Tips & Tricks

Work as a means, not an end

Some people have employment as the meaning of their lives, this being the most important reason to get up day after day and the fundamental pillar to achieve happiness. Work cannot be the main purpose of their lives. No. Your work must be the means for you to fulfill all the purposes that you can draw in the different areas, whether personal, family, economic, financial, leisure …

Work as a means, not an end

Unfortunately, some employees take work as an end in their lives and not as a means. This can lead to certain problems.

Mario Felipe Ramírez, project manager of Plexus Consult ores, assures that the work that is carried out should be seen as a means and not as an end because “I believe that work allows things to materialize beyond being employed. It is to give a purpose to the daily work.” Therefore, it is not something that should remain as the only objective.

In other words, the recommendation is that your goal is not to work, but that work allows you to meet the goals and achievements that you want to achieve in the different spheres of your life.

Alexander Ruíz, Human Resources consultant at Oil & Gas Industry, says that work is the means by which we develop to excel in life.

The purpose of the work, according to Ruíz, is to develop in what we have formed. He also clarifies that it is different to be addicted to work, to work with commitment, dedication and always worry about doing tasks in the best way, in order to obtain good results.

For her part, María Clara Delgadillo, Human Resources Manager of CNG Energy, affirms that workaholism generates problems in other fields of life. It is an escape valve when there is no satisfaction in other environments of the person.

Work understood as a means is valid, but addiction to it is bad. “Employment is an instrument to reach a specific end, achieve goals, objectives and projection. It is a means to achieve what one sets out to do. Which leads you to get the end you have, “says Delgadillo.

In short, you must analyze whether you are using your work as a means or as an end. Ideally, your work should be the means by which you are going to fulfill yourself as a person and as a professional and, in the same way, your job should help you fulfill your goals, dreams and projects that you intend to achieve in your life. That is, so that you can reach your ends and purposes.

Tips & Tricks

Why shouldn’t young people choose their career based on ICFES results?

According to DANE figures, academic dropout and unemployment exceeded 23% between the months of April and June, these are some of the aspects that must be taken into account to reflect on the tools in young people to choose a university career depending on the needs of companies in markets that are increasingly competitive.

Why shouldn't young people choose their career based on ICFES results.

The Saber Tests, known as ICFES, which were carried out at the beginning of September and motivate the645,000 grade 11 studentswith incentives such as scholarships, subsidies and housing granted by the government, arecognitive assessment tools, however, they are not the main tool to contribute to the financial and / or emotional future of this population that corresponds to 25% of the country’s inhabitants.

Samilé Albarracín, coach and director of Voca Festival, the first vocational event in LATAM to be held in October in Colombia, assures that theICFESis an evaluation that is applied to students during school andmeasures skills that have been developed thanks to repetition and continuous practices, that is, using neuronal plasticity as the main adaptation mechanism to survive the last years of secondary school. However, what is acquired in secondary education classrooms does not necessarily correlate with the talents or ingenuity that young people have.

This shows that, for this reason, choosing a career based on the results of the exam is running the risk of making mistakes, in addition to affecting the individual’s work and personal future.

“Based on the scores of the Saber 11 Test can have serious financial consequences, because although companies are constantly looking for talent capable of meeting the needs of the competitive market, these hires are based on two key arguments: a quality service or one of lower cost. Undoubtedly, good service in addition to technical, technological or professional knowledge must contain the vocational touch that is capable of providing outstanding solutions to the conflicts of the economy for which they are hired, “said Albarracín.

How to choose the career?

Taking into account that the day of knowing the results of the Saber 11 Test is approaching, experts recommend that young people and parents be calm with this, since as Albarracín assures, this is only a test and the best way to choose a university career as the backbone of life is through vocational guidance.

Benefits of choosing a vocation-based career

  • This brings a number of advantages in the finances and social sphere of young people.
  • When choosing a career based on talents, creativity and intuition are used naturally and eventually become an exchange for money.
  • Those who enjoy their vocation will always be chosen when buying a service, since they guarantee greater commitment and, surpassing the academic capacity of those who offer a service without connecting them with their innate abilities; They are only exercising their profession for money or pressure.

Why have vocational training?

Vocational training is important because it allows to find in each young person their talents, strengths and a series of aspects of each person that are found through scientific tests. The method consists of analyzing the evolution of the brain from childhood to youth to detect which of the talents or skills that a young person possesses are real and which are not. With the results obtained, it is possible to identify the area of greatest fluidity in the brain and thus connect adolescents with academic offerings that are potentially according to their faculties, natural thinking style and vision of life.

Tips & Tricks

Why is it so important to have a B1 level of English in employment matters?

Entering the world of work implies a challenge for candidates from different areas and economic sectors who apply their resume to be part of a work team. However, today, knowledge of a second language is essential for those seeking a better opportunity, since thanks to the growing globalization and international expansion of markets, English from level B1 onwards has positioned itself as one of the skills most in demand by companies and organizations around the world. English B1 is the first level of the intermediate range of this language. 

Why is it so important to have a B1 level of English in employment matters

We invite you to know your level of English with this test

Mónica Celis AriasAcademic Coordinator of Academic Consultants for Pearson Colombia and Ecuador, comments:

“As English is the most widely used foreign language internationally, a B1 certificate means that the person who carries it has the minimum necessary to study or work abroad, or interact with English-speakers, which, without a doubt, opens many doors. and opportunities in life.

It is worth highlighting some of the additional advantages that people who manage to certify their level of English as B1 have:

– Have access to more and better jobs in the country of origin.

– Open job opportunities abroad.

– Access academic exchange programs. 

– Study an international degree or postgraduate degree.

– Take online courses or training in the English language. 

Although the ideal is for a person, whose native language is not English, to have a level at 18 years of age, in Latin America most English language teaching programs in schools and public and private schools do not they are either intensive enough or not sufficiently standardized that students aged 18 and over can already pass a B1 level certification exam in English. Therefore, it is advisable to prepare to certify the level of a second language a couple of years before starting university studies or entering the labor market. 

One of the companies that makes applications of this type is Pearson, a company that provides an educational evaluation and publication service, which applies the Pearson English International Certificate test, which is accepted by universities, ministries of education and employers around the world.

Tips & Tricks

Why is it important to know a second language at work?

When applying your resume to a certain vacancy, the curriculum is usually reviewed and structured to make it much more attractive to the human resources department. It is often thought that meeting the experience requirements demanded by a company is enough to become part of a work team in a certain area.

Why is it important to know a second language at work

However, currently, many vacancies for technicians and professionals require a second languageto, if hired, be able to exercise the position. That is where the question arises abouthow important it is to know a language other than Spanishto be part of a company that provides guarantees and job stability.

Constantly, the vacancies that offer attractive salaries for an applicant are those that require an advanced level or total command of the language required (English, Portuguese, German, among others) and many times without having the respective certification the applications are made. If selected, there may be shortcomings in the interview that prevent hiring and employment relationship.

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According to Page Group, a specialized recruitment company for professionals worldwide, “taking into account the demands of a more globalized world, which implies greater international mobility of positions between countries, a growing contact with people from different places simultaneously and frequent displacements from the local to the regional, the mastery of the second language increases its importance exponentially for professional competitiveness. , the increase of opportunities in the labor field and the approach to more global perspectives”.

In Colombia, the languages that companies most demand to hire an applicant are English and Portuguese. “English continues to be the second language par excellence within Colombian professionals, since even in the world it is considered as the official global language and is transversal to most countries, it is a standard language. Also, Portuguese is another language that has been gaining great relevance in Latin America, especially because Brazil represents a very important market for the region. The mastery of this language becomes a plus for professionals on the continent.”

For her part, María Reina, Expert in Innovation and Human Talent Management, affirms that “today all companies require English and it is not just a plus. You have to know how to write it and speak it. There is also something important and that is that you should not lie in the middle of an interview; If there is no mastery of a second language, you have to sayit and if it is necessary to train to be part of the company to which you want to link”.

Based on the above and added to technical and soft skills, in the midst of the reactivation that has been taking place at the national level, organizations will seek hybrid talents, with the aim of forming a competitive team for the performance of the functions of the position to which the person is linked.

Tips & Tricks

Why is exercise so important for mental health?

With the aim of raising awareness about mental health problems around the world, World Mental Health Day (DMH) is celebrated every October 10, a date promoted by the World Federation for Mental Health and the World Mental Health Organization. Health (WHO). And it is that according to this last organism, one in eight people in the world suffers from a mental disorder, with anxiety and depressive disorders being the most common.

Why is exercise so important for mental health

But the pandemic caused by covid-19 arrived and the percentage of patients increased. The WHO points out that, in 2020, anxiety and depressive disorders grew by 26 and 28 percent respectively. Now, these figures become alarming, considering that many of these people fail to obtain effective medical care.

In line with the above, there are several experts and studies that ensure that sport does affect people’s mental health, since there are some hormones that the body activates when exercising. For example, serotonin allows you to fall asleep better and regulate your appetite, dopamine produces a feeling of pleasure and the desire to continue with physical activity, and endorphins cause happiness and work as a natural pain reliever by reducing anxiety and stress. Moreover, some of these sensations are not only experienced when running, cycling, swimming or lifting weights, but also after finishing the training.

“Sports not only help treat anxiety and depression, but also reduce stress levels and make people feel satisfied and happy. When a person performs a certain physical activity, according to their taste, the brain receives more oxygenation, that is why both at home and at work, it is essential to exercise, take active breaks with accessories for this purpose or practice yoga”, explains Juan David González, director of Sportfitness.

There is a sport for each type of person

It is true that not all sports were created for all kinds of people, but that is not an excuse to find the one that best suits the conditions of those who are going to do it. With some you can increase physical resistance and mobility, with others strength and muscle mass, the key is knowing how to adapt to a good routine and use the right elements.

Sportfitness is aware of this, a company that offers a portfolio of sporting goods and has managed to establish itself as the number one implementation and equipment brand for physical activity in its industry.

“Sportfitness has the purpose of generating well-being and democratizing access to sports with fair prices and quality products. It is a brand that sells articles for all types of physical activity and has distributors nationwide, in addition to its own online store”, González continues.

Sportfitness products are made for physical activities at different levels of training, that is, for home, business and professionals. For example, to perform cardio exercises, those that reduce the risk of suffering from diseases such as diabetes or hypertension, it offers its customers a treadmill, treadmill, spinning bikes, stationary bikes, elliptical trainers and stair climbers.

“To the elements that we have to perform cardio, we add those that are made for functional exercises, those that improve balance, agility, correct posture and strengthen muscle mass. For this, it is possible to use mats, jump ropes, trampolines and balls”, says González.

Finally, the brand is also committed to creating a community on social networks, which is why it publishes exercise routines and healthy tips on its platforms.

Tips & Tricks

Why are technical skills important in a selection process?

Nowadays companies have clear needs, therefore they look for employees who possess the necessary technical knowledge to perform effectively in a certain role and in this way, contribute to the achievement of the company’s objectives in the short, medium or long term.

Why are technical skills important in a selection process

In we spoke with María Camila García Ortizjunior e-hunters consultant, who explained that technical skills refer to specific technical knowledge about a topic, a program or a certain area. This knowledge is usually acquired within a classroom, a training or training in the middle of practice. These skills can be easily evaluated by people trained or with a high experience in the subject.

Are you looking for a better job? Apply your resume in the offer that fits your profile

“The importance of these skills in the world of work is that by possessing specific knowledge they give a greater probability that an employee can develop a certain task with a high level of success,” explained García.

The expert also ensures that, also, the employee can develop with greater confidence before peers, bosses or customers due to their technical skills, hence the importance of these.

Recommendations for you to be differential in a selection process:

  • Identify which technical skills aremost relevant to the vacancy.
  • Evaluate what knowledge youpossess that is related to the requirements of the vacancy.
  • Identify previous experiences that allow you to show how the correct use of your technical skills have led you to develop tasks successfully.

By analyzing this information, you can share it clearly and concisely throughout the interview, this will allow you to be a differential candidate. Remember that here at we want to give you tools to find the job you want.

Tips & Tricks

Tips to enjoy your work

Being part of a company and a work team allows a collaborator to have professional and personal growth. However, the WHO has warned that work stress is identified as a group of emotional, psychological, cognitive and behavioral reactions to demands from superiors, which in the medium term affect the performance and process of a worker.

Tips to enjoy your work

For this reason, we give you some recommendations so that you can enjoy your work. It is important to clarify that when using the term ‘enjoy’, it should not be confused with neglecting the responsibilities and fulfilling the functions of the position being held. These tips are focused on having a better relationship with yourself and avoiding job dissatisfaction caused by a hostile environment, insufficient pay or inappropriate relationships with co-workers.

Here are some of these tips:

– Before starting your working day, try to have time for yourself by doing an activity that relaxes you. Some examples could be the practice of a sport, reading or exercise routine before starting your work day.

– Avoid bringing family inconveniences to your work environment. If you require a space for these types of circumstances, talk to your boss and take a space.

– It is advisable to take a break before starting a new task, since suddenly changing a set of actions can trigger stress. This break contributes to your well-being and to rediscovering things within your work routine.

– In your ‘break’ spaces or at lunch time, avoid talking about work with your team. Find topics of conversation that allow you to strengthen bonds of fellowship and relax as much as you can. 

–  Do not speak ill of your co-workers, this can burden you emotionally and make your day heavier.

– Find a way to set personal goals every week; this will make your motivation real, you will be competitive with yourself and you will feel useful within the company, as an important part of the work team.

– After finishing your working day, do some activity that revitalizes you. If you are studying, leave aside the labor issue and focus on the acquisition of knowledge; if you practice any sport or hobby, enjoy it to the fullest or if you want to spend time with family or friends, disconnect from everything related to your work.

Tips & Tricks

Where and how is a labor lawsuit filed?

To what extent to endure to make the determination to formally claim?

Having problems at work can be a constant for people. However, to what extent must the employee endure to make the determination to file a lawsuit? In addition, it is important to know what it should contain, where and how to present it.

Where and how is a labor lawsuit filed

The labor demand is the most used mechanism to solve problems or conflicts between employer (company) and worker. However, it must fully comply with the stipulated requirements, so that it is not returned to the person who interposes it.

Labor lawsuits are the most frequent way to resolve labor disputes.

Then, to sue for labor, the requirements demanded in article 25 of the Labor and Social Security Procedural Code must be taken into account, which, according to Leonardo Mejía López, director of the firm Mejía López Estudio de Abogados, must contain at least “the designation of the judge to whom it is addressed; the names of the parties and their representatives; the domicile and address of the parties; the name, address and address of the plaintiff’s legal representative, if applicable.”

Likewise, Javier del Real Hernández, lawyer of the same firm, says that it must have “the indication of the type of process; whatever is intended, expressed precisely and clearly; the facts and omissions on which the claims, classified and listed, are based; the grounds and reasons of law; the individualized and concrete request for the means of proof, and the amount, when its estimation is necessary to establish jurisdiction”.

Similarly, the demand must be accompanied by the power of attorney, copies (the amount must be equal to the number of defendants). In addition, you must have documentary and advance evidence, proof of exhaustion of the administrative claim if applicable, and proof of existence and legal representation.

The term to remedy the claim is five days, and can be amended only once within five days of the expiration of the term.

Articles 5 et seq. of the Code of Labour Procedure stipulate, in summary, that the application is filed in the last place where the service was performed or at the defendant’s domicile, and that it is filed before the labour judge of the circuit, and if this does not exist, then it is filed before the civil circuit judge.

Last but not least, it is recommended to report to the Ministry of Labor any abnormality that is violating your rights as a worker.

Tips & Tricks

When is the best time to ask for a raise in the company

For people who have already gotten a job and have developed in various aspects in it, the objectives begin to change and some begin to be drawn personally.

When is the best time to ask for a raise in the company

This is the case of several workers who seek a salary increase at a certain time, speed in several objectives achieved previously and who see the possibility of achieving it.

However, to look for it, we must first make a self-assessment. Beatriz Aristizábal, expert in salary matters and director of the consulting unit of Talent Advisor, gives us several tips to review if it is good to launch to ask for the increase.

Beatriz, before seeing the options, invites the person to make a deep self-evaluation in several aspects, to have a solid foundation before making a decision.

“You have to be sensible and determine if you have the capabilities and skills that the position you are in is required, 100%. If you do not comply with them and have failures with some, it is better that you strengthen and develop them before asking for a salary increase, “said Aristizábal.

However, that self-assessment must also be accompanied by an assessment of what we have done in the company and how we have addressed the challenges.

“You have to evaluate your level of performance. If you are not meeting the objectives set, it is very difficult for them to make you an increase. You must generate value for the company and not stay in the basic capabilities, that the company sees that you give goes beyond what is expected, “added Beatriz.

But one’s own research should not be the only one. You should also look at the big picture around your position and how companies pay for the same work you do.

According to Beatriz Aristizábal, “you must investigate the labor market. If you want a raise, you need to review what other people in positions similar to yours earn.”

If your salary is above the market, there is little chance of a raise, while if it is below, there may be options.

Tips & Tricks

When going tie to the interview could be a mistake

Companies are no longer as rigorous in the locker room of employees. However, it is good not to fall into complete informality. A few years ago, wearing a tie to a job interview was practically an obligation. However, the vision of the employer has changed and the use of the tie has been rethinking in the world of work, in fact, it is now normal to see managers dressed in their day to day with shoes, pants and shirt.

When going tie to the interview could be a mistake

Jimena Sánchez, a specialist in Human Resources, says that the fact of not wearing a tie should not be confused with informality, that is, you can go very well dressed to the job interview without having to wear it.

“The wardrobe varies according to the position you are aspiring to. Even if you are applying for whatever position you are applying for, it is best not to go with tennis shoes or torn jeans. That way is not the right way to present yourself to an interview, “says Sánchez.

In many companies, clothing sets a limit, prevents informality from beginning to occur and can undermine the image of the company. This can be even more relevant if at work you have to attend staff or visit customers, for example.

However, “credibility is not given by a tie, it is given by security in the answers and how the person faces the interview, and the knowledge they have about the position. But, presenting yourself inadequately dressed can subtract points in the selection process, “adds Sánchez.

Nilsa Vargas Tellez, head of selection at Seguridad Selecta Ltda., affirms that the use of the tie depends on the organizational culture of the company, but it should not be an indispensable requirement.

“The tie could be considered suitable for certain managerial positions in which you want to project a mature professional image, although it is clear that this is only a first impression of everything that covers the professional profile of any applicant,” adds Vargas.

There is something fundamental, regardless of whether you aspire to an operational, administrative or managerial position: neatness. This quality is indispensable.

In the same way, it is important that the applicant investigates the organizational culture of the company and thus will know how he can be dressed to the interview; Recruiters will notice that and value it.

“Both men and women should not wear bright colors, nor should they appear overloaded in garments or accessories. And less, wear clothes that are too tight, “says Vargas.

Finally, Mario Felipe Ramírez, business consultant, advises that “it is always better to make use of personal marketing. We are in a society in which everything enters through the eyes, so it is better to use and take advantage of prejudices correctly.”