A space on our portal to which many of our followers connect and leave concerns and job search requests.

Through the comments that arrive on Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIn, we can see that not only in Colombia, but also in other countries, is the benchmark platform for finding an opportunity and finding a job position. (Register your resume here)
Below we show you some of the outstanding vacancies and those that were most requested by the users who connected to our ‘Thursday of offers’, and that surely can be useful if you are looking for a job or if you know someone who is doing it.
Vacancies in Uniminuto (Bogotá and Remote):
– Information systems management professional
– Part-time trainer with a diploma in digital communication and social networks
– Commercial graphic designer
– Curriculum manager
– Professional market research
– Pedagogical innovation manager
– Virtualization manager
– Professional digital pattern (SEM)
– Administrative Assistant Medellin
– Lawyers
– plumber
– Web Developer
– Administrative head in Cali