How To

Learn how you can increase productivity in your work assertively

Workers from different sectors of the economy in Colombia, constantly seek to give their best in their respective positions and add value within the company in which they work, in order to grow within it, despite not having a motivation as the basis of their life project. Likewise, organizations have set themselves the challenge of increasing productivity in the midst of the economic reactivation that has been taking place.

Learn how you can increase productivity in your work assertively

However, a question arises, and that is how to achieve greater productivity assertively, if it has been shown that in most companies, their staff unmotivated and poorly aligned with corporate objectives?

María Reina, an expert in innovation and human talent management, affirms that “the demotivation of employees occurs because they do not know what they are good at or what they are passionate about“. This perception is reaffirmed by what was said by the American psychologist Howard Gardner, who states that “75% ofemployees in organizations are increasingly unmotivated, which affects productivity and the results required to recover the pace of growth and advance exponentially”.

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And what are the keys?

If you want to increase your productivity, we let you know keys, which despite seeming common, if you put them into practice in your work environment, will give an excellent result.

– Enhance capacities: Look for individual strengths and foster them collaboratively. Teamwork and the union of skills and abilities are fundamental.

– Socialize with peers: With the reactivation, after the contingency caused by the covid-19 pandemic, the return to the office is a reality and by establishing interpersonal relationships with colleagues, motivation grows, while there is collaborative work.

– Express ideas: Through team meetings, explore your ideas and discuss them without fear. Contributing contributes to the increase of self-esteem and self-confidence.

– Learn to differentiate your personal life from your work life: You must have the ability to leave your personal problems outside of work and concentrate on your work, along with the relationships you weave with your colleagues, based on cordiality and kindness.

– Project: When you work, you not only do it to generate an income, but also to contribute to your personal development and build a future, based on aspirations, such as studying, traveling and growing in an integral way.

For both employees and companies, well-being and finding motivation based on passion are factors that influence productivity and good results for the growth of the company. The methodologies are important supports for the understanding of business contexts and the development of human groups that generate interpersonal relationships within it.

How To

Learn how to spot a fake job offer

Currently looking for a job is a task that involves quite a big effort, not only to find the best option to find a job and have stability, but also to avoid false offers that are offered through social networks and to which many people who need help. an urgent job, they apply, unaware of the consequences. (REGISTER YOUR RESUME HERE)

Learn how to spot a fake job offer

It should be noted that the people behind the fraudulent offers seek to swindle the candidates, ask for money or obtain personal data to sell it to database companies and use it in the future for various procedures. Also, remember that in a selection process you should not be charged anything.

Here are some recommendations or tips that you can keep in mind so as not to fall into the trap of false job offers or job calls:

– If when registering on any platform or employment page they ask you for sensitive data such as your document number, bank accounts, and data that have nothing to do with your professional profile, this is a warning sign. 

– If you are charged for participating in the selection process, this offer is not real.

– If you are required to pay for medical tests, desist from applying for the offer.

– If you search the internet and see that there is no company with the name you were given and there are no social networks either, it is a reason to leave the offer aside.

– If the email of the offer, to which you are asked to send documentation, has the domain “@Gmail”, “@Hotmail”, “@yahoo” or other free e-mail addresses, it is suspicious, since a company constituted, like that their personal, they have their own domain.

– If when looking for the address of the company, it does not correspond, it is an alarm to avoid applying your resume to the vacancy.

– If they seek to impersonate another company or platform and the link is not a secure connection (it does not have a lock), it is better that you do not give any of your data.

– If you receive a message via Whatsapp, Telegram or SMS from a cell phone number, do not answer, ignore it and block the number. It is important not to enter the links that may be in these messages.

– When you see a statement from employment agencies about calls to apply for vacancies, try to check the social networks of these entities and communicate with them to validate the information and make sure that the calls are real.

How To

Learn how to identify if you are being a good leader in your company

Having good leaders in companies is essential to achieve the expected results within the company. The abuse of authority, arrogance and lack of assertive communication by bosses has gone into the background to turn them into true leaders who inspire and motivate their employees.

Learn how to identify if you are being a good leader in your company

To find out what a good business leader should have in we spoke withMarcela Rojas, career coach and headhunter, who told us some aspects that must be taken into account to be a good leader within the company.

If there are vacancies in your company you can publish them in this link.

What should I keep in mind if I have just assumed a position as a boss in the company?

Know in depth the scope of the position, who will depend on you, your peers, your bosses, clients, all this to take into account before making decisions, making changes or implementing new ideas.

It is important that you know what is behind everything you will be in charge of: the work culture, the stories behind the triumphs and failures, who the strategic people are, how things are being handled and why. When you have these answers then start your strategy taking into account the story that accompanies your position.

This will allow you to adapt your ideas to the needs and culture of the organization, which will not only generate a better work environment, by taking into account the past and present of the company, but will reduce the margin of error when knowing the reasons why something has gone wrong in the past.

What are the characteristics that a good business leader should have?

1. Emotional intelligenceto not allow your emotions to govern your decisions and reactions. This allows you to speak with respect even if you are upset, feel that there is room for everyone to shine, and share your knowledge sincerely so that everyone wins.

2. Listen to understand the needs of those around youand from there speak and propose with empathy. A leader who cuts his internal speech to really hear what the other person is saying, connects with his interlocutor and begins to speak his language, in this way communication flows and confidence increases.

3. He adapts because he knows that the world is a changing place, so he does not cling to a single idea even if he likes it very much. It is open to new knowledge and ways of thinking. He constantly evaluates, studies and tries new ways of doing things to improve his work.

4. He surrounds himself with a good teambecause he knows and recognizes that he cannot be an expert in everything, so he seeks and values the knowledge that others can bring to improve his work, this makes his good results not only the result of his knowledge, but of the synergies he achieves with the people around him.

5. Allow others to grow because youknow that success is an abundant and infinite morsel that everyone can eat if they have worked for it.

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How to identify a bad leader in a company?

A bad leader is based on his own interest, he is the typical person who takes credit for team-built achievements. They tend to have very bad interpersonal relationships and are constantly caught up in power struggles and egos. They let themselves be carried away by their emotions, they do not listen to the needs of customers, employees, peers and suppliers, they believe that their word is the only one that counts.

What is the most common mistake leaders make in companies?

Not listening, living in an internal monologue where the world has to adapt to their needs and not them to the needs of the world.

How should a leader behave in the face of the personal situation of workers?

With empathy, we could lose a good element of a company by not having empathy and tact.

An employee will never forget a sincere and disinterested call from his boss to ask how his health is going or the situation that has him outside his job, without him taking advantage of that minute to ask about work issues.

Flowers, condolence or greeting cards, paid days off, the possibility of teleworking while solving their situation, among other things, are emotional salaries that people value very much and generate loyalty and a sense of belonging to the company.

3 current leaders who inspire society and we must have as a reference…

In Colombia and the world there are many. I would recommend locallyArturo CalleandLuz María Jaramillo (Pavimentos Colombia), and outside ColombiaSir Richard Branson (Virgin Group).

What these three people have in common is the value they give to their human talent, which they see as a priority and a fundamental part of the machinery of their companies. They have a sincere intention to grow together.

How To

Learn how to give an excellent job interview from home

Companies did not abandon their selection processes due to the coronavirus. In fact, many recruiters are interviewing candidates virtually.

Learn how to give an excellent job interview from home

Being at home is then an opportunity to continue looking for a job and applying for job offers. The portal consulted with experts on how to succeed in job interviews by video call.

Essential tools for teleworking

Prepare the technical aspects

Initially, you should prepare for the medium or technology you will use, whether you will communicate through your cell phone or computer. Surely, the recruiter will notify you through which software or application they will establish a connection; If not, ask in advance to download or create an account on the designated platform.

Learn more answers to frequently asked questions in our Labor Research section

Regardless of the type of computer the interviewee uses, according to Michael Page experts, it is vital to check the device’s battery charge and Internet connection level. When the loss of communication is generated, the continuity of the interview can be affected.

Pauses between answers

Once this is done and once the interview has begun, you have to “wait before speaking, since it is common for videoconferences to have a delay in the camera. Just like in the news, it’s a good idea to wait a few seconds before answering a question, so you’ll avoid accidentally interrupting the interviewer in the middle of his speech, which may seem like a discourtesy,” adds the information provided by Michael Page.

How to access unemployment benefit for coronavirus emergency?

Dress for the occasion

Also, you have to take care of the personal presentation, not show yourself in sportswear or pajamas, hence the interest and respect of the candidate for the process he performs.

“It is important that the applicant investigates the business well or, if he has the opportunity, talk to people who already work there to know what their dress code is like and present yourself to the virtual interview according to this,” advises Joaquín Jiménez, managing director of The Bonding.

Relax and get ready to make your best impression

According to Jimenez, the advantage of video calls lies “in control, because in a virtual interview the candidate should not face external factors such as traffic, hunger, nerves for not arriving on time or the direct presence of the recruiter. On the contrary, he can control his environment and, therefore, be calmer and more prepared.”

Finally, do not forget to have ready the answers to frequently asked questions about the interest you have in the company, your possible contribution to it, strengths, weaknesses and expectations regarding hiring or work experience.

How To

Learn how to earn a 100% scholarship to study a master’s degree in another country

For many professionals, the option of doing a postgraduate degree is increasingly valid in their life plans, either to have more knowledge, get better income or be able to live in another country. However, for many young people the obstacle lies in the cost of master’s degrees, so here at we bring you options so you can apply for scholarships, thus fulfilling the dream of studying a postgraduate degree and growing professionally.

Learn how to earn a 100% scholarship to study a master's degree in another country

The International University of Valencia (VIU) in Spain launched the second edition of the ‘Becas Quiero’, an international program of 60 scholarships to which students from Spain, Ecuador, Colombia and Peru will be able to access.

This program will finance 100% of the teaching of the 50 master’s degrees and 10 online degrees chosen by the students who submit their candidacy to the ‘Quiero Scholarships’, within the portfolio of programs of the online university.

If you are looking for a job in Colombia or want to improve yours, register your resume in this link.

This program was born from the will of the International University of Valencia to reward and encourage effort, talent, and academic excellence and therefore, although the criteria for choosing the winners are mainly academic, the trajectory and curriculum of the candidates will also be highly valued, in addition to their motivation and progress. With this, VIU seeks to launch a message of optimism and hope, enhancing the transformative role of education, and its role as an agent of progress and social improvement.

The most demanded programs in the last edition were those of the Business Area with a total of 12 scholarships awarded and those of the health Sciences Area with 9 scholarships. 8 scholarships were also awarded in the Legal Area, 7 in the Science and Technology Area, 6 in the Communication Area, 5 in the Arts and Humanities Area and 3 in Education.

How to apply?

Candidates may apply for the scholarship for any of the Degrees or Masters of the seven Academic Areas of the International University of Valencia indicated on the website

The deadline for receiving applications will end this Friday, July 30. The presentation of the application will be made through the same website, and in their candidacy the applicants must include both the academic record, as well as their professional career and a motivational video in which they must make known their motivations to apply for the scholarship. The winners will be announced on September 15, through the same website and social networks of the University.

How To

Learn how to create your personal brand to find a job

Don’t know what personal branding is all about? Do you want to improve it? In a live broadcast and exclusive for users of VIP an expert delivered the best advice. For this occasion, users who have VIP employment had the opportunity to talk with Claudia Palacio, a personal brand consultant, focused on employability with more than 10 years of experience.

Learn how to create your personal brand to find a job

During the broadcast, topics directly related to personal branding such as resume, personal portfolio and social networks as a presentation tool were discussed.

Would you like to participate in these conversations and have exclusive access to these contents? Acquire the VIP job, receive this benefit, visibility advice with your resume. 

Tips & Tricks

Learn how the Icetex payment will be adjusted depending on your salary

Many Colombians to complete their studies must go to a loan with Icetex, which often becomes a headache to have a debt present for many years. However, from next year those who are beneficiaries of this type of credit will have the option to decide if they want the installments of the payment of this obligation to be adjusted to their monthly income so that they can have a payment facility.

Learn how the Icetex payment will be adjusted depending on your salary

This new modality was included in the draftGeneral Budget of the Nation (PGN) 2022that was approved by the Congress of the Republic, in article 118, and is called a contingent payment mechanism.

How will it work?

The value of each monthly installment will depend on the debtor’s income in the previous month. To have control over this, it will be the employer itself who has the management of the collection.

Do you want to have a new job opportunity? Register your resume here.

This will benefit families and young students who will no longer have to pay a monthly fee while they are studying asthey will be able to start paying only when they enter the formal labour market.

The salary

One of the questions that arises in the face of this new mechanism is whether it will apply to young people who earn a minimum wage. At this point, according to Icetex, the formula to determine thevalue to be paid each month will depend on the salary received by the debtor. This is regardless of the salary that the person has, however, it should be noted that the first minimum wage will be excluded from collection.

So, in the event that a young person is earning a minimum wage or lesshe will not have to pay that month since his income status was below this threshold.

This amount paid will be adjusted depending on the income that the person has.

New credit term

Now it will be allowed that ina maximum period of 20 years the debt can be canceled.

During this time the person can pay the full value of the debt and be released from the obligation.

In addition, in the event that the person who takes advantage of this formula and reaches year 20 paying his quota month by month, without being able to cancel the entire value of the credit, the obligation is forgiven without prejudice to the beneficiary.

So far it has not been defined how many people will be able to access this, however, although it is designed for new users, old debtors can also be welcomed, but they must request it voluntarily.

Tips & Tricks

Last minute mistakes that can ruin your hiring

The job is more than assured, you just need to sign or receive a call with the formal offer, what could go wrong? Until you sign the contract nothing is assured. This is a premise that all candidates for a new job opportunity must keep in mind. There are specific situations or errors that, as childish as they may seem, end up with hiring at the least unexpected time.

Last minute mistakes that can ruin your hiring

For example, posting the wrong message on social media could be enough for the recruiter to refrain from signing the contract. Although each Internet user has the freedom to share what they consider on social networks, you should be careful with content that puts your reputation or that of the company that wants to have your services at risk.

Debating the political, social and economic situation is not bad, as long as it is from respect, more in the digital sphere. Therefore, avoid rudeness or confrontations because there is no similarity in opinions. Companies are looking for candidates who “respect diversity, who have an open mind and who listen to all kinds of opinions, because today many companies expect their teams to have a culture of inclusion and respect, which values the essentials of the human being,” says Elive Riveros Trujillo, director of People, Organization and Culture of HDI Seguros.

“The candidate must ensure that he carries with him the right message that he wants to convey, that is appropriate to the job, sector of the industry and even types of company in which he wishes to work” –Yamile Pardo Morales, Director of Human Talent and BDO in Colombia.

If your profile is private, you can share the content of your liking without so much prevention. For Juan Pablo Castillo, Director of Corporate Affairs at Sodexo, social networks are a “totally personal environment and it is not appropriate to invade this space or the private life of candidates as a filter for hiring, the objective is to find someone with specific characteristics, do the required tests. “

On your social networks, skip comments and content that incite hatred and include:



– Xenophobic



Another mistake that can be made – both for candidates and employees – is “when you talk better about the brand, product or service of the competition than about the company to which you apply or where you work, which can be considered as an unfair act and depending on the internal work regulations and policies of the company, it can be considered a major lack,” says Yamile Pardo Morales, director of Human Talent and BDO in Colombia.

Regarding the photos and images published, you should be careful if your profile is completely public. In networks that were created for professional and labor dissemination purposes, “photographs, images or pieces that project professionalism must be published,” adds Pardo.

Stacks with personal references!

Many things can happen for a hiring to be reversed. For example, that a last-minute reference does not give the best impression of the candidate, that the applicant does not respond in a timely manner to calls or appointments from Human Resources or sudden changes within the organization. 

The case of personal references is special. Many people get rid of the references in their resumes and end up not validating exactly what the candidate expected, denying or not recognizing aspects of their passage through another job. “A bad reference of a candidate can put at risk their continuity in the selection process, for this reason, only those who are able to really value the quality of this person’s work should be the only one who dares to express any information about him or her. Otherwise, the damage that can be done to a person in a hiring process is enormous,” warns Riveros.

Do not lie to your recruiters, they can intuit the availability of hiring the candidate and your level of adaptation through photos or publications you make during the selection process. In addition, discovering that the candidate for the position did not tell the whole truth or made it up will detract from the credibility of his profile.

“The most important thing is to feel identified and happy, contributing their skills and serving within it, behaving as an internal and external ambassador of the brand” -Yamile Pardo Morales, Director of Human Talent and BDO in Colombia.

“For companies, it is essential to be able to obtain first-hand information from the candidate, especially when what they publish on networks is generally accessible, since any personal opinion can affect the sector for which they are applying or worse, the company in which they are applying. This can be perceived as synonymous with not wanting to enter the company and that is why the candidate could not participate in any selection process with it, “says Riveros.

In addition to feeling inspired by the possible company where you would work, you must fully contribute your skills and project yourself as an “internal and external ambassador of the brand”. “The issuer must be aware and consistent in applying to the companies with which he is philosophically aligned, because this will allow him to grow in a stable and progressive way. The information you prefer to publish should depend on the image that the professional wants to project and there you must be a skilled digital communicator, “concludes Pardo.

Tips & Tricks

Know the importance of e-hunters in selection processes

Being linked to employment is one of the objectives that generates the most expectations in thousands of candidates and employers, daily in Colombia; and to support companies that are looking for qualified personnel, E-hunters provides support from experts so that the choice of who becomes part of a team is the best option and meets expectations.

Know the importance of e-hunters in selection processes.

This is the case of Crewit, a leading recruitment company and client of E-hunters, which was looking for a candidate for the position of HR business partner in Colombia and after a thorough and exhaustive process, Laura Hernández was chosen to fill that vacancy.

Laura comments that the company was looking for a person to be in charge of the operational part and to identify attractive profiles for Credit’s clients, who are mostly in the construction sector.

It should be noted that the selection process carried out by e-hunters was carried out in an orderly and detailed manner, since according to the company they selected the most appropriate profile, evaluating soft skills to execute the actions requested by the position.

Undoubtedly, E-hunters is a strategic ally of the client, since they are not only in charge of facilitating the election of a candidate for subsequent hiring, but also look for someone who contributes to the growth of the company and fulfillment of the objectives.

Tips & Tricks

Know the ’emotional dismissal’. You could suffer from it

It is normal for every worker to initially enter with high expectations and desire to learn and give the best of himself. However, over time, unexpected situations or situations that demotivate you can be experienced.

Know the 'emotional dismissal'. You could suffer from it

The problem is when “the balance unbalances and these situations increase, generating dissatisfaction and you stop having reasons to continue surpassing, to work that extra hour, to maintain the initial commitment and exceed the expectations of the position,” Laura Cárdenas, professional and personal coach.

“Emotional dismissal is the last stage of a process in which, little by little, we disconnect from our work because of negative situations, which make us lose motivation and commitment,” the expert added.

How to identify if you are going through an emotional dismissal?

Generally, those who are going through this situation usually do not have the courage to work, present high demotivation, lose confidence and performance.

In addition, for this employee going to work becomes an obligation or necessity, rather than a positive challenge or motivation. Lack of concentration can also appear.

Your working relationships can be impacted

Employers can also identify an employee who is experiencing an ’emotional layoff’. By feeling unhappy and dissatisfied, job performance, behaviors and attitudes with the boss or team also change.

Therefore, it is suggested to provide support to resolve the situation in the best way for both parties.

How to overcome ’emotional dismissal’?

Cardenas said that the affected person must begin by recognizing the situation he faces and take responsibility for the consequences it is bringing to himself and the company.

On the other hand, the origin of this lack of motivation must be identified to find a solution.

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Through these questions you can identify the source of your dissatisfaction:

  • Is there a bad relationship with your boss?
  • Are you stagnant and with no chance of growth?
  • Is there a lack of recognition and support?
  • Does your work go against your career goals?
  • Are you in a job where you feel like you don’t learn and you don’t have opportunities to showcase your talent?

By getting an answer, the person can find a possible way out and resolve the issue with the right people, either with the employer, Human Resources or with themselves.

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When is it inevitable to have to look for a new job?

Be clear about the best scenario, regain confidence and be clear about what you are going to decide. The least recommended is to sit idly by because of fear or indecision.

Nor “you can accept any offer just to run out of your current position, since you can live the same situation,” advised the professional coach, who also invites you to change your attitude to have a good mood to start selection processes.