challenges faced by thousands of Colombian professionals who complete their studies; And in order to take the step towards a first job, something crucial is the preparation and subsequent application of the resume, since it is the cover letter to a company and it depends on whether they will contact you in the future.

It is normal for there to be impatience when applying for a job offer, since most of the time experience is required to hold a position within a company. However, there are opportunities for those who do not have previous experience to fill a vacancy and here are some recommendations that you should take into account when preparing or modifying your resume to enter the labor market for the first time.
– The resume must have a maximum length of two pages.
– You must highlight your academic training.
– In the description of your professional profile you must comment on who you are, level of education, hard skills (software you know, communication skills, social network management) and soft skills (strengths or aptitudes such as innovation, leadership, teamwork, etc.) equipment, adaptability) with which you have accounts and short- and medium-term objectives. You can also mention your main interests, skills and why you are the best option for a company to hire you. The ideal is that the text does not exceed 5 lines.
– If you have a bachelor’s degree and have taken courses related to the vacancy for which you are applying, do not hesitate to highlight this information within the document.
– If you have any recognition for any previous work carried out (research, awards, volunteering, or participation in projects), do not hesitate to place it on your resume, as this will allow your leadership capacity to be seen.
– As you do not have work experience, skip this part and continue with the rest of the information.