Tips & Tricks

Are you a workaholic? Find out here

Every employee aspires to fulfill the functions and goals assigned to him in his work, but the situation is complicated when he finds in his trade his only concern and satisfaction.

Are you a workaholic Find out here

This is one of the symptoms of the workaholic’o workaholic, since he works -involuntarily- without rest, because for him it will always take a little more effort and better results.

What does a person with this disorder think about?

According to Iris Luna, M.D., a psychiatrist at the Pontifical Bolivarian University of Medellín, these people “feel an exaggerated need to be working and the moment they cannot continue doing it, they may feel anxiety, depression or irritability.”

“It is a disorder where there is a compulsive and involuntary attitude to continue working. They live isolated and abducted to achieve excellent performance, since this is what gives them greater satisfaction; They tend to be perfectionists and demanding with others, to the point of not being able to feed back or learn from the people around them or who are not linked to work,

What is the profile of a workaholic like?

For them, work is the center of their livesand they tend to put aside other activities with family or friends. Some common behaviors of workaholics:

  • They take work for the house
  • During holidays they do not usually rest
  • Stay connected to work during weekends
  • When there is no internet connection you can despair

A ‘worker’ usually talks and exposes work issues all the time, does not give space to othertypes of conversations and often finds other types of topics boring. This is where relationships with their acquaintances are most affected and isolated, because in “leisure time they move away from meetings with family or friends, they are disconnected and do not pay attention to talks that are not strictly work,” says Luna.

At work it usually stands out for being that person who does everything possible to perform at his best, works more than the stipulated hours, is obsessed with increasing achievements and successes, and is unable to reject projects or clients, even if it involves sacrificing his rest or free time.

The obsession with work could become widespread in the 20th century

According to the expert consulted, this disorder may have a cultural origin. It is possible that this trend is due to the importance of work and high productivity after the Industrial Revolution, when society begins to “designate a high value to prestige, position and high work performance,” says Luna.

The consequences of not stopping and resting

Although employers may be satisfied with these types of employees for their good results, families are the ones who suffer the most. “Workaholics neglect their health, since they do not eat well, overdo it with coffee, do not exercise and can opt forcigarettes, alcohol or stimulants such as cocaine,” says Luna.

In addition, there are other problems such as hair loss, altered blood pressure, gastric problems and insomnia.

How to treat this ‘addiction’?

“Many of these people need psychological treatment and other times, psychiatric treatment; the common thing is that they come to the consultations because of the consequences that this way of relating to work has brought, such as sleep disorders, depression or anxiety, “says Luna.

If you think you are a workaholic or know someone with this profile, the invitation is to reevaluate the priorities in your life, do not forget your family, friends or partner. You must relate in a healthier way to your work and not emotionally depend on it; Although necessary, you may be losing relationships and valuable time with loved ones.

Tips & Tricks

Apply immediately to vacancies in various areas offered by companies in different cities

Our #OffersThursday has been a tool for hundreds of people not only to apply for a job in the city, area and company they want, but also for many of them to find it. Your questions and requests sent to our FacebookLinkedInYouTube and Twitter accounts, as well as your responses to advice provided on air, have made a big difference.

Apply immediately to vacancies in various areas offered by companies in different cities

For this reason, today, November 25, 2021, we will have a new edition of this successful initiative. How does it work, so you can take advantage? In this note we will publish several opportunities at your fingertips, with different requirements of experience, knowledge and places to reside.

To apply, you only need to be registered on our portal. If you are, click on the opportunity of your choice; so, you can see their characteristics and know if you are suitable to keep the position. Also, apply directly.

If your resume at is up to date and you apply for offers that match your profile, knowledge and professional experience, you have more chances of being called. With that said, here are the deals:

There are two big calls, looking for a vigilante in Medellín.

Second call for security guard in Medellín  

Vacancies for managers:
– Trading Manager in Bogota 
– Operations Manager in Bogota
– Logistics assistant in Funza
– Company assistant in Tocancipá

Vacancies for sales:

– Financial commercial in Medellin  
– External commercial advisors in Medellín
– Value seller in Bogotá
– TAT seller in Bogota 
– Sales consultant in Bogotá
– Commercial advisor (several) in Medellín

Vacancies in technology:

– Network administrator in Tocancipá
– Microsoft dynamics specialist in Bogotá
– Requirements Analyst in Bogotá
– Oracle soap-bpm software architect in Bogotá
– Standard developer in Bogotá
– Server administrator in Tocancipá


Vacancies for drivers:

– Driver license C1 and C2 in Bogotá
– Driver license C2 in Bogotá

Vacancies for teachers:

– Political science teacher in Barranquilla
– Teacher of social communication in Barranquilla
– Full-time teacher in Barranquilla
– Professor of industrial engineering in Barranquilla
–  Full-time professor in Barranquilla (Operations Management)

Are you the right person to fill one of these positions? Apply. But, if you are not, and you know someone who could be, share this note. Help a friend before the year ends.

Tips & Tricks

Apply for the following offers in different economic sectors throughout Colombia

In our most recent edition of ‘Thursday of Offers’, a space that we have been actively carrying out in favor of employment in Colombia and for those who are looking for a better job opportunity, the comments section on social networks has taken center stage that allows us to understand the offers and economic sectors that generate more interest to our followers.

Apply for the following offers in different economic sectors throughout Colombia

It should be noted that the vacancies available are to work in Bogotá, Medellín, La Guajira and Cali. Also, clarify that you can apply through our portal and in the search, you carry out you can filter by salary or city. Do not forget that your resume must be registered; If you have not done so, you can enter here. 

The offers are as follows:

– Lawyer in Bogota

– Psychologists in Bogota

– Industrial engineers in La Guajira

– Social communicators in Bogotá

– Social communicators in Cali

– ATMs in Medellin

– Elderly caregivers

– Nurses throughout Colombia

– Business administrator in La Guajira

– Bilingual call center agent in Medellin

Tips & Tricks

40% of people who work in technology suffer from a chronic level of stress

According to the Burnout Index 2021, recognized as the largest scientific assessment of the state of stress and job burnout of IT teams, 40% of people who work in technology have Burnout Syndrome: they suffer from a chronic level of stress and mental, emotional, and physical exhaustion. According to the report, 4 in 10 professionals in this industry are at high risk of developing burnout at work and 1 in 5 plan to quit their job in the next 6 months due to lack of psychological well-being.

40% of people who work in technology suffer from a chronic level of stress

Likewise, women who work in this industry have a higher risk of developing burnout than men. 70% today feel exhausted and without physical and emotional energy after a working day, compared to 56% of men. To develop the study, 32,644 responses from IT professionals in 33 countries were collected and analyzed between January and November.
In simple words, job burnout is the culmination of chronic and prolonged stress at work. Several factors increase the risk of suffering from this syndrome, such as excessive work, constant work against the clock and loneliness (which increased during the pandemic); furthermore, remote computers that don’t often go offline may be at greater risk. Although all these elements are common in the technology industry, the presence of burnout has not been well documented so far.


That’s why Erbo created a simple, free tool called the Burnout Index to help people understand their level of burnout risk, aggregating the largest data set of its kind ever seen. The report acts as a calculator that measures the degree to which the anonymous participant feels: exhausted, inefficient, dishonest, or experiencing depersonalization. These are the four dimensions that are scientifically linked to burnout and each one corresponds to a score, resulting in a “low”, “moderate” or “high” risk. 

To highlight, between January and November 2021, the Burnout Index collected 32,644 responses from IT professionals in 33 countries. Early results from the study, which is still ongoing, point to a burnout crisis in the tech industry. It concludes that 40% of the employees in this industry who participated in the sample are experiencing a high risk of burnout.

Tips & Tricks

12 recruitment trends that Colombian companies should put into practice this 2022

Human talent management is one of the most important strategic areas of any company because it has to do with its greatest asset: people. Following the premise that time is money, companies are developing their recruitment processes faster and better, but often compromising quality.

12 recruitment trends that Colombian companies should put into practice this 2022

For this reason, it is necessary for organizations to update their recruitment processes to face the 5 greatest challenges that the labor market faces today in terms of searching and selecting people: first, to get more candidates; second, filter resumes faster; third, improve the quality of processes; fourth, decrease rotation; and fifth, be more productive in this job.

Here at from the hand of Talentu, the recruitment platform, we show you the 12 trends that Colombian companies must embrace and put into practice in this 2022, better known as the year of the “great resignation”.

1. Employer brand

It is about the value proposition of a company towards the workers. But beyond believing that it is simply about making a website, it is a strategic aspect of how the brand is communicated to that potential talent. For example, one of the main complaints from candidates is that they are never told if they have passed the process or not, which inevitably affects the reputation of the employer’s brand.

“Latin America is the region in the world with the most talent gaps and that is why it is constantly difficult for us to get the collaborators we really need. To the extent that we have an employer brand, we will be able to convince people to decide to work with us because we are properly communicating how we are going to transform them. It is not just a proposal for salary and benefits”, explains Mateo Folador, founder and CEO of Talentu.

2. Remote work

This new trend received a huge boost thanks to the restrictions of the health emergency to the point that seven out of 10 companies in Latin America will adopt a model that combines face-to-face and remote work, according to a recent survey by Telefónica Hispam. However, a person who has an available and adequate space in their home is not the same as one who does not.

3. Organizational culture

Although companies often refer to values, in reality it is the habits, routines and rituals that truly build the culture of a company.

4. Artificial intelligence and automation

As companies are scaling their workforce back up to where they were before the pandemic, they are looking to technology for answers to be more efficient.

5. Fluid talent and retention 

It is a model in which human resources areas can continuously work to maintain vacancies and fill them faster. Although turnover can have many causes, it is necessary to better understand how the company works and why people leave in order to make decisions for improvement.

6. Training and Upskilling

One of the current recruitment problems is the difficulty of finding human talent with the required skills. Therefore, before the potential candidate enters the organization, it is necessary to identify skills gaps that can be filled thanks to training and upskilling or improvement.

7. Data-driven recruiting

It is about measuring each stage of the funnel, that is, being able to know how many people entered the first stage and how many reached each of the subsequent stages of the process. In recruitment marketing you have to understand what the channels, efficiencies and costs are.

8. Digitization of recruitment

The key is to make the entire process digital and have all the information in one place. The trend points to having the relationship automated through digital channels that allow scaling and taking candidates to the employer brand page.

9. Talent networking

Unlike operational positions where many resumes arrive and it is difficult to filter them, the strategy of creating talent networks is working very well, especially in companies that are looking for positions related to technology, where there is not enough talent.

10. Candidate experience

A recruitment process does not have to be a bad experience for the candidate. In the different stages of the candidate’s life cycle, it is very important to measure and understand what is happening in order to improve that experience. Beyond developing an omnichannel communication -whose content must generate value-, transparency is essential, that is, how a company gives evidence of the status and evolution of the process to a candidate.

11. Remote Recruitment

Remote recruiting is here to stay. It is not only very convenient for the candidate because they do not have to travel, but also for the recruiter because they can streamline these processes and fill a vacancy faster. It is key to have technological tools to facilitate these processes, but also to improve them.

12. Diversity of inclusion

Diversity and inclusion are not just about hiring men and women equally, but about having talent from different races, places, cultures and religions. “The diverse experiences make it possible to see more points of view and that makes for more creativity, which is why better solutions to problems are achieved and, of course, the results are better. Having diversity and inclusion is very good business for any company”, concludes Mateo Folador.

Tips & Tricks

7 tips to make a good impression in virtual job interviews

With the COVID-19 pandemic, interpersonal relationships changed. Our relationships with co-workers, study partners, even with some family members is now through a screen.

7 tips to make a good impression in virtual job interviews

According toa study conducted by IMS Insights Labon media consumption during the pandemic, it was discovered that this digital consumption alternative had an exponential growth in Colombia of 54%.

With the use of streaming tools, some doubts arose about how to make a good impression on other people, taking into account that it is not the same to be face to face than through a screen. Here at we give you some tips to generate a good impression be it a job interview, a work meeting, a class session or a business appointment to offer a product and / or service.

Do you want a new job opportunity? Register your resume here and find it.

For this reason, we consulted with the expertClaudia Milena Manjarrez Alzate, executive director of the CICCE corporation, who explained some recommendations to generate a good impression in virtual communication. As always, communication is carried out in a verbal and non-verbal language, being the non-verbal, the one that most impacts on communication. Verbal communication comprises words, nonverbal communication is everything else.

Constantly our body is communicating informationin most cases involuntarily, where you can determine the mood, safety of the subject, motivation and feelings among others.

There are some studies that show thatonly 40% of a message or less of what you want to express is emitted in words, the rest, through non-verbal language. Even the psychologist Albert Mahrabian, researcher of the subject said that only 7% is verbal and 93% is composed of non-verbal language.

There are many aspects to consider, let’s talk a little about the most important aspects of non-verbal communication:

Facial expressions: is the most noticeable and most noticeable emotional indicator in virtual communications, where the focus is on the upper body.

Look: Looking at the person in a communication denotes security. Also, in the movement of the eyes it can be observed that a person is thinking, analyzing and even detecting their mood.

Gestures: are the set of facial expressions, postures, smiles, body movements that accompany the words in a synchronized way. It generally serves to accentuate or ratify what is expressed verbally.

Posture: demonstrates the disposition or predisposition towards the activity that is carried out and visually weighs a lot on the personal image, for example an upright posture shows good attitude, being awake, in turn an ungainly position shows predisposition, laziness, sadness or lack of interest in the meeting.

Appearance: It is one of the most influential aspects of communication in general. It generates a lot of information about a person when we see him for the first time, such as age, neatness, occupation, marital status, origin, socio-economic status, among others.

The perception of a person’s appearance is greatly influenced by previously established social and cultural paradigms. Hence its importance to make a good impression and therefore, we must work to give that image that we want to project to impact the meeting, class session or interview in which we are participating.

Paralanguage: basically, it is how you say what you say. In the voice you can infer the emotions of a person, either in person, in a video conference or by telephone. We can evaluate in this aspect, the tone, the rhythm, the pauses or silences, the volume and the timbre which allows us to analyze aspects of the person.

Chronomic: it is the aspect of non-verbal language that has to do with the time used to express messages, if it is concrete, or takes many turns to express a response, a proposal, an idea or a situation.

In addition to the aspects of communication, we must also take into account the following tips to provide the best impression:

Check in advance the internet connection, the operation of the camera, the microphone, the background that will have its position.

Punctuality, even if it is a virtual interview, must be 10 minutes before in the waiting room.

Greeting and saying goodbye to the interviewer, as well as giving thanks and putting into practice good manners, are key elements to make a good impression.

Dressing according to the occasion, formally, properly and completely, not just from the waist up, could be in for a surprise.

Always show an optimistic attitude.

Tips & Tricks

5 tips to improve your quality of life at work

With the economic reactivation that companies have had in recent months, the return to the offices has been imminent and therefore the environment in daily work is essential for meeting objectivesHotmelta global technology company and leader in the creator economy, gives five tips to improve the quality of life at work, also effective for entrepreneurship or personal business.

5 tips to improve your quality of life at work

1. Work on something you like:

Getting the job, you want can be difficult, but doing something you love is essential to feeling good at work and looking to be happy. It is recommended to make a list of skills and interests that can be useful in the company where you work and find common ground with your boss. A last resort may be to change companies or even set up your own business in the universe of digital products based on what you are really passionate about.

2. Separate work from personal life:

For many people this advice is almost impossible to follow, but separating work life from personal life is essential. It is not always good, for example, to focus only on work as your quality of life will decrease and you will feel more tired, unmotivated and impatient.

Balance is key and reserving time to enjoy with your family, go out with friends, read a book, travel or play sports certainly makes a difference.

3. Learn to work as a team:

If you are looking for a quality of work life, teamwork is one of the best options since it not only improves any task but also helps the personal growth of the collaborators through the exchange of knowledge. Setting shared goals and working to meet them is ideal.

4. Avoid procrastination:

Something that must be understood is that leaving tasks for later only serves to accumulate work, increase anxiety and not meet your schedule. Everything is usually left to the last minute, but it is important to try to be more efficient and do things on time.

5. Be creative:

Creativity in a collaborator prevents the routine from consuming him and his workday from becoming an odyssey, therefore observing daily activities and proposing a different way of doing them is key so that the quality of life of each collaborator has a positive change.

If you follow these tips to the letter, your days at work will be productive and your life will have a 180-degree turn.

Tips & Tricks

5 tips to attract good energy at work

If you are going through a bad time in your work, here in we want to tell you how to attract that good energy in the work environment, this will help increase feelings of well-being and end the negative that may be invading you not only in your work life but also personal.

5 tips to attract good energy at work

Remember thatonly you can improve that energy at work, the process starts with you. Emit positive energies with your thoughts, when you get up thank for what you have, drink water and, if you can, do a physical activity before starting your workday to help you activate.

The American portalEntrepreneurgave some tips that you can follow to improve this energy in your work and feel better day by day, because remember that most of the time you are working, if you enjoy it and that energy improves your personal life will also improve.

1. Pay attention to the energy you transmit

You cannot expect positive energy to return to your life when all you do is emit negative thoughts, comments and actions. For this you must analyze if the people around you feel good about you and seek your company you will be doing the right thing, but if people avoid it is because you are not giving a good perception.

2. Change the tone of your thoughts

Change the tone of your negative thoughts to positive ones. It is important to face the challenges and adjust to those changes. If negative ideas invade you, replace them with positive but realistic affirmations that inspire you to take action.

3. Recognize negative influences and cut them

You have to identify what leads you to charge yourself with negative energy, since it can be a person from work, a place, a thing or a situation. If you manage to recognize what it is, take it away from you and in case you can not get away from this person, place or situation you must limit yourself to sharing only what is necessary, so you avoid that bad energy and that frustration invades you.

4. Seek to surround yourself with positive people

Try to spend more time with positive-thinking people. If you are with a group of people who transmit good things you will connect with this energy and improve the work and personal environment. Remember that you can also be the one who brings that good energy to your work team. Avoid criticism and always be biased to comments from your boss or colleagues.

5. Be kind and compassionate

According to the article, research shows that people who are kind and compassionate are more satisfied with their lives and enjoy better physical and mental health.

Remember also to be grateful and act in good faith so that this energy improves in your work.

Tips & Tricks

5 strategies to retain young talent in companies

Despite the fact that unemployment figures stand at 12.9%, compared to 12.6% before the pandemic, the reality of the labor market has been marked by the adoption of hybrid work models and the implementation of differential factors within the organizational culture of a company. company, as well as attracting and retaining young talent within corporations from different economic sectors.

5 strategies to retain young talent in companies

According to Laura García, Coordinator of Selection and Service at Gi Group Holding, an expert company in personnel selection, the pandemic has changed the way of thinking of those who are looking for work. Currently, young people seek job opportunities that offer guarantees, growth opportunities within a company and competitive salaries that allow them to have job stability and improve their quality of life.

Laura states that:

“These new generations are not unstable, but being a group with important labor characteristics such as agility to adapt to new trends, easy access to and handling of technologies, and their openness to creativity and innovation, they become very valuable resources. valuable to companies.

And it is that according to the annual study Labor Trends Index recently published by Microsoft52% of Generation Z (people born between 1997 and 2012) and Millennials (people born between 1981 and 1996), say they contemplate a professional change during 2022, based on a more flexible hybrid work, or even a complete change to remote work.

Therefore, recruiters must have precise knowledge of the organizational culture of your company to select the ideal candidate, so that they can adapt quickly if they start working with the company.

Laura Garcia also comments:

“You have to understand very well that people of this generation have a demanding attitude towards flexibility and are not easily impressed with work hierarchies, but they are motivated by the company’s position in the market.”

According to the above, we present 5 strategies that companies should keep in mind if they want to retain the talent of millennials and centennials:

– Implement the emotional salary, since it represents an opportunity for growth in the medium term.

– Support professional development, since today’s young people are interested in continuing to study and train to be at the forefront. The flexibility of time to carry out educational activities is crucial for a team of young professionals to have a greater sense of belonging.

–  Facilitate digital transformation, since manual processes can be carried out in a different way and generating spaces for innovation and purposeful teams, allows for greater adaptation and effectiveness for new generations.

– Strengthen Employer Branding, this means that young people can see their professional development associated with companies that have brand recognition.

– Make organizational hierarchies more flexible:

Millennials and Centennials feel more comfortable in less rigid environments and with more open policies in which interaction does not depend on levels.

Tips & Tricks

5 benefits for SMEs to implement electronic payroll

Through Resolution number 000028, in recent days, the DIAN granted an additional period for companies with 1 to 10 employees to begin implementing electronic payroll, within the first 10 business days of the month of May.

5 benefits for SMEs to implement electronic payroll3

It should be noted that although it is mandatory to implement this regulation for companies, the benefits for small and medium-sized companies, in financial and accounting terms, will generate a positive impact on their operations. Undoubtedly, the main benefit of electronic payroll is that time will be optimized in the processes related to payroll, which nowadays tend to be quite cumbersome in some cases.


Alejandro Vásquez Aramburo, Manager of LOGGRO, software in the cloud that helps improve the management of organizations in Colombia, states that:

“For any business, time is perhaps the most valuable resource. So, for example, a company with up to 100 employees that currently spends 4 hours on payroll activities, with smart software from a technology provider, these tasks could take around 5 minutes.”

Here are the 5 benefits for SMEs that wish to implement the electronic payroll modality:

1. Speed ​​when performing a task:

With electronic payroll software, businesses can pay in seconds. Normally, the calculation, liquidation and payment of payroll is a process that requires the full dedication of at least one person who is in charge of that activity and could take up to weeks.

2. Constant updating:

A payroll software will automatically and in seconds do all the calculations in accordance with the law and the ever-changing requirements of the UGPP.

3. Digital transformation:

By having an electronic payroll software, companies will be able to generate automatic payroll payments since the software is integrated with Colombian banking. Accounting receipts may be generated for payments, including labor liabilities for benefits, social security and everything related to parafiscal.

4. Simplicity in the technological infrastructure:

Entrepreneurs only need a computer to settle the payroll of their businesses, from anywhere that has internet. It is very important that companies make sure they rely on a technology provider authorized by the DIAN and that it allows them to improve the plan as the company adds new workers.

5. Generation of files of the Integrated Contribution Settlement Form (PILA):

PILA files will be generated automatically, as well as payment accounting records or flat files for entrepreneurs to integrate with their business accounting software.