The National Learning Service, SENA, opened registrations for the ‘English Dot Work’ program, a virtual modality that seeks to strengthen linguistic skills in the English language. Registrations are validated for those nationals or foreigners who have permission to study in the country.
The program has 10 training levels related to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), each level is certified by SENA. Students can start at the level they see fit or take the entire course from the beginning.
The following requirements must be taken into account in order to apply to the ‘English DotWork’ courses: be at least 14 years old and have a basic knowledge of office automation tools, such as the use of email, internet browsing, presentations in Power Point, among others.
Enrolling is very easy
Go to
Click on the top right of the screen where it says “VIRTUAL ENGLISH”.
Select the level of English you want to take based on your knowledge of the language.
Click on registration.
Register and confirm registration.
You will receive an email confirming it.
To learn more about the English program ‘English Dot Work’ and about other educational programs offered by SENA, you can go to the official page
How not to fall into massive calls that offer positions too good to be true? The offer was the right one, it matched your professional profile and the salary was attractive, but in the following days they called you to offer you a position in a ‘call center’ or in a multilevel company.
So that you do not take this type of disappointments due to work needs, you have to distrust, filter and carefully navigate the ‘perfect’ proposals on the internet. In addition, to handing over personal information, you could waste time and motivation. However, “the first step is to make sure that the sites and platforms used to search for employment are viable, recognized and related to valid offers,” advises Laura Alba, Human Resources expert at Page Group Colombia.
Next, you must review the profile of the bidder, the grammar of the offer and what it promises. You could even question the bidder with “aspects such as the salary range, the duration of the contract, the possibility of transfers, in itself, special characteristics of the position that may become important for the company or the candidate,” says Alba.
An alternative that can give you security about the company, in which you are applying, is to accessGoogle orLinkedIn search engines, where you can find data such as addresses, telephones, trajectory and even the occasional vacancy published directly on the company’s websites.
In case the offer seems attractive to you and you have any doubts with the possible employer, try to send a resume with a more basic content, without social networks linked to your personal profile, or “ID numbers, addresses and general contact details of the applicant, as well as that of the references, since these lend themselves to an inadequate handling of the information “, recommends Daniel Parra, Permanent Placement Manager at Adecco.
Common domains or with suspicious endings can be a red flag. “You have to check that the email address is not generic. An email that keeps a corporate domain, a logo or that communicates it directly with a person in the company is an aspect that generates security, “says Laura Alba, expert in Human Resources at PageGroup Colombia.
Finally, remember that if you are required to apply for any amount of money, either to take medical exams or other documents, you should be strongly suspicious of the proposal and – in some cases – report. Do not forget to register your resume in our portal, here you can browse through different offers that are published daily, and if you wish, highlight your profile with which you will also receive advice with your curriculum.
This process is essential for an to perform the tasks and functions of their new position in the best way. Some do not give it the importance that a professional splice should have, believe that it should be done by simple protocol and do not know the need to offer the worker the opportunity to soak well on what he needs in his new role.
Patricio Herrera, Marketing and Communications Manager Teaching Centre of the British Council Colombia, defines that in the junction the person who enters a company receives the fundamental aspects such as policies, objectives, mission and regulations of the company. In the splice, all the necessary tools must be given so that the person has a good performance in his new job.
In addition, according to Herrera, the necessary time must be dedicated for the worker to assimilate the functions and expectations of the position he is going to perform.
The splicing is necessary to ensure the efficient performance of the employee who will assume the position. The person in charge of doing so must be the one who delivers the position. “Or, failing that, the immediate boss. In this way, the worker who receives this position can have a clear vision of the functions he must perform and the status of the pending work, “says Herrera.
María Clara Delgadillo, Human Resources Manager of CNG Energy, complements and expresses that the splice requires time and availability. It should not be done to races. And, in addition, it is very important to have all the work tools and relevant information so that the new worker is ready.
If possible, the splice should be done by the person leaving the position. But if you can not be present to make the formal delivery, you must deliver the position by means of a record where the status of the tasks you are developing, data of suppliers, customers, contacts and all possible information to facilitate the continuity of the functions that could not be completed. “This will give the person who receives the position a fundamental guide to carry out their functions and, for the person who delivers, formality to leave all pending matters delivered,” says Herrrera.
We know that for many people 2021 was not the best in labor matters and therefore in the economic aspect, however, we have the opportunity to start a new year with the best energy to attract that job that we love so much and may luck be on your side. our side. For this reason, here at we want to give you some recommendations that you can put into practice to attract work and money in 2022.
Before starting with the tips, remember to attract with your mind the positive that this 2021 left you, that will help you keep a clean and positive mind.
1. Wish List:
Write on a piece of paper the wishes you have for the next year, such as finding that new job that you want so much. Fold it and put it in your wallet, at midnight remember to open it and read it several times. Always keep this list in your wallet so you can focus on those resolutions you want to fulfill in the new year.
2. Clean your house:
One day before the end of the year, clean your entire home. Move objects that have been stagnant for a long time, clean with scents that you like. That same day open all the windows in your home and keep them open all day, this will help renew the energy in your home and start 2022 with everything positive.
3. Gold in the Cup:
On December 31, at the time of making the toast at night, remember to put some gold object inside the glass, be careful not to swallow it. This will attract good luck and fortune in your life.
4. Gold and White Candles in the House:
On the last day of the year remember to put lighted gold and white candles in your house to cleanse energies and attract wealth in the home.
5. Create a plan for 2022:
Create a plan that allows you to focus on finding the job you want. Creating a daily schedule to look for that job you want could work. Remember that looking for a job is also a job. But always remember to stay positive so that good energy accompanies you in this process.
At we want to help you find the job you want so much in the new year, so remember to keep your resume updated and dedicate at least 2 hours a day to apply for the vacancies for which you meet the requirements.
Employees can face unfair and uncomfortable situations at work and to face them you have rights that should not be denied.
Thanks to the several doubts of its users have been resolved and they have been advised to use the right of petition in different cases. Therefore, the portal presents an indication on how to present a right of petition; This mechanism allows the individual to make a claim about a situation before a public or private entity.
“Everyone has the right to submit respectful petitions to the authorities for reasons of general or particular interest and to obtain a prompt resolution. The legislator may regulate its exercise before private organizations to guarantee fundamental rights.”, announcesArticle 23 of the Political Constitution of Colombia.
“The right of petition is a right of constitutional rank enshrined in the Political Constitution. It is said that it is of fundamental rank in that it protects a right, which if not attended to gives rise to the exercise of the tutela action, “says Consuelo García, a lawyer specializing in Social Security.
It is usually done before a state institution, but also before individuals when the applicant “is in a situation of subordination or in cases in which the person before whom it is requested, exercises a dominant function or position vis-à-vis the petitioner; this is the case of the petitions that workers can act before their employer,” says García.
How is it written?
In a petition you must specify:
Authority or entity you are addressing.
Name and surname of the applicant.
Applicant identification number.
The address where the response is sent.
Subject matter of the request.
The reasons on which the request is based.
The list of documents or evidence presented to initiate the procedure.
The petitioner’s signature.
Keep in mind
In the document you can also put data or contact information such asemail, cell phone number or city.
The term to resolve the request, except for special rules, is 15 days from the receipt of the request.
The end of the year presents the opportunity for thousands of workers to take a break from activities and spend time with their families. However, returning to work and meeting schedules and routines again can become a challenge, since the increase in tasks and the change in lifestyle is reflected in physical and psychological discomfort that can cause anxiety, depression, lack of interest, among others.
According to the Social Pulse Survey carried out by DANE between July 2020 and January 2021, it was shown that depression affected 19% of Colombian women, compared to 13.9% of men, due to different factors, among them the current situation generated by the pandemic. An important point is that in the world of work there has been a change to virtuality.
Lina Villegas, a professor at the Faculty of Psychology at Universidad El Bosque and a master’s in clinical psychology, gives some advice to better adapt to the work routine and avoid damage to physical and mental health.
– The most advisable thing is to return from vacation at least two days in advance, to put everything in order, adapt back to the routine and prepare yourself for the return.
– Upon returning, it is recommended to check pending and prepare a list of priority things to do. If everything is resumed at once, it can trigger stress.
– Something that may seem obvious, but that directly influences a person’s performance, is the separation of work and family times, respecting schedules.
– The practice of some sports activity allows the stress of returning to work after a period of rest to be released.
Undoubtedly, putting these recommendations into practice will allow the attitude of those who return from their vacations to work to be positive and influence work performance without stress.
In our most recent ‘Thursday of offers’, the people who connected to the transmission left different comments through the different social networks (Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIn) requesting support for the job search in different places in Colombia.
This allows us to see the scope that this space has had, created so that our followers and, in general, those who are looking for work, can be hired as soon as possible.
Below we leave you some of the vacancies that the people who connected to the ‘Thursday of offers’ of May 19 requested the most. Do not hesitate to share this note with whoever needs it.
Warehouse assistant in Bogotá
Clinical psychologist in Bogotá
Security guard in Cali
Lawyers in Barranquilla
Job opportunities in Ibagué
Social worker in Medellin
Job offers in Postobón
Offers in the Occupational Health and Safety sector
In a recent installment, posted the phrases that may bother your boss the most. Do you know the comments he does want to hear? Not only is the word enough, the idea is that through your actions and attitude you can reflect commitment, compliance and seriousness in the eyes of your boss. For him, it is important that his employees are motivated and that they feel that they can grow and develop professionally in his company.
Gratitude is the beginning, if you expect only your superiors to be the ones who thank you for your work, you are wrong. It is important that this is not unidirectional, you must be grateful to your bosses and colleagues.
who knows how to say thank you for an act or fact that positively impacted him or her leader is a person who creates a connection that always brings good fruits, because timely recognition and gratitude is a boost and motivation for everyone,”says Adriana Garcés, Human Talent Manager at ManpowerGroup.
Working with peers can lead tocompetitionand, in some cases, rivalries. However, a leader appreciates when there is a collaborative and healthy environment among employees in his team.
By offering support to a colleague who is overwhelmed with their tasks or who is absent, you show the boss “commitment, achievement orientation and of course teamwork, which is the most important thing to achieve for any leader in an organization,” says Elive Riveros Trujillo, director of People, Organization and Culture of HDI Seguros.
There are ideal phrases. For example:”I have analyzed some indicators and I want to propose an improvement model”or”I would like to have a space with you, I want to give feedback on the aspects that I need to improve”. The first comment can project the trust and dedication an employee has with their leader. With the second you can “detect the openness of your collaborator to build more and better processes, evidencing a proactive person,” says Liliana Guzmán Caballero, director of Human Resources at Adalid.
According to Guzmán Caballero, “creating a company in the country is very difficult; When you admire the work of a person who generates employment, it is an incentive to transfer knowledge to others who want to follow the same path.” Telling the boss that you admire him for his venture doesn’t have to become an exaggerated act of ‘flattery’. Similarly, if you consider that your superior is an example to follow for his achievements or professional experience, you can let him know.
Don’t forget to always be willing to give a little more than you can give and, of course, be open to learning.
These attitudes are important within the work teams and you can reflect them through expressions such as: “I thought you were going to ask me about this issue, so I went ahead and made this report, tell me what you think” or “of course boss, I do not know how to do it but I investigate and I do it”, concludes Riveros Trujillo.
Know the complete list ofphrases to ‘fall in love’ with your boss:
I feel that your entrepreneurial effort is admirable, I would like you to guide me on how to create a company.
I can help you with that.
I’ve got an idea.
I perceive that (an area partner) is a little overwhelmed by the calamity he had, so I am supporting him with these issues.
I didn’t understand very well and I don’t want to make mistakes, can you repeat me?
I find this topic very interesting and I would like to learn much more
Thank you for listening and taking into account the opinions of the whole team
Today comes a new edition of #OffersThursday for you. Therefore, we go with everything, thinking of helping you get that job you long for.
In the first instance, we have this note with 15 of our featured offers of the week, valid for different positions, companies, municipalities and cities in Colombia.
Each vacancy comes with its position, city and link. Therefore, if any catches your attention, click on that link to learn everything about it and apply. YOU CAN DO IT RIGHT NOW!
In addition, we will have a LIVE at 5 PM, to help you look for a job LIVE, answer your questions and talk in more detail about the opportunities in this article.
But that is not all. In that LIVE you can also tell us which profession, city and company you want to work in and we will look for it LIVE with you. We are waiting for you on Facebook, YouTube and
Do not take risks with your resume, you must be sincere, honest and professional with the information you include in the document. The need to find a job can led you to oversize your skills or bizarrely title the positions you have previously held. In the interview they can discover these positions, work experiences or studies that you exaggerated with ‘subtlety’.
According to a study conducted in Latin America by DNA Human Capital, Colombian candidates are the ones who lead the list of those who lie the most on their resumes. Hiding job opportunities for negative reasons or looking more suitable for a position are some of the reasons why data is often made up in resumes.
“These aspects are usually modified in the resumes to be able to pass the first filters that are in companies, since candidates are usually afraid of being discarded without having had the opportunity for an interview”, explainsAna María Briceño, Executive CEO at Talent SAS.
On the one hand, there are those candidates who try to strengthen previous positions through much more striking names that may be interesting for the recruiter. A risky move. The verification process does not only last in the interview, as the process progresses the candidates are examined in depth.
The data you provide can be corroborated with references that ask you
A candidate who advertises “with a more senior professional level, with more experience or more knowledge” can ruin his selection process, “for the recruiter it is easy to detect this makeup in the resume and could rule him out for the position and even for future selection processes”, says Alejandro Arevalo, executive manager of DNA Human Capital.
Playing with academia is also serious. Choosing to name different degrees, studies not completed or never completed can generate a bad image to your professional profile. If you manage to pass these and filters, your subsequent development in the company can give you away. There are applicants who have come to “put labor practices in companies that do not exist, generating inconsistencies in the resumes that can be easily detected in an interview,” says Briceño.
Do you understand some movies in English?
That is not enough to say that you handle the language perfectly. Nowadays some companies require up to 90% of English, which is understood, spoken and written. “To validate the level of English, recruiters often ask the candidate to have a conversation in this language and it is at that moment where real levels of knowledge come to light, often contrary or lower than what is announced in the resume,” says Arévalo.
You can prepare very well the speech you plan to give when an interviewer questions you about certain information on your resume, but references and databases can betray you. With just one call, a recruiter can find your previous bosses or jobs.