Tips & Tricks

Do you have an idea and want to undertake? These are some tips

Currently undertaking is one of the goals that thousands of Colombians seek to fulfill. However, for various reasons, executing a profitable business idea can be complex and this leads to projects being postponed or simply forgotten.

Do you have an idea and want to undertake These are some tips

According to the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) study, Colombia ranks seventh worldwide and third in Latin America, where more people seek ways to have stability with entrepreneurship.

But it should be noted that those who wish to execute an entrepreneurial project must have as a premise that this implies time, dedication, perseverance and resources, as well as clarity of the sector and business that they wish to carry out. For this reason, here are some tips that you should keep in mind so that your business project becomes a reality:

– Propose the idea:

You must be clear about how your idea of ​​entrepreneurship is going to impact the lives of others and if it will be the solution to any need.

– Register and protect the enterprise:

You must register your brand with the Chamber of Commerce of your city and the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (SIC). This will allow the idea to be formalized.

– Make a business plan:

Keep in mind that a market study is important to know the panorama and if there are competitors or similar businesses.

– Form a team:

Build your work team with people who give your ideas or develop processes. Delegate functions, this is important.

–  Train yourself:

Take virtual courses on financial or digital marketing topics so that you are always up to date and new alternatives to boost your business. 

– Clarity in finances

Use technological tools such as a good cash flow format and accounting software to make strategic decisions.

The objectives proposed from the beginning must be fulfilled and seek to consolidate the ideas so that the enterprise generates economic stability.

Tips & Tricks

Did you lose your electoral certificate? So, you can get a copy

The electoral certificate is a document that is given to voters for exercising their right to vote, this paper is only acquired at the polling stations when national or regional elections are held.

Did you lose your electoral certificate So you can get a copy

On May 29, more than 21 million Colombians went to the polls and received their electoral certificate, with this document they will be able to access a series of benefits for voting.

Those people who have lost their certificate and want to access the benefits dictated by law, must take into account that the physical document must be presented.

If you lost your electoral certificate this is what you should do:

According to the National Registry, those who lose said certificate must communicate, through a letter, with the regional delegation of the electoral entity that corresponds to them.

The letter must specify the position and the polling station, which can be consulted on the official website of the Registrar’s Office, so that the entity can compare the data and issue a copy of the certificate.

Tips & Tricks

Designers should be the most creative with the resume

It is already known that the resume is a document that serves as support when a professional seeks employment, as it brings together their work experience and data of interest. For designers, the format, design, and presentation of the curriculum itself can be proof of their skills, creativity, and style.

Designers should be the most creative with the resume

Are you a designer looking for a new job? Click here and start applying

“The resume should be the reflection of who he is as a designer and will always want to show his strength in it. If you think you have a good color handling it will be colorful, you may prefer it to be minimalist or presented in the form of ‘origami’. In design, creativity has no borders and always has the power to surprise”, warns Patricia Rincón, graphic designer and manager of Almax Gráfica.

Designers can present their resumes in letters, interactive websites, folding, among others.

The designer’s curriculum “must be creative and not traditional, here you have to collect all the work done, not only of your approach, but also your parallel experience. If a graphic designer wants to show himself as a designer and illustrator, he exposes what he can in illustrations, but it is not enough to add editorial works, business portfolio design or web pages, “says Liliana Patricia Aguilar, graphic designer at the Jorge Tadeo Lozano University.

Each designer will give priority and direction to their specialty, whether inillustration, animation, editorial, advertising or digital design.

These variations must be respected when applying for a vacancy, as each one requires skills in digital tools.

Specify ‘skills’ and software learned andmore than necessary

The basics are to knowabout Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator, “because they are useful to work for a whole career as a designer. The first allows the user to see their work in a critical and strategic way; the second is fundamental in terms of color, layout and infographics, “says Daniel Sierra, Design Director at MileniumGroup Latin America.

The work that highlights your style and professional experience

The portfolio is perhaps the aspect that most attracts the attention of designer recruiters. It can be physical or digital, but it must contain the pieces that the designer considers most important and that are proof of his work experience.

“Publishing the works in a social network can be a good tool but they are still publications. Doing this is limiting, since the quality and breadth of the pieces worked is not shown in their entirety, “says Sierra.

Instead, you can useBehanceor the designer website to spread the word about the portfolio.

Finally, Manolo Perdomo, advisor in communications, design and marketing, points out that it is essential to indicate the digital pieces “that were worked in a collaborative way, since many times the concept is of one person and the design is captured by another, which can lead to future surprises; You don’t have to think that every designer is an illustrator, that’s a frequent mistake in the selection process.”

Tips & Tricks

Courses El Tiempo: learn to retain your digital customers

The digital era brings with it great changes, the way we work, study and think are no longer the same as before, people must stay ahead of all these transformations and adapt so as not to be left behind along the way.

Courses El Tiempo learn to retain your digital customers

The way of doing business and relating to clients is no exception; For this reason, Cursos El Tiempo, thinking about the needs of people, professionals, entrepreneurs, customer service managers and digital entrepreneurs, presents the Customer Service in the Digital Age course. A course for those who want to expand their knowledge and adapt to new trends.

If you want to learn how to build strategies to attract new customers, know and put into practice journey maps, know what multichannel and omnichannel is, yes or yes you should connect to the classes with the instructor Fernando Pombo who is a professional in business administration and marketing issues.

Now, this course was designed to be taught live, you will be able to interact with the tutor and with other people, in eight virtual sessions. If you want more information about this great opportunity.

Tips & Tricks

Coronavirus and bad habits at work

Do you remember having a partner with bad habits when he is sick? With the covid-19 present in Colombia you must be very strict in the care of your health.

Coronavirus and bad habits at work

Looking for a job?  

we are waiting for the indications of the Colombian government entities. Therefore, related to the arrival of the coronavirus in Colombia, we present this information of interest:

Essential tools for teleworking

How to protect yourself from Coronavirus at work?

Because of the coronavirus, you can ask for teleworking. How to manage it?

Tips & Tricks

Competences that do not require studies

Learn here about the ‘soft skills’ that companies look for in an employee. In addition, Daniel Eilenberg, Associate Director of Human Resources for the Pacific region of P&G, gave us a ‘top.

Competences that do not require studies

Does your resume only highlight your professional and academic experience? It is also valid to highlight your ‘soft skills’. Your performance in a company is not clearly the result of a vast or specific knowledge or a task executed. Companies are valuing other types of skills in their teams, which probably won’t teach you in a classroom.

Competencies such as responsibility, punctuality, perseverance and positive attitude are valued by companies and direct managers. Even so, people often omit them from their daily behavior at work and many omit them from their resumes.

Presenting a resume that highlights professional achievements is paramount, but don’t forget to know yourself and highlight your qualities. For Sonia Jaramillo, senior manager at Hays Colombia, learning these skills is basically a “process of self-discovery”, constant and necessary, which must arise from the situations that a lives in his work environment.

Each company, boss and team with whom you will share during your working life will bring you new challenges, conflicts and solutions. Learning from them is key. “In a job that has variable conditions, the ability to adapt to change will probably develop. Or if you are part of a multidisciplinary team, effective communication skills and teamwork will be strengthened, “says the expert of Hays Colombia.

Communicating clearly and concisely is one of the great skills that will allow you to develop well in your work environment. “One methodology that works is to ask for feedback focused on behaviors, which are accompanied by good results; when they are rewarded, it is important to highlight that the way to achieve them was by the behaviors and that they were not granted randomly, “says Daniel Eilenberg, associate director of Human Resources for the Pacific region of P&G.

“They preach but they don’t apply”

Superiors or leaders are those who must set an “example through actions.” Both bosses and employees must have these skills. Eilenberg points out that you must have a constant willingness to learn, assume responsibilities and be a protagonist in decision-making, as well as be recursive in any situation, advising that “if you cannot perform an activity, always propose alternatives, if you cannot do what they asked you and have obstacles, when you give the news, you should bring alternatives. “

Try to balance the knowledge you have about your work experience and those skills that help you effectively meet the expectations that your boss and company have of you.

In the company portal there is a definition of important competences. Some of them are:

Administrative powers

Acceptance of authority; continuous learning; numerical aptitude; attention and concentration; self-confidence; self-leadership; collaboration; companionship; knowledge of the business; conviction; effective communication; analytical skills; trading skills; research; planning and organization; administrative productivity; relationships with others; business relations; resolution of conflicts with the client; work under pressure; Teamwork.

Managerial competencies

Teamwork focused on objectives; information networks; supervision; analytical thinking; planning and monitoring of human resources; negotiation; knowledge of customers and their business; management initiative; understanding of the client’s business; empowerment; entrepreneurship; project management; diversity; development of highly competitive teams; integral development of the collaborator; competitiveness.

Organizational competencies

Coherence; autonomy; self-control; organizational commitment; dedication to the task; dynamism and energy; empathy; ethics; innovation; integrity; initiative; justice; orientation towards organizational achievement; customer orientation; productivity; prudence; resilience; responsibility; simplicity; customer service; I work with clarity and excellence.

Tips & Tricks

Companies in Ireland are looking for staff for their work teams

Ireland is one of the European countries that today is betting on talent around the world. On this occasion we present vacancies for people who speak Spanishin different areas. An opportunity for Colombians who wish to apply for their resume.

Companies in Ireland are looking for staff for their work teams

Here are the vacancies that are available:

Research Specialist:

This vacancy is to work with Amazon Ireland Sup Svcs Ltd and some of the requirements that the candidate must meet are:

Spanish and English skills to draft written responses and improve communication between internal and external clients.

Good command of Microsoft Office, including Outlook, Word and Excel.

Ability to learn and share knowledge in a global team environment.

Time management and multiple tasks at the same time.

Customer service:

Viagogo, a company dedicated to the sale of tickets for music, sports and shows around the world, is looking for staff located in County Limerick, with customer service skills and verbal fluency in Spanish.

The functions of the position will be:

– Maintain high level of service by phone and email.

– Fast, accurate and customer friendly service skills

– Represent and sell the platform and tools

– Relationship with clients and other teams.

Specialist in advertising services:

If you are a professional, a specialist in advertisements and you speak Spanish, you can work with Tik Tok, at its headquarters in Dublin.

The functions you would have to perform are:

– Mediate between internal and external clients and the team on issues related to frequent queries.

– Perform analysis on data and trends to increase profits and the success of the platform.

– Collect comments and suggestions to provide solutions through its platform.

There is also an opportunity to work with Tik Tok, but as a Search Operations Specialist, the person who will be in charge of analyzing the operation of the content and optimizing the strategies from the trend side. To optimize the processes of the position, work will be done jointly with R&D/PM/operations.

Customer Service Representative:

This vacancy is to work with Hertz, a worldwide airport car rental company, which is seeking a Customer Service Representative fluent in Spanish.

The requirements to apply for the position are as follows:

– Experience in sales, customer service or contact center.

– Fluency in Spanish and good level of English.

– Skills to solve problems effectively

– Ability to work in a team.

– Certificate of studies or an equivalent level of education is requested.

If you want to know more about the vacancies and apply your resume, you can enter the official pages of each of the companies.

Tips & Tricks

Colsubsidio Employment Agency, at the forefront of the labor market

The Colsubsidio Employment Agency is transformed to respond in a pertinent way to the needs of the productive sector in the processes of profiling, recruitment and selection of human talent, offering affiliated companies a portfolio of services that range from the management of vacancies to the creation of high-level training programs in Information and Communication Technologies, in order to respond to one of the greatest needs of companies in terms of job skills.

Colsubsidio Employment Agency, at the forefront of the labor market

Likewise, the operation of a Mobile Employment Agency is launched, which will allow Colsubsidio to take all the towns of Bogotá and the municipalities of Cundinamarca to carry out recruitment and pre-selection processes of candidates tailored to the needs of the companies. in all corners of the city and the department. In this way, the Employment Agency continues to strengthen its mechanisms and tools to close social gaps, bringing job opportunities closer to all territories and populations.

Regarding the services for job seekers, the Agency has also strengthened its portfolio, implementing a Comprehensive Employment Route that will lead them to connect with job and training opportunities according to their profile, skills and professional projection.

Ximena Rodríguez, head of the Productivity and Business Development Department stated that “Columbidae understands Colombia’s need to strengthen its labor market not only to reduce unemployment but also to contribute to the national economy with trained human talent. That is why we believe in the Employment Agency as a comprehensive solution for a productive and stable future.”

The new comprehensive route offers specialized and free accompaniment with personalized attention and at any of the Employment Agency offices, located in Suba, DeSaille, Chapinero, Kennedy, Soacha and Funza in person and virtually.

“Understanding that employability processes must respond to the individuality and skills of each candidate, at Colsubsidio we have evolved our service to assertively respond to the needs and expectations of job seekers, which will also have a positive impact on delivering to companies the ideal talent to fulfill their goals”, added Ximena Rodríguez.

real benefits

Another of the added values ​​of the transformation of the Colsubsidio Employment Agency will be that, from the hand of the counselors, users will be able to receive advice for the construction of the resume in a strategic way, highlighting the potential of the person to be attractive to the recruitment and selection processes of employers, in addition to preparing them for interviews according to their profile and strengthening their skills and competencies through free workshops and training.

In this way we strengthen the employment profile of people and connect them to the more than 20,000 jobs that are offered on average per month in the Agency. This year the goal is to offer 247,000 job opportunities.

Likewise, in October the Employment Route for people with disabilities will come into operation, through which the Agency will continue to transform realities and generate job opportunities for thousands of people who hope to connect with the world of work.

Colsubsidio continues to work to close social gaps by strengthening the productivity of people and companies, and the Employment Agency will continue to promote innovative solutions to strengthen the country’s productive sector.

Tips & Tricks

Christmas season, opportunity to improve labor relations

Many employees tend to spend more time in their workplaces than with their families. Therefore, companies can take advantage of the end of the year season to generate closeness and gratitude with their work teams.

Christmas season, opportunity to improve labor relations

To prevent being in the office during this holiday season from being a sacrifice and that employees are demotivated or decrease their productivity, “teamwork activities can be scheduled so that work areas relate to each other, which generates camaraderie and collaborative bonds. You can also implement days where the children of the workers can come to their parents’ workplace and share as a family, “says Nora González Escobar, Human Management Manager of Assist Card.

Each company can choose different events or days to share among collaborators, such asNovenas, New Year’s Eve parties, lunches between work teams or rafflesbetween areas.

In addition, the end of the year means an opportunity to analyze the work and development of employees. To this end, you can make a balance that “generates synergy, making together a review of what worked well and what should be improved for the new year, as well as proposing a list of objectives or personal and work goals for each employee,” recommends Yesenia Martínez, HR Head of TCS Colombia.

In December, many employees hope to strengthen their relationships, share and get closer with their co-workers, as well as their bosses.

However, it is a challenge to make feedback when the results were not so positive. To maintain a good atmosphere, it is not advisable to provide feedback – when the objectives have not been met – during the most special dates. At this time, a ‘spirit’ of commitment and improvement must be strengthened for next year.

Sometimes, there are employees who still do not have days available to vacation and others, who due to their position and level of responsibility, cannot leave the job at this time. In these cases, you can “make schedule adjustments such as compressed workdays that allow people to leave earlier or agree on days off during Christmas or the new year. In case the operation requires availability, employees can be organized by groups and schedules so that they are present on one of the two dates, “advises Martínez.

Companies must not omit the effort and work of them on the contrary, they must be recognized. To comply with this, “companies should award prizes in different categories that allow covering all areas and people, for example, to make recognitions for seniority, new talents, proactivity, service, teamwork, innovative projects or initiative,” concludes González.

Tips & Tricks

Christmas came early, with more than 400 job opportunities

Christmas has arrived at and that is why this December 9, 2021 we have a new #OffersThursday at We want you to find the job you are looking for!

Christmas came early, with more than 400 job opportunities

We present 14 vacancies in this note, so you can see various job opportunities throughout the country, also today, but at 5:00 PM, we will be telling you more about each of these offers in a live broadcast on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Linkedin.

But WOW! We will also search LIVE for offers in companies, cities and professions that you ask us for in the comments. Do not miss it!

Are you interested in any? you just have to be registered in our portal. If you are not already, it is very easy to join.

Click on the offer of your interest to see the characteristics of the offer you want, find out if you are suitable to keep the position and apply, incidentally.

If your resume at is up to date and you apply for offers that match your profile, knowledge and professional experience, you have more chances of being called. With that said, here are the deals:

ATTENTION! In this opportunity 400 vacancies await you!

  1. Security guard in Bogota

restaurant opportunities

  1. Waiter in Bogota
  2. Kitchen assistant in Bogota

sales opportunities

  1. Seller in Chia
  2. Vendors in Bogota
  3. Self-sales commercial advisor in Bogotá
  4. EPS commercial advisor in Villavicencio
  5. Business advisor in Medellin
  6. Business advisor in Bogota
  7. Commercial representative in Bogota
  1. Loss control assistant in Bogotá
  2. Pattern maker in Itagui
  3. Head of validations in Medellín
  4. Production Supervisor in Medellin

Are you the right person to fill one of these positions? Apply. But, if you are not, and you know someone who could be, share this note. Help a friend before the year ends.

See you today, Thursday, December 9, at 5 pm, on our social media accounts. It’s a date! We will take into account your requests and questions! Don’t stay out, because this year we ended up working on it!