Tips & Tricks

Technologists and technicians, this is how your resume should be

Specific knowledge is a quality of technical and technologist profiles. In less study time and at a lower cost, they get a formal degree to work. Thus, those who opted for this level of training, must start by capturing that knowledge that is of interest and expertise, as well as their specialty.

Technologists and technicians, this is how your resume should be

According to María Clara Delgadillo, Human Resources Manager of CNG Energy, “the curriculum of a professional technologist or technician is not far from the resume of a professional, but it is important to emphasize the skill or abilities of the acquired profile.” Two elements that are always important for recruiters reviewing resumes are work experience and academic background.

Work and technical experience

However, they also look at the similarities that the vacancies have with “the knowledge and technical experience of the technologist, for example, the management of certain tools, software or industrial and administrative processes,” says Cristina Herrera, manager of Talenti.


Within the work experience, it is vital to show “achievements, recognitions and concrete metrics achieved. To corroborate all this data, you can also include work references or contacts that can give credit for it, “advises Lina Correa, manager of ManpowerGroupSolutions.

Since professional technologists and technicians are trained in a type of undergraduate that has propaedeutic cycles, that is, flexibility to carry out studies and acquire a degree as a professional or professional technician, their curriculum must be constantly updated with each training or complement to their studies that they obtain.

Therefore, in their profiles they should also highlight that they are “oriented to continuous learning and to be updated, as well as to be able to adapt easily to changes and have the ability to solve technical problems,” complements the manager of Talenti.

Are you a professional technologist or technician looking for a new job?

Now, as a technologist can you apply for a vacancy for a professional with similar knowledge? The experts agree that – in case the aspiring technologist is considered for the position – the salary allocation may be lower due to the difference between training times. However, Herrera says that “companies have very defined for which positions professional training is needed, where surely the skills of analysis, planning and problem solving are a little more necessary compared to a technical or technologist position, which provide more technical and operational knowledge.”

Effective resume

To generate greater interest and precision when applying your resume, “this must be very concrete, no more than two sheets, work with simple formats and that the profile quickly shows those interested what are the greatest attributes of the applicant and that they are very connected to the vacancy to which you apply”, concludes Correa.

Tips & Tricks

Technical labor training increased by 33% in times of pandemic

According to the Laboratories of Economic of Education, LEE, of the Javeriana University, while due to the pandemic, undergraduate enrollment in private Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) fell 23% in the second semester of 2020, compared to the same semester of 2019; On the other hand, when analyzing first-year enrollment in public institutions of Technical and Technological training, it grew 33% in the same period analyzed, compared to 2019.

Technical labor training increased by 33% in times of pandemic

“The 33% increase in the demand for technological and technical programs, which occurred in the midst of this pandemic, is due to the fact that they take less time and are cheaper” Luz Karime Abadía, co-director of the LEE of the Javeriana University.

Technical labor training is key to eradicating poverty rates in our country, because according to the expert Claudia Milena Manjarrez, executive director of the CICCE Corporation, the results obtained by those who have initiated processes in this type of education have been successful and have transformed the life not only of them, but of their relatives, since the basic income of the households varies, improving their quality of life.

The state should prioritize Labor Technical programs, since graduates are workers who occupy 70% of the positions required by most companies, and 30% or less are required with a university profile to occupy executive, managerial and strategic positions.

“Labor technicians are the ideal start for any young person, including older people who did not have the opportunity to study, they can start from the ninth grade of high school and if they are educational entities with accredited programs in quality systems and endorsed by the Ministry of education, they can continue with university education studies, having advanced some credits and/or semesters according to the program. I believe that this is due to an issue of breaking paradigms as a society from the institutional framework, in which it seems that the only valid scheme in Colombian society is the university, since they are programs that complement each other.

There is a lack of greater support from the National Government for the Labor Technical programs, they are a solution to the labor and economic reality of the country, better cost-benefit ratio for those who carry them out and for companies it is a solution to hire qualified personnel, with practical and concrete experience in the sector.

Institutions should encourage and promote, help break social paradigms, because as in other first world countries, it is a pride to be a Labor Technician, it is smart to start with a Labor Technician, because in companies all workers are professionals , some are university professionals and others are comprehensive professionals, such as graduates of technical labor programs, who mostly hold assistance, auxiliary and coordination positions, the highest percentage of the labor pie or pyramid”, said Claudia Milena Manjarrez , executive director of CICCE.

Some points to take into account, for which it is considered that the Labor Technical training is a solution to the labor and economic reality of the country and a transforming axis of the vulnerability condition of many populations are:

  1. The business reality in our country reflects a latent need in the hiring of personnel with technical training, since industrial plants require a greater number of technical personnel compared to professional personnel in an approximate proportion of two (2) professionals for every ten (10) technicians (Source: Labor Observatory for education).
  • In countries such as Germany, the United States and England, priority is given in the qualification to base workers who are in charge of the operational and tactical work in the organizations. Statistics show that 6 technicians are trained for 1 professional, a situation contrary to what happens in Colombia, where 6 professionals are trained for each technician (Colombian university observatory). Which means that in Colombia a large number of technicians are needed to cover the needs of the business sector, for this reason studying a technical labor program is the best option.
  • The technical labor programs have a short duration, depending on the intensity of the hours, they can have a duration of 7 months, so the cost-benefit ratio is quite effective, to the extent that they have the possibility of training, qualifying and finding a better paid job with Not such a high investment.
  • The technical labor programs focus on learning through “doing” the essential abilities and skills to perform a job in a company, it qualifies you to quickly face the labor reality or your own entrepreneurship.
  • Students of a technical labor program who study at an accredited institution have the possibility of having apprenticeship contracts, where they are linked with companies to carry out paid internships in their field of study, these internships are from a minimum of six months to two years. their academic program could last, in this period of time the students have support from the institution, counseling, training to overcome situations such as appearing for interviews and tests of the different selection processes, preparing their resume, strengthening key skills and transversal that the company requires in its daily work, added to the fact that they can have affiliations to social security, economic remuneration and the most important thing is that they add work experience that greatly facilitates their connection to a formal job once they have fulfilled all the requirements to graduate as Labor Technicians in the area of ​​their preference.
Tips & Tricks

So, you can travel to the United States, with all payment, to study in that country

The Embassy of the United States in Colombia launched a program that will allow young people to study in that country in technological institutes in order to strengthen the understanding and knowledge of the students.

So, you can travel to the United States, with all payment, to study in that country

Individuals who benefit from the program will receive academic instruction and professional training for a year, will be able to develop leadership skills, improve fluency in the English language and learn about American culture.

What does the program include?

  • J1 visa, exchange.
  • The cost of the round trip from the participant’s city to the host institution in the United States.
  • Tuition and academic expenses.
  • Accommodation and food.
  • Grants for books and last-minute expenses.
  • Accident and illness insurance (unlimited).
  • Professional and personal development activities.

Here you can see the requirements and documents that the Embassy requires to apply for the exchange.

Remember that the call will be open until 5 pm on January 12, 2022.

Tips & Tricks

So, you can live and work in Spain with the visa for digital nomads

We understand that you want to fulfill the dream of being in another country for a while to work. Here at we want to tell you about a new visa for digital nomads that the Government of Spain is developing. This will be a permit that will authorize people to work remotely for foreign companies and reside in the country without the need for a regular work visa.

So you can live and work in Spain with the visa for digital nomads

This new teleworking visa in Spain will be framed in the “Startup Law”, whose draft is being debated in the Parliament of that country. This is a specific law to “promote entrepreneurship and support emerging companies.”

The authorities expect Spain’s digital nomad visa to be approved before the end of 2022.

While this visa is approved, you can find the ideal job for you here. Register or update your resume. 

Who can access this visa?

This digital nomad visa or teleworking visa is designed for 3 profiles of foreigners who want to live in Spain:

1. The digital nomads.

2. Foreigners who work remotely from Spain for a company outside Spanish territory.

3. The inclusion of a visa for foreigners who work in a foreign company in Spain, including the audiovisual sector, is also contemplated.

How does it work?

Although the international teleworker visa is open to all nationalities, there are certain requirements to be considered eligible.


  • Prove that they carry out a work or professional activity remotely for companies located outside of Spain.
  • Be a highly qualified professional (university graduate or postgraduate, with vocational training and/or certificates from a business school).
  • Have a minimum professional experience of 3 years.

The document prepared by the Spanish legislators also indicates that, at the time of processing the remote work visa in Spain, applicants must demonstrate that:

  • There is real and continuous work activity for at least 1 year with the foreign company(is)
  • International employers authorize remote work.

Once this visa has been obtained, said document will be sufficient to guarantee residence and remote work permit from Spain.

How long can you live in Spain with this type of visa?

 “The visa for international teleworking allows you to enter and reside in Spain for a maximum of one year “, according to the preliminary draft law for emerging companies, promoted by the Spanish Government.

However, there is the possibility of renewing it for 2 more years (and so on) as long as the requirements are met.

The document also points out that citizens can work “for themselves or for employers anywhere in the world.”

Will Latin Americans be able to live and work in Spain?

Citizens of Latin America will be eligible for the digital nomad visa promoted by the Spanish Government, as long as they comply with the conditions and terms established in the legislation.

In case of not meeting the requirements established for this remote work visa in Spain, Latin American travelers should explore other residence visa options, which have their own entry requirements to this country.

Tips & Tricks

So, you can earn money living in another country

The low population density, in some countries, has made governments decide to give monetary incentives to those people who want to lead a productive life in one of their cities. Here are some of the options:

So you can earn money living in another country

Mishima, Japan

It is a city located in the east of Japan, they had to take measures due to the loss of population, that is why they offer these benefits: a monthly salary of 760 dollars, for single peopleApproximately $700 for couples who decide to live there. On top of that, they give you $900 to cover travel and location expenses; Also, you receive an additional 90 dollars for each child you have in the territory.


Alaska, United States

Due to its low temperatures, which can reach -27 degrees Celsius, some territories are very sparsely populated. The requirements that the government demands to obtain the benefits are simple: live there for a whole year and not have a criminal record. This state provides its residents with an annual payment of $2,000; In addition to that, 25% of the oil wealth is distributed among the people who live there, this guarantees a fixed annual income.

Sambuca, Italy

Sambuca is a small Italian city located in the southeast of the island of Sicily. Although it is one of the most beautiful towns in Italy, it suffers from depopulation. That is why the local government took the measure of selling houses at the modest price of 1 euro. The only requirements are: be of legal age, be willing to live in Sambuca from June 2022 and be able to hold a conversation in English. In the same way, commit to remodeling the property and pay a deposit of 5,881 dollars that will be refundable.

Ruston, Louisiana, United States

Located north of Louisiana, it is a city that is characterized by its lively university atmosphere, as well as its cultural richness. This community offers an incentive of 10,000 dollars, which is awarded over three years, for those who move to the city and wish to work remotely. In addition to that, a community link is provided, which allows the person to easily locate a job.

Saskatchewan, Canada

Located in the center of the country, this city offers great benefits to people who decide to study there, through the ‘Graduate Retention Program Application’. $20,000 is provided to students who enroll and graduate from one of the universities in the area; you will also get money for your support while you study. The main requirement is to work and live there for at least seven years after the delivery of the money.

Tips & Tricks

Six tips to highlight your resume in a selection process

Do you have doubts about your resume and your job search? This document is vital to attract the attention of your recruiter. If you meet all the requirements of the vacancy, but don’t know how to incorporate them into an attractive, easy-to-read resume, your opportunity could be at risk.

Six tips to highlight your resume in a selection process

In a live broadcast on the networks of we have the participation of Claudia Navia, commercial director of Nexarte and expert in organizational development, human management and personnel administration.

Remember that with VIP employment you receive personalized advice for your curriculum; If you want to know the product, click here.

The guest gave six useful tips to all users of the portal who are organizing their resume and are looking for work:

1. Prepare your resume correctly

It’s not about being too extensive and putting miles of certifications. The most important thing is to know that the resume does not serve to apply to all vacancies.

I advise that the candidate modify and establish a resume according to the vacancy to which he is applying, so he can tell the recruiter why he is the best candidate for the offer, described Navia in #CharlasElEmpleo.

2. It makes a difference if your first contact with the vacancy is with a recruiter or profiler

Generally, the recruiter performs a very technical process, comparing the requirements of a vacancy with the applicant’s resume.

The first impression or reading is a crucial moment to draw attention in the selection process

Therefore, according to the expert, “you have to help the recruiter identify which of the requirements of the vacancy you meet in your experience and training.”

3. Evaluate your level of adaptation to the position

You must present a resume that is consistent with the job offer, do it consciously and do not apply to everything you see.

Apply, ideally, to the charges that you consider that you meet at least 90% of the requirements.

4. Be very honest and consistent with your resume

When entering a selection process, you must be very clear and transparent, tell things as they are and do not leave concerns in the coach.

Don’t ‘inflate’ your work experience or education; Don’t falsify your achievements or positions either. You must put real and relevant elements for the job you are aspiring to.

5. Beware of references and contacts

Make sure your work and personal references have active touch points. “It is important that the email or telephone, which is used for reference verification, are updated to check and people can give a reference of the candidate,” said the commercial director of Nexarte.

6. Prepare for the interview

Although at this point you have probably already passed the resume filter, there is no last recommendation left.

Tell the recruiter how you can get to position yourself in that position, why you are the ideal candidate; Tell them what challenges you have gone through and how you have overcome them. As well as the failures you have had.

The importance of ‘skills’ and soft skills for the recruiter

On the other hand, also had the participation of Juan Pablo Chaustre, member of the Board of Directors ACOSET (Colombian Association of Temporary Services Companies) and general manager of Staffing of Colombia.

Chaustre left valuable advice to all the participants of the broadcast. “Before, the trajectory and studies were largely taken into account; Now soft skills are a determining factor in the profile and resume of people, as well as technological skills, the ability to simplify processes and self-management.

Tips & Tricks

Six mistakes that can cause you to be discarded in a selection process

Being involved in a selection process arouses many sensations. Anxiety, joy, enthusiasm, but at the same time generates anguish for the expectations that are generated around that new position to which one aspires.

Six mistakes that can cause you to be discarded in a selection process

In this situation it is important to follow some basic steps to succeed in that process and that, in general, we forget or take for granted. It is worth remembering them and taking them into account.

Keep in mind that, in any selection process, you must have the basic or advanced knowledge that requires that position. That knowledge is key to being chosen, but there are other aspects that recruiters look at and can lead you to achieve your goal if you handle them properly.

If you want to improve your work life or look for a job from the beginning, register your resume here.

The six mistakes you should avoid in a selection process:

1. Do not read about the company: it is important to arrive at the job interview with clear knowledge of the company. If your recruiter asks you about her and you answer what she is not, she will be left with doubts regarding what you can offer her and the commitment you have in the process.

2. Being unpunctual in the interview: in Colombia it has been normalized to be late for any appointment, but it is not, much less in a selection process. It is preferable to arrive earlier and announce yourself than to be late and damage your recruiter’s schedule.

3. Apply for many positions in the same company: remember that, in many companies, they are the same people who are in charge of the selection processes. If you send the resume for several positions, they will think you are desperate. It is better that you choose the most important offers for you and leave aside those that are not.

4. Have a long, hard-to-read resume: multi-page, text-filled resumes are not used. You should look for the most important information to be summarized in two or three pages. Jairo Pinilla, director of Performia Colombia, recommends “not writing data such as the school where you studied or putting work experiences that have nothing to do with the position to which you aspire.”

5. Talk about you in the resume: in the first paragraph of this document, we usually make a summary, however, it is key that in that extract our knowledge and achievements are highlighted. Do not write subjective ratings about yourself because that data will not be taken into account.

6. Wanting the job only for the salary: If the motivation to apply for a position is only economic, it is likely that the recruiter will think twice before hiring you. The motivations should be different so that you can make a better impression, while the economic will be a consequence of your good work.

Tips & Tricks

Signs that your boss doesn’t want to let you grow

Some superiors fear that their subordinates may be better than them and go further in their careers.

In working life, you will meet good bosses, who bring out the best in you. However, you may also have to deal with a superior who keeps you in control, who does not delegate functions to you and, in particular, obstructs and inhibits your professional development.

Signs that your boss doesn't want to let you grow

Carlos Garavito, director of the psychology laboratory at the Pilot University of Colombia, says that some signs toidentify that the boss does not want to let the worker groware, in most cases, because there is an absence of consensus, promotion of ideas and tasks together, and because the superior invalidates the opinions of the person.

“When an employee experiences this type of context, they can suffer a series of deteriorations, deficits and delays in their development process, because it prevents personal and professional growth. They are usually environments in which theboss is too managerial and autocratic,” says Garavito.

For her part, Marlén Peña, director of Human Management at the Italian Cheese Factory of Vecchio, affirms that this type of signals usually arrive when internal promotions are presented within the company and, although the collaborator has the competences, skills and attitude to be able to perform the positio.

Garavito clarifies that the process of leadership and direction is an action that integrates both competencies and the fulfillment of tasks and the development of operations that allow the monitoring of achievements within an organization. Such actions are mediated by human processes (bosses).

In the world of work there is a diversity of bosses, the one who is autocratic, the one who does not allow the proposal of his employees or the development of alternatives and, in addition, who makes decisions individually and does not potentiate the human capital he possesses. This boss profile only achieves negative results for both the subordinate and the company.

Peña ends by defining that “a leader is one who pushes, who wants his collaborators to grow, who have the opportunity – even – to go further than him. A boss is the one who simply makes the way that the worker always stays there, where he can control him and where he dominates his functions. “

If you find yourself in that situation, the best advice is to talk to your boss to understand what motivates him to truncate your growth. If there is no subsequent agreement or improvement, it is recommended to apply to job offers that provide you with professional growth. And if you can’t count on your boss, count on the Human Management area.

Tips & Tricks

Should a short work experience be put on the resume?

The curriculum has to show the most relevant of your job profile. Putting a lot of experiences does not assure you the position, it is important to know what to include and what not. The relevance of an experience on the resume varies depending on your academic and professional status. If you are a student, “you can refer work periods on vacation or specific projects that have lasted between eight days and six months, this begins to build a work history. Clearly, it is very valid to specify the time in which the work practice was carried out, since it is the letter of entry into the world of work, “says Daniel Parra, Permanent Placement Manager of Adecco Colombia.

Should a short work experience be put on the resume

If you are a professional, it is important to take into account your years as a graduate. For recruiters, this aspect serves as a reference to consider a representative work experience.

“A recently graduated professional must have at least six months of his work practice. For those who have graduated in the last five years, the job market expects them to have between a year and a half or two of experience. A senior professional with more than 10 years of graduation, must have at least five years of experience in positions similar to the vacancy to which he is applying, either as a leader or boss, “says Parra. The candidates who must accumulate more experience are those who aspire to high-level corporate positions. These positions require “people who have between 10 and 15 years of work experience and have played, during their last five years, roles similar to those of the position to which they are applying,” concludes Parra.

What if it’s someone with several years of work experience and only lasts two months in a new job? “I wouldn’t put that experience – says Santaella – because that would not define him as a professional. There are many things at stake, which also depend on what the candidate wants to convey. Here the interviewer’s vision is important to understand the situation.”

Listen to the interview he Permanent Placement Manager of Adecco Colombia, about the time of work experience of the curriculum:

The candidates who must accumulate more experience are those who aspire to high-level corporate positions. These positions require “people who have between 10 and 15 years of work experience and have played, during their last five years, roles similar to those of the position to which they are applying,” concludes Parra.

What to do if you have no experience?

It is key that you make a file with university papers or academic research, which you consider relevant. Recruiters’ recruiters can take into account this type of work and in them they can discover your work interests.

Omits very short experiences from your resume

If you are a professional with several years of experience, do not include work periods of two or three months. “If you didn’t adapt to the expectations of that job or had to retire for another reason, it’s best to exclude these references if they didn’t result in a meaningful experience that impacted your professional development. These quick entries and exits are questioned a lot in the labor market and can mean instability, in itself, a bad letter of introduction, “says Daniel Parra, Permanent Placement Manager of Adecco Colombia.

Tips & Tricks

Sena offers employment in Spain for nursing professionals

New job opportunities by the Sena Public Employment Agency were recently announced by the entity, this time aimed at health professionalsin the nursing area. The required profiles will work directly with the Spanish hospital network Hospiten, in Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

Sena offers employment in Spain for nursing professionals

Here are the requirements to apply for the available vacancies:

– You must have a degree in Nursing or Bachelor’s degree in this area.

– Have one year of nursing experience.

– The degree must be validated by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport.

– You must attach this title as support to your resume in the education item.


Also, when applying for this call, there are benefits such as salarywhich will be 2,080 euros ($9,152,096 pesos) per month. The worker will contribute health and pension (social security) and in case of requesting vacations, it will be 30 days off.

Another of the guarantees that are attractive is that the company provides help for people who are acceptedassuming the cost of travel and lodging for a month, as long as the commitment to remain in the company for at least two years is acquired.

The call began this February 23 and runs until March 17, 2022. However, the term may vary according to the fulfillment of the number of applicants and the candidates who are shortlisted will be contacted by the company to verify the profile, and later have a virtual interview.