If you are thinking of changing jobs or employing yourself again, it is ideal that you are clear about your direction and the possibilities you have to achieve your goals.

The consulted with recruitment experts about the keys to looking for and finding work this year.
1. Know your professional profile
The first step is that you know what is the profile you have as a worker, what have been your most significant work experiences and in what field you could develop.
“The more the candidate is recognized, the greater the likelihood of finding a job that provides greater satisfaction. Therefore, it is important to take some time to reflect on both personal and professional strengths and weaknesses, as well as the type of job that gives you more happiness, “recommends Carolina Saggiomo, manager of Adecco Training.
2. Explore the most precise sectors for you
It analyzes the labor market, the skills and knowledge that are being demanded and what recruiters are looking for most.
For selection teams it is also important to identify candidates who have digital skills, a second language and who can describe in a brief profile their experience, qualities and approach.
To complement, Saggiomo advises “researching the sector in which you want to work, which are the jobs that are most demanded by industry and function.
This is a key practice that not only helps to focus efforts on search, but also allows devising a strategy to make the most attractive professional profile, that is, to direct efforts in the development of skills and knowledge for certain sectors”.
3. Use your social networks and networking
It’s time to encourage your management of social networks and job search portals. Inelempleo.comyou can explore and apply to thousands of jobs offers very easily.
Just enter your data to the platform, activate job alerts and learn to filter the vacancies published by the best companies in the country by: position, salary, city and work area.
Having a good command of the Internet, you can also reactivate your network of contacts. Talk to your former bosses, colleagues, friends and family about your intention to employ you.
Experts say that this way is one of the most effective to be called for an interview, because the resume is disseminated, you will be referenced and your work will be made known.
When you are able to recognize your skills and knowledge you can better focus your job search, so “it is important to define what is most significant when it comes to getting a job, such as salary, professional growth, the organizational culture of the company or even the location of the company,” says Carolina Saggiomo, manager of Adecco Training.
According to Carolina Londoño, deputy marketing manager of Parque Arauco Colombia, “the first opportunities are generated when you share with your contacts that you are looking for a job, as well as how to connect with the communities related to your profile, such as professional and alumni associations, guilds and specialized media.”
4. Update your resume
Discard the templates you’ve always used in Word and risk using a much flashier resume format.
In the “Professional tips” section of you can find different articles that will help you improve your resume and professional profile.
Websites and applications to make resumes
“For the personalization of the curriculum, we have a multitude of tools on the internet that can help us present different resumes. It is true that not all of us have marketing or design profiles, but we must learn to know how to sell our knowledge and experience in a way that impacts the person who is responsible for the selection, “advises Alberto Moreno Álvarez, expert at Cerem International Business School.
5. Train yourself constantly
Finally, do not forget that for companies it is attractive that their employees or potential candidates are in constant search of learning to contribute to their work teams. If you’re training, you can let the recruiter know or include it on your resume.