We know that the creativity of children is very broad, however, many of them as they grow up have been overshadowed or repressed and have not potentiated that creativity to develop the projects they have in mind. Here we want to give you some tips so that you can give your children tools so that they grow up with an entrepreneurial mentality and can have a conscious management of money.

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We spoke withMiguel Caballero, shark investor in Shark tank Colombia, who assures that the entrepreneur is born and made, as art and science mix when you want to go far.
“Entrepreneurs can arise from abundance or poverty, they can develop in good or evil but they will always be outstanding people for overcoming obstacles and being resilient,” explains Caballero.
Tips that we can apply in our children to promote entrepreneurship
- Teach them tosave.
“Education is received in schools, training is received at home, and saving is a principle of parents who should teach it to their children. Not giving them, everything is a way of teaching, giving them, everything is a way of wasting,” advises Caballero.
- Teach them tovaluewhat they have.
- Teach them to beresilient.
- Don’t clip the wings of theircreativity.
- Do not givetoys in excessfor the fashion that exists at the time.
- Teach them tofight for their ideals, to maintain the criteria of things and to always act in favor of humanity.
- Teach him tofind an opportunityin difficult times.
- Let themmake their decisionsat certain times.
Expert’s advice to young people who want to undertake in Colombia:
1. Professor Michael Porter says that 80% ofthe products that will be consumed in the next 10 years do not yet exist.
2. The time of the pandemic is teaching us an industrial reinvention where surely in a few years we will study at the university the crisis of 2020 and the generation of adigital reengineering and reindustrialization.
3. The capacity of the human being for invention is infinite. There will never be room to finish an enterprise because every day a new need will arise; The human being is designed to create new needs and the human being is increasingly less satisfied with what he has, so the possibility of creating new options and new ventures will always be a path.