In office jobs, employees are usually in front of the computer6 or 7 hours a day, approximately, and in these cases it is very common to lose concentration, wander on pages, perform personal procedures on the web and enter social networks.

Daniel Parra, manager of Permanent Placement of Adecco, explained that “the average time of concentration of an adult exercising an activity is 45 minutes, the worrying thing is that during that period of time an adultcan check their social networks between 3 and 5 times, which directly impacts their level of productivity. “
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Experts in general recommendtaking short active breaks, stretching, walking, having a coffee, in order to relax the body and brain and thus improve productivity. But do not hinder the work navigating without a work purpose.
Social media remains the biggest distractor
“Unfortunately, workers do not use them as a tool that contributes to their work, but on the contrary, they can lose important hours a day in networks that contribute very little to their work performance. Recent studies indicate that a worker can lose between 1 and 3 hours in his job checking his social networks, “said Parra.
Jairo Pinilla, executive director of Performia, said that “where positions are measured and paid for results (mostly managerial positions), restrictions usually do not have to be strong. Where the position requires supervision (administrative and operational positions), usually in these spaces they must be limited or totally prohibited. Another way to do this is to stipulate schedules (lunch break, for example), where these spaces are allowed,” he said.
According to Pinilla, “there is nothing wrong with doing a banking process online, if that does not take more than half an hour, since not doing so, or having to go to the bank in person could consume more attention and time. However, if necessary, he should communicate it to the immediate superior,” he said.
In addition, “in most cases the company pays a fixed salary for a working time and rarely measures the personal results of each employee, that is, it is paying the employee for his available time in the company. This time is embezzled to the extent that employees have free access to the internet, since most do not have the ability to self-regulate,” Pinilla concluded.