The portal received, from the Progress EPE Center (Entrepreneurship, Professional Practices and Employment of UNIMINUTO), key information for the search for a new job during and after the pandemic.
To start, you must update or build your resume, a task that you can perform through mobile or computer applications (see our recommended here).

How to present a good resume
As for the presentation of this document, “try not to exceed two pages and must be titled your names and surnames. Adding a photo is optional and if you leave it, make sure it is sharp, with good lighting, shoulders up and formal wear, “advises Mauricio Betancourt, expert at Centro Progresa EPE.
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The presentation of the curriculum
It is vital that you structure your resume by sections. Start with your personal details such as full names, phone, email and your place of residence.
In your resume you can also include relevant external links, for example, your LinkedIn or digital portfolio.
“Omits to relate at the level of languages, the native (Spanish); if you handle a second language, only place it if you have an intermediate or higher level, also for the programs or software you handle,” recommends Betancourt.
Prepare your professional profile
Now, your professional profile must contain academic training, experience, knowledge and / or interests, as well as your skills. This must be written in the third person and its extension should be between three to five lines.
Organize your training and work experience in order, from the newest to the oldest.
TheUNIMINUTOexpert also warns of the importance of differentiating your formal education (graduate, undergraduate, technologist, technical) from other studies or complementary training (diplomas, courses, workshops, seminars). The latter can be placed in another vignette.
To describe eachwork experience, include the name of the company, position held, responsibilities, achievements and the period worked (month and year beginning – month and final year).
“Regarding the references, he closes the document by announcing that these and the certifications will be delivered upon request,” Betancourt said. If you want to include them, present -maximum three- work and personal with data such as names, position or profession and contact number.
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Route your job search
According to Betancourt, you must “have defined a professional objective, position and sector. Establish contact with key people in the companies of interest and identify what the needs of the target market are.”
The expert shared with the portal that the candidate must make “a process of self-knowledge that allows him to identify the value offer” and thus be able to adjust the resume to the required profile.
Also remember to register at, where you can assemble your resume and start navigating between the job offers that are presented throughout the country. If your profile is attractive to a company, you can be contacted.
You can sign up for free here
Other professionals have developed their professional brand in networks such as LinkedIn, where people share valuable content, activate their network of contacts or ‘networking’ and expose their work profile.