The end of the year presents the opportunity for thousands of workers to take a break from activities and spend time with their families. However, returning to work and meeting schedules and routines again can become a challenge, since the increase in tasks and the change in lifestyle is reflected in physical and psychological discomfort that can cause anxiety, depression, lack of interest, among others.

According to the Social Pulse Survey carried out by DANE between July 2020 and January 2021, it was shown that depression affected 19% of Colombian women, compared to 13.9% of men, due to different factors, among them the current situation generated by the pandemic. An important point is that in the world of work there has been a change to virtuality.
Lina Villegas, a professor at the Faculty of Psychology at Universidad El Bosque and a master’s in clinical psychology, gives some advice to better adapt to the work routine and avoid damage to physical and mental health.
– The most advisable thing is to return from vacation at least two days in advance, to put everything in order, adapt back to the routine and prepare yourself for the return.
– Upon returning, it is recommended to check pending and prepare a list of priority things to do. If everything is resumed at once, it can trigger stress.
– Something that may seem obvious, but that directly influences a person’s performance, is the separation of work and family times, respecting schedules.
– The practice of some sports activity allows the stress of returning to work after a period of rest to be released.
Undoubtedly, putting these recommendations into practice will allow the attitude of those who return from their vacations to work to be positive and influence work performance without stress.