Companies are required to ask employees to take exit exams. These should not come out of the pockets of the workers, but companies should assume them. Also, organizations must inform about the place to carry them out. Medical discharge exams? How so? Even if it sounds a bit strange, at the time of retiring from the company, either because you resign or because you are fired, the company is in the duty to suggest that you take these exams before leaving your job.

The reason is very simple: you should leave a company with the same physical and mental conditions with which you entered. And precisely to determine that is that medical examinations are done.
Ketty Morales, Human Management Manager at Assa Abloy Colombia (Yale), states that “exit exams are done whenever the person leaves the company, and the type of exam that is done depends on the position and the dangers to which the person was exposed, for example, if he worked exposed to noise, he would have to do audiometry, or if she was exposed to chemicals, she gets blood tests.”
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Morales adds that it all depends on what the person was exposed to while working at the company. However, a physical and mental general medical check-up is always done. The company gives the letter to the employee and tells him where the test should be done, and the worker decides whether or not to do it.
If the person decides not to do them, the company is released from liability if, if necessary, the worker suffers future illnesses. “The medical examination of discharge is done according to or by virtue of checking that the person is in good health, just as when he entered and the medical entrance exams were done. That it is in optimal conditions, “clarifies Morales.
The doctor must maintain his professional secrecy And companies should not have access to the worker’s medical records. This should only inform the company if the employee has any adverse health condition caused by his work, or say if he is in normal condition when leaving the company.
For her part, Jimena Sánchez, a specialist in Human Resources at the Universidad del Rosario, says that the medical examinations of graduation are done to identify the occupational risks that the different positions of a company may have. If you as an employer identify that workers have entered optimal health and retire sick, that is a sign that these charges must be analyzed to prevent this from happening again.
“These exams are very important because the employee will know the physical and mental conditions with which he is leaving the company. This way you can avoid a subsequent illness that can harm the performance of your different activities of your work and daily life, “says Sánchez.
Be clear about the subject
Alexander Ruiz, Human Resources consultant at Oil & Gas Industry, affirms that the exit exams are medical tests to rule out or evidence occupational diseases, caused by the work performed. It must be verified that the employee leaves the company in the same conditions as entered. All companies must do so or at least evidence the request to the employee. “The worker has a prudential time (3 days), to do them, if not, he frees the company from responsibility.