For people who have already gotten a job and have developed in various aspects in it, the objectives begin to change and some begin to be drawn personally.

This is the case of several workers who seek a salary increase at a certain time, speed in several objectives achieved previously and who see the possibility of achieving it.
However, to look for it, we must first make a self-assessment. Beatriz Aristizábal, expert in salary matters and director of the consulting unit of Talent Advisor, gives us several tips to review if it is good to launch to ask for the increase.
Beatriz, before seeing the options, invites the person to make a deep self-evaluation in several aspects, to have a solid foundation before making a decision.
“You have to be sensible and determine if you have the capabilities and skills that the position you are in is required, 100%. If you do not comply with them and have failures with some, it is better that you strengthen and develop them before asking for a salary increase, “said Aristizábal.
However, that self-assessment must also be accompanied by an assessment of what we have done in the company and how we have addressed the challenges.
“You have to evaluate your level of performance. If you are not meeting the objectives set, it is very difficult for them to make you an increase. You must generate value for the company and not stay in the basic capabilities, that the company sees that you give goes beyond what is expected, “added Beatriz.
But one’s own research should not be the only one. You should also look at the big picture around your position and how companies pay for the same work you do.
According to Beatriz Aristizábal, “you must investigate the labor market. If you want a raise, you need to review what other people in positions similar to yours earn.”
If your salary is above the market, there is little chance of a raise, while if it is below, there may be options.