Currently looking for a job is a task that involves quite a big effort, not only to find the best option to find a job and have stability, but also to avoid false offers that are offered through social networks and to which many people who need help. an urgent job, they apply, unaware of the consequences. (REGISTER YOUR RESUME HERE)

It should be noted that the people behind the fraudulent offers seek to swindle the candidates, ask for money or obtain personal data to sell it to database companies and use it in the future for various procedures. Also, remember that in a selection process you should not be charged anything.
Here are some recommendations or tips that you can keep in mind so as not to fall into the trap of false job offers or job calls:
– If when registering on any platform or employment page they ask you for sensitive data such as your document number, bank accounts, and data that have nothing to do with your professional profile, this is a warning sign.
– If you are charged for participating in the selection process, this offer is not real.
– If you are required to pay for medical tests, desist from applying for the offer.
– If you search the internet and see that there is no company with the name you were given and there are no social networks either, it is a reason to leave the offer aside.
– If the email of the offer, to which you are asked to send documentation, has the domain “@Gmail”, “@Hotmail”, “@yahoo” or other free e-mail addresses, it is suspicious, since a company constituted, like that their personal, they have their own domain.
– If when looking for the address of the company, it does not correspond, it is an alarm to avoid applying your resume to the vacancy.
– If they seek to impersonate another company or platform and the link is not a secure connection (it does not have a lock), it is better that you do not give any of your data.
– If you receive a message via Whatsapp, Telegram or SMS from a cell phone number, do not answer, ignore it and block the number. It is important not to enter the links that may be in these messages.
– When you see a statement from employment agencies about calls to apply for vacancies, try to check the social networks of these entities and communicate with them to validate the information and make sure that the calls are real.