With the economic reactivation, job opportunities at the national level continue to arise and different sectors of the economy have opened calls for thousands of Colombians to apply for their resumes and contribute to lowering the unemployment rate.
On this occasion, from we want to inform you of an offer that the D1 chain stores have on the island of San Andrés, a vacancy for which you can apply through our platform.
The required position is Sales Assistant and it is not necessary to have work experience, which allows young people who have not been formally linked to a company to have their first job. Some of the functions are: Cash Management, assortment, loading and unloading of merchandise, rotation of products and prices, assembly and disassembly of shelves, among others.
If you as a worker committed to your employer to comply with certain overtime, it is best to comply and avoid problems. However, there are cases in which you may refuse to work more than agreed in the contract. Overtime is common among workers of different companies in Colombia, some reach that agreement from the signing of the contract and others negotiate them – if it is the case – with their employers. However, what we will answer is whether you can refuse to do extra hours at work.
Leonardo Mejía, an expert in labor matters of the firm Mejía López Studio de Abogados, tells that “the worker when he celebrates or signs an employment contract with the employer is subject and available to him during the ordinary day that is the one agreed by the parties or, failing that, the maximum legal day that is 48 hours a week distributed from Monday to Friday or from Monday to Saturdays.”
Thus, says Mejía, any work that the employee performs outside the ordinary or maximum legal working day is considered as extraordinary work, and this is valid only if the employer authorizes it and, in addition, if the worker is willing or not.
“Because availability is only within the ordinary working day or within the maximum legal working day. This means that in principle if the worker cannot provide his services in an overtime, that is, in overtime, he is not obliged and the employer can not demand that he do so and, much less, he can be reprimanded or sanctioned for not doing so, “explains the expert.
Mejía adds that hecan only be sanctioned or reprimanded if the employer authorizes overtime and the worker agrees to provide the service during that time, because it means that the employer already has that employee and, if he fails to comply or leaves earlier, he is causing damage because the provision of the service is affected. Faced with this situation, there is room for a sanction, a call for discharges and to take the necessary measures.
It should be clarified that the employer must always keep a record of overtime and must set shifts so that there is no confusion. Extra work is paid in cash and is in addition to the ordinary salary.
For her part, Verónica Rodríguez Calderón, a psychologist with experience in recruitment areas at Los Libertadores University, explains that, in general, a worker can refuse to work overtime. It suggests that it should be agreed. In addition, it ensures that overtime is not replaced by compensatory, must be canceled and is a benefit base.
In the same way, Mary Stella Cárdenas Herrera, consultant in Human Management, agrees with the previous testimonies and assures that “yes, a person can refuse to do overtime, it is his right to do so and he must be protected. They are called extras precisely because they are outside their statutory working times and cannot be forced to work more than is regulated.”
Cardenas scores: ‘regardless of the type of contract, the worker can refuse to work overtime. If he refuses, the boss would have to find another employee willing to cover those hours. If the person is fired, threatened or intimidated for refusing to work overtime, the first thing to do is to complain – in a good way – to his employer or the Human Resources area and, if he does not find a solution, he can go to the Ministry of Labor or the labor office closest to his city.
Holidays are a paid rest equivalent to 15 working days that are enjoyed after a full year of services at the worker’s orders. Taking a few days off is necessary and, in addition, a right that every worker who has a fixed-term or indefinite contract has. But there are some doubts that must be resolved, for example, if the employee is obliged to go on vacation.
Leonardo Mejía, an expert in labor matters of the firm Mejía López Estudio de Abogados, under article 187 of the Substantive Labor Code (CST), affirms that “the vacation season must be indicated by the employer no later than within the following year, and they must be conceived informally or at the request of the worker without harming the service and the effectiveness of the rest.”
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Similarly, Mejía states that theemployer must announce 15 days in advance the date on which he will grant the vacation to the employee.
“Thus, the worker cannot refuse if the employer grants them ex officio, as long as he notifies him at least 15 days in advance of the date on which he will go out to enjoy them. Otherwise, there is the possibility that the worker says: ‘no, sir, because you did not meet the minimum deadline established,'” says Mejía.
In addition, a number of professionals and experts who are acting as employers respond to elempleo.com their perceptions and ways of operating. María del Pilar Álvarez, Senior Consultant in Human Management, asserts thata worker can be forced to take vacations if he is about to turn one year, but the ideal is that the employee can organize and request them on the dates that best suit him.
“Some companies force their employees to leave to lower the liabilities of vacation days and for people to rest,” adds Álvarez.
For her part, Laura Carolina Laverde, master in project management, comments that thevacations could be paid to the employee if he does not want to enjoy them, but this depends on the policies of the company and not on a legal obligation. In our case,” he says, “it would only apply if you have three completed terms.”
Finally, Yeimmy Hernández, advisor in Human Resources, informs that they can force to take the vacations that are expired, by law it must be done. And he adds that when a person does not take vacations it can put at risk the proper functioning of the company. A human error due to exhaustion.
If you could know the boss’s resume beforehand and have better references, many employees could avoid headaches. Bosses can be a great job uncertainty, especially when you are new to a new company. Although these people will be responsible for guiding the path and professional development of employees, some can stagnate, reduce and block them professionally and personally.
Then, being accountable to a difficult boss becomes a daily ordeal to which the employee may be subjected, affecting the work environment and directly the performance of the team.
According to Antonieta Tavares, Human Resources coordinator at Hays Colombia, the aspects that can the most are:
Inappropriate physical contact
A boss can adopt egocentric, ‘tyrannical’ and distant tendencies easily, since “a vicious circle is generated, where the lack of connection and empathy crumble the morale of the team, increasing absenteeism, breaches and physical and mental illnesses in those affected,” says Patricia Vargas Rojano, manager of Right Management.
To avoid these scenarios, bosses must know their teams, avoid bad temper and be effective and transparentwith the decisions they make.
In addition, Tavares affirms that “companies that wish to increase their retention levels must include topics such as flexibility in contracts and promotion internally, since internal mobility allows employees to know different teams and roles in the organization, giving more variety to their day to day”.
Similarly, companies and Human Resources areas must create “seedbeds” and effective communication channels “to make proactive feedback to leaders, showing in a very respectful way that these harmful behaviors,” suggests Vargas.
If there are no employee support lines, it is a matter of time before the company and teams begin to lose talent. According to Vargas, as a consequence “the organization assumes the time and cost of selecting, training and taking a new employee to a learning curve, who may begin to become demotivated once he enters the organization and must interact with that leadership style.”
If the turnover becomes constant because of a boss, the latter could become the next to be evaluated. The retention of talent and a good work environment depends on bosses who are leaders, close and inclusive, who care about enhancing the skills and strengths of their teams, as well as identifying weaknesses.
Terranum reveals what are the five most important keys to being a good provider.
Small, medium and large companies struggle every day to maintain their supplier services. However, after achieving this, most lose their customers due to factors that take them out of the market and, above all, due to lack of rigor.
Andrea Dorado, purchasing manager of Terranum, defines that “a good supplier is a fundamental element to meet the objectives of the business and although you have to have rigor to choose them and a permanent control to maintain them, it is also important to consider them as strategic allies”.
Dorado assures that these are the five keys to being a successful supplier in any business field:
A supplier manages to be integral when it applies good practices in the sector in its management and when it innovates. Also, when their offers are based on the reality of the market.
A vendor has dynamism in creating alternatives to solve problems. Similarly, when it acts quickly in the face of contingencies when providing the contracted product or service. Likewise, he accepts and responds to complaints and suggestions regarding his work.
A supplier is sustainable when it uses and markets environmentally related products. Similarly, when it becomes an ally for the development of social responsibility programs of companies.
The supplier is rigorous when it complies with the contracted terms in terms of legal parameters required by it. Also, when aligned with your client’s code of ethics. It is one who cares about the quality of their processes and procedures. Efficiency and effectiveness characterize it.
Innovator is the supplier that generates new ideas in order to constantly improve, synthesize and optimize all the processes of the operation and development of the projects.
If you receive a gift from a supplier, client or people with whom you usually work, it is best to make it clear that this detail does not change the conditions with which they have been working. Don’t compromise on a detail. It is common for a boss, supervisor or coordinator to receive several details at Christmas. However, you must be sure who is giving the gift, what intentions the person who gives it has and, above all, what kind of gift it is and what value it has.
The above questions must be taken into account when receiving a gift, because although many may have positive and disinterested intentions, offerings are also seen with tinges of bribery and influence.
Giovanna Cardinali, Organizational Development advisor, says that “if they are simple, low-cost gifts like chocolate, in my opinion, there would be no problem in receiving them as long as one does not feel discomfort or commitment.”
The gifts that the receives must not compromise the work or the rules of the company. Therefore, it is important that the person knows the code of ethics of the company for which he works and comply with the mandates that exist when a worker receives gifts.
Cardinali adds that if the present is of a very high economic value, it should not be accepted. It must be discussed with the direct leadership. It is good to count so that it does not lend itself to misunderstandings.
One way not to accept the gift is to say that by organizational policies it is not feasible that you can receive attention, but that you appreciate the gesture very much.
Before receiving the gift, you must set the limits immediately, so that later you are not misunderstood. “Always speak clearly and not leave things in between, because then that can play against it,” advises Cardinali, adding that it is not good to accept gifts between negotiations, because it can be seen as corruption or bribery.
María Camila González, general manager of Seguridad Selecta, complements by saying that in case the gift comes from a supplier it is necessary to verify what the guideline is within the internal work regulations of the company. “As a rule, suppliers send details, not ostentatious or very expensive gifts, or that violate the morale of the employee.”
“You should not receive those gifts that are related to drug trafficking, cash or transfers to the bank account,” says González.
You can literally receive details that do not compromise you on a professional or personal level. Agendas, pens, chocolates and fruits, for example, can be accepted. Bonuses for meals, clothing, or tickets for events and trips may also be received, although you should consult in advance with the immediate boss to determine that they do not affect the free development of the work, nor that they condition the employee. It is also possible for details to be raffled off among employees or given to prominent or needy people. Finally, if gifts of very high economic amounts arrive, it is essential that the Human Resources area or higher areas mediate. Otherwise, for a gift, you can end up in internal and even legal problems.
Codes of ethics
A company usually has in its code of ethics clear guidelines on the receipt of gifts. “The acceptance by an employee of business gifts offered by third parties is prohibited, unless they are gifts of ‘merchandising’ that suppliers or customers make occasionally,” says a real example. In addition, these codes of ethics usually determine the areas in charge and processes to comply with the internal rules of the company. Together, the destination of the gifts is defined, which can be their return or a raffle among all collaborators.
Don’t know how to get started with your resume? We invite you to read this note until the end and apply all the recommendations that we share, so you will be able to attract the attention of the recruiter with your curriculum.
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“In order for them to have results in their job search, they must first think about the resume. Your HV must meet three conditions, that it is clear, short and concrete, “explained to the users of elempleo.com Katherine Bohórquez, principal consultant of e-hunters, who is the ‘headhunter’ and Casa Editorial El Tempo.
The ‘headhunter’ is responsible for finding highly specialized professional profiles. Generally, these profiles are for medium and high management.
Brevity and solidity is essential
This first tip is vital, since, on average, the recruiter looks at your resume for five or seven seconds as a first glance; At that time, he will decide whether to continue viewing the document or it is discarded. Always think of captivating the person in that short time.
Second, your profile or brief introduction. Very connected to the previous recommendation, we must include a job profile (initial paragraph) that “should not exceed five lines, where we tell who we are, our academic training and skills, work experience and what we know how to do,” explained Bohórquez.
Your work experience is what they look at the most
In that short reading time, recruiters can look directly at your work history, so it is essential to organize it from the most recent or current, to the oldest.
Briefly, include information such as company name, position held, dates of entry or exit, functions and achievements in that experience.
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“Recruiters see the first two work experiences, so we must highlight the most important thing, which are the achievements, that is, what the company has obtained with your work; how you have positively impacted the company, business and team,” said the e-hunters expert.
Up-to-date contact details
Identify which communication channel you use the most. Is it your email or cell phone? Include both, as long as they are up to date and accessible to you at all times. The HV must also have current contact details.
Your academic background should also be organized from recent to oldest.
Highlight your skills and competencies
The expert added that “competencies also have a leading role in deciding whether or not the person advances in a selection process. Therefore, I invite you to investigate the development of competencies and what they should have according to the academic training and the role to which they aspire”.
Finally, do not forget to research about the company and position to which you are applying, this information can help you think about the type of curriculum you will send, its design, relevant data and others.
The photo is of free choice. But if you decide to put one, you must analyze what you communicate with it.
Be careful when you run away from work or take more than the stipulated time for lunch. The workplace can become tense when an employee behaves like this. Adapting to all personality types and customs is difficult, especially in a work environment where work teams live together for long hours. To work in a healthy, functional and tolerant environment, respect is the basis.
Being cordialwith your colleagues prevents you from getting bad faces in the workday. Therefore, “not greeting, not respecting the space of the other, the use without consent of elements or speaking in a very loud tone, are attitudes that can alter a healthy environment,” says Fabián Motta, general manager of SmartPR.
Make responsible use of your time and trust in you
Arrive on time at the office, do not use work hours to do other errands and avoid overextending your breaks. Although some colleagues are not interested in your activities or performance, others may be annoyed by the ‘privileges’ you grant yourself. “In a workplace, work groups coexist with very dissimilar personalities and sensibilities that can affect interpersonal relationships and teamwork,” says Motta.
At all costs, you should avoidthese practices:
– Temper
– ‘Lambonería’
The companions who can become unbearable
Don’t become the complaining office buddy either, your co-workers weren’t hired to serve as a therapist. “When someone sees the face of everything, constantly finds disagreements or criticizes all decisions, this person generates a contagious negativism that is transmitted and reflected in the performance of the work team,” says Juan David Tous, director of Education and Business Development at Blockchain Centre Colombia.
There are employees who value silence in the office, others prefer a more active environment. Keep an adequate volume when you’re having a chat or laughing. For a good coexistence, employees must “speak well, use a good tone, respect the right spaces and have conversations with the right interlocutors,” says Laura Alba, HR Manager of PageGroup Colombia.
There is nothing wrong with talking with colleagues, as long as they fulfill the tasks performed and are notconversations that provoke commentsor distract people around them. However, the visit to your colleagues should not be extensive or repetitive and less when the workday has just begun. “Being an inopportune and exaggeratedly frequent visitor is annoying and affects productivity,” Alba explains.
Can using the cell phone be uncomfortable?
Another point has to do with the cell phone. “Using the mobile phone is a practice that can no longer be judged in the same way, since it can be related to work aspects and, in the same way, the personal component of its use must be respected,” says Tous. Of course, try to pay attention when you are in a meeting and -if there is no need- do not use your phone in an exaggerated way, do not be a rude person with your interlocutors.
To correct these behaviors, you should not make a big fuss or process. They are customs that vary from one person to another, but that must be handled with subtlety in the work environment. According to Tous, the example is a good tool; If bosses feel that their teams have conflicts over these issues, “he must lead under prudence, emotional intelligence and good manners.”
Consider the achievements you project for the position, and that these are related to the organizational objectives and the corresponding area. There is always talk of how the candidate should but little is said about how the recruiter, recruiter, boss or employer should plan this stage of the selection process. For some, this phase is decisive because a mistake can lead to a bad decision.
Valentina Montoya Morales, Human Resources manager and co-founder of INVITA psychologists online, offers several tips on how a boss should prepare for the job interview, something that usually happens after the Human Resources area does the filters andrigorous tests. She states that the employer must start considering the achievements projected for the position, and that are related to the organizational objectives and the corresponding area.
“With the above clear vision, you will be able to define with greater assertiveness the soft and hardskillsthat the employee needs, without exaggerating in looking for the perfect applicant, but the most opportune for the current needs of the company and the team”.
Similarly, Montoya comments that the best candidates are demanding in the search, surely, they are informed of the company and also of who is going to interview them. They know the name of the interviewer, what he does, what he has done, and prepare according to the profile to know how to persuade him.
“Some candidates also prepare their answers and arrive with a premeditated speech. So, with the preparation of innovative questions we break these schemes and get to know – as selectors – more closely the applicants, “analyzes Montoya.
Making mistakes in hiring represents a very high cost for the company and, therefore, one of the main challenges in Human Resources management. “To reduce turnover rates, recruiters must identify related skills andleadership skills, but equally relevant is the motivation and taste thatthe candidate radiates with his attitude.”
You must be clear about what you are looking for that position and pay attention to the hidden potentialities, those thatare not spoken verbally but that underlie the attitude. In addition, as a boss you can simulate real tasks that must be fulfilled at work or discover the candidate’s answers and competencies in the face of challenges that will arise in the future.
It does not hurt that the boss prepares the interview in advance, has a suitable place to do it and reserves space in your agenda to do it with peace of mind.
We know that making the decision to go to study in another country is an important step for you. That’s why here at we created this space to give you some recommendations of what you can take into account before starting this experience of growing as a professional in another part of the world.
Check the weather
Remember to bring the clothes you will need during this time in the new country. Keep in mind if it is summer, if you will be more than a year and you will also have to be in winter and so you do not miss what you need.
Get to know the area
Obviously, this sounds strange to do from afar, but with technology there is now no limit to familiarizing yourself with your next study home. Find the closest areas to live in relation to your university, check what entertainment places are nearby, which restaurants and supermarkets you have access to where you will live.
If you return from studying and looking for a job, remember to register your resume in this link and thus be able to have options to get a good job.
The bank will advise you
They can advise you on what card you can use there in case of emergency and how to pay the expenses you have during the period you are going to study. Remember that being a long time you will not carry cash.
Health Insurance
It is important that you have health insurance when going to study in another country. We are not exempt from an accident or illness and being elsewhere we do not want it to be more complicated. If you take medications, check that you can find them in the new place of residence, if not, make sure you take the necessary ones.
Tickets in advance
Remember to buy your tickets in advance so that it does not get so expensive and to make sure you arrive on time to start your classes.
Let your new address know
Inform the bank, the companies that require your information, your friends and of course your family what your new residence address will be.
List of documents
Make a list of the documents that you should not forget before your trip so as not to have any setbacks. Passport, visa, ID, air tickets, medical insurance, international driver’s license, etc.
Say goodbye to your family and friends and enjoy that new experience that will not only make you grow as a professional but personally you will learn and discover new cultures, new places and you will have an unforgettable experience for your life.