The month of June began, and in our most recent ‘Thursday of offers’, many Colombians connected to the broadcast through the different social networks (Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIn) and through their comments they let us know from which places from Colombia tune in to us and what job vacancies they are looking for.

This space has managed to have a significant reach in Colombian households, where there are relatives or friends looking for job opportunities and with the offers highlighted or published live, they can quickly be linked to the job they are looking for.
Below we leave you some of the vacancies that the people who connected to the ‘Thursday of offers’ of June 2 requested the most. Do not hesitate to share this note with whoever needs it.
– Vacancies for industrial engineers in Colombia
– Business consultants in Medellin
– Lawyers throughout Colombia
– Vacancies for psychologists
– Vacancies for business administrators
– Vacancies for bacteriologists
– Vacancies for industrial mechanics