The job search is something in which there is a constant investment of time. Regularly, offers are published on platforms and social networks, in which email addresses are specified to send a resume that fits the offer.

But how to write an email of these and what should we include? Today we give you five tips on the subject:
Write a short subject and get to the point:
Don’t spend more than 40 characters writing a subject. Announce that you apply for a vacancy, include the position and your name.
EJ: Application for vacancy: industrial engineer – Andrés Pereira.
Be respectful but not overly formal:
Say hello to the recruiter, person you’re targeting, or company, but don’t use an overly “confident” tone.
EJ: Best regards, Mrs. or Mr. Good afternoon or good morning.
The body of the mail:
Include at least two paragraphs where you tell how and where you found out about the vacancy, why you are interested and how your profile is suitable for it.
Example:I found this vacancy in ____ and I am interested in having my resume taken into account. I have two years of experience in project management and I have worked in two multinationals: _____, achieving _______ in each. I believe that my leadership skills, accounting and knowledge in computer tools would allow me to work excellently with you.
Attach your resume in a lightweight but interesting format:
Use digital tools or download Word templates to bring your summaries to life. Hereyou will find tips on how to make an effective and attractive resume. Announce to the recruiter that you added your resume to the email for consideration.
Example: I attach to the mail my data and my resume in PDF format, where you can find all my professional experience and detailed education.
Your signature and contact details:
This point is very important. Sometimes we don’t constantly check our inbox. Choose to have a signature containing your mobile number, a landline, an email or website where you can be contacted.
- Andrés Pereira, systems engineer with a master’s degree in project management.
- 30420188xx
- 485309xx
Website: andrespereiraingeniero. site
Finally, thank them for their attention and invite them to review your resume.