Tips & Tricks

Keys to understanding the “blade” recruiter

In the interview the recruiter or selection professional will delve into the candidate’s capabilities, knowledge and experience. This individual may be the person who allows you a chance to get a job, but it is also possible that it will become your nightmare.

Keys to understanding the blade recruiter

Although not all interviews are the same, there are questionnaires related to the field of work that are predictable. But do not be trusted, there are recruiters “blade” that make the aspirants suffer.

To find the right person, recruiters must know very well the sector and the company for which they work and, of course, who they require, doing interviews that discover all the strengths and weaknesses. “As interviewers, we usually validate reasons for retirement from previous work or salary aspiration, also on the type of goals, which should agree with the organizational culture of the company to which you apply,” says Andrea Ocampo, recruiter of Summar.

Through his attitude and his questions, the interviewer can be spare, serious or distrustful, because he needs to emphasize those profiles that are best suited to vacancies, allowing himself to “push” a little more to find the right one, not only professionally, but also psychologically.

Therefore, “when a candidate comes out of an interview with a difficult recruiter, you almost always have the feeling of having done a bad interview, but it must be taken into account that many times the attitude to evaluate the candidate in times of pressure is predetermined,” says Alejandro Paz, executive director of Adecco Professional.

“Difficult interviews help to understand how a certain sector or company works and overcoming them is a great task,” complements Carolina Forero, Marketing and Communications Manager of Hays Colombia.

Finding this type of “blade” recruiters can also be an advantage for the interviewee, in case he does not keep the position or cannot advance in the selection process. In addition to testing your knowledge, your reaction and response, it also allows you to better prepare for future interviews.

Keep in mind that the interviewer’s attitude toward you can be a strategy to know your reactions. Remember thatquestions with a discriminatory tinge have no place in the interview. You must answer in front of your recruiter as long as the questionnaire “is related to the work of the position you want to approach and the work experience,” says Forero.

The questions “related to expectations, level of adaptation and problem solving, personal challenges and what you can contribute to the company from your experience and knowledge can be more complicated, because they allow analyzing strengths, weaknesses and behavior during the day to day of the candidate,” warns the expert of Hays Colombia.

The sectors that most use the figure of the “blade” recruiter “generally, are the technical and highly specialized areas, which require ensuring suitable profiles that work with specific concepts, work under pressure in remote places or in the same way in positions of great financial responsibility,” says Alejandro Paz, executive director of Adecco Professional.

The financial sector is one of those that most requires caution when selecting personnel, here it is taken into account that the candidate is not reported in risk centers or that they do not have a background that may affect their resume,” adds Ocampo.

Finally, apart from the attitude and your security in terms of your own knowledge, you must make a self-reflection, thinking about how you will contribute professionally to the company to which you apply, and the possibilities that exist to do a good job in the position. These are the keys you need to face any type of recruiter, because you never know who you are with at the time of the interview.

Tips & Tricks

Keys to teleworking safely

With the current situation, technology is a great ally so that some companies do not dispense with their and can continue with activities from home, this also to prevent the spread of Covid-19.

Keys to teleworking safely

Keep looking for work from home

However, working from personal computers or through unsecured connections can mean a risk, both for corporate and personal data.

“In the current context it is necessary to protect the data that we are going to exchange between users and companies, as well as guarantee the operation of the infrastructures that at this moment are fundamental for subsistence, as is the case of public services,” says Daniel Medina, CEO of

Verify emails and their origi

Be careful with emails, both from external and colleagues, because many times documents are shared that are often used to steal information and affect your computer; Here it is vital to have an updated antivirus installed to scan files.

Learn here about tools that can be useful for teleworking

Don’t open strange or unsolicited documents

In addition to identifying the domain of the email and time of sending the information, “keep in mind that malicious emails not only attach executable files (.exe) but now also send documents in PDF format where they include the codes that later end up running on the computer,” explains Jesús Heriberto Martínez, professional services business director of Olimpia IT.

Secure your documents with encryption

Martínez also recommends encrypting documents with passwords, because in case they are stolen, lost or badly sent, they will not be easily accessible.

VPN connections

To work from home and access the company’s network you can opt for a VPN (Virtual Private Network) connection, “which acts as a kind of tunnel for data to travel securely without external agents having the possibility of accessing them, thanks to its encryption; It is an ideal alternative for the teleworker to connect remotely, “recommends the expert.

In payroll or human talent processes, authorizations or signatures are sometimes required. The experts of

conclude that electronic signatures are a secure and legally valid ally for this type of process.

Tips & Tricks

Keys for women who are looking for work in 2021

We want you to find a better job this year and for this, it is vital to rethink your job search.

Keys for women who are looking for work in 2021

Start your search by updating your resume!

What is failing or working? Perhaps the resume format or the job interview? Thanks to Nadia Sánchez, president of She Is, who previously shared her analysis of the labor panorama for women in Colombia, we present these tips that can help you achieve that job you want.

In this other video you can learn about Sánchez’s analysis of the impact of the pandemic on women’s employability:

If you want to increase -much more- your chances of finding work, know and acquire the VIP job here

The Public Employment Service Unit also shared with the portal its most recent publication: “Women’s Bulletin”. This report addresses relevant data on the placement of women during 2020, the most occupied positions and the most offered salaries. Click here to read the full article

Tips & Tricks

Jewelry in Bogotá is looking for a commercial advisor

The economic reactivation has generated employment in different sectors at the national level and one of the profiles that companies most request is the one that is focused on customer service and the development of commercial skills. If you are in Bogotá, have these skills and want to work in one of the largest jewelry stores in Colombia, this may be your opportunity.

Jewelry in Bogotá is looking for a commercial advisor

Kevin’s Joyeros is looking for a commercial consultant to work in its stores. Here are some of the conditions for you to apply your resume:

– The schedule is from Monday to Sunday with a compensatory day in the week.

– Rotating shifts of 6, 7 and 8 hours are handled.

– Hiring is directly with the company for an indefinite term.

– The basic salary is according to the hours worked + sales commissions + surcharges. Includes all legal benefits. Average income is $1,600,000

– There is an excellent organizational climate.

If you have the profile, do not hesitate to apply by entering here.

Tips & Tricks

January, the perfect month to look for work

In the first month of the year, companies plan, but they also begin to execute their projects. Faced with new challenges, they look for personal and make movements in the structure of their payrolls. Of course, there has been the doubt of what is the best time to look for work, in fact, some people think that the time of year does not influence to find a job. However, this is not the case. January is an ideal month to get a good job, as the labor market is reactivated after the end of the year and holiday season.

January, the perfect month to look for work

María Clara Delgadillo, Human Resources Manager of CNG Energy, says that January is a very good month to look for work, given that in principle companies are structuring and planning the entire labor issue. Therefore, they are also thinking about positions to fill, because possibly there were some resignations at the end of the previous year, or there are restructurings and promotions. This makes this month an ideal month to look for a job.

Similarly, January is good not only for people who are looking for work, but for those who want to grow within the company or change jobs.

“The Human Resources department or the recruitment section starts in January to look at the resumes that came in December or November. That’s why it’s good to apply beforehand,” says Delgadillo.

However, if you didn’t manage to apply for offers recently, don’t worry. You’re still on time. Have your resume ready, organized and structured and apply to the offers offered by portals such as, which currently has about 50,000 job possibilities for all types of profiles.

Have patience, decisiveness, and planning. Commit yourself conscientiously to the job search. Get ready, have everything ready, organized and, above all, apply to offers related to your profile.

Also, something that also draws attention to the offers made by companies in January is the type of contract. “They usually offer greater job stability. Contrary to those that can be seen at the end of the year, which can be for the provision of services or for work or work, “says Delgadillo.

Generally, indefinite or fixed-term contracts are offered for one year in January. “It would not be advisable to go on vacation in January when you do not have a job. The ideal is to plan to find a job that offers job stability. This time is fertile in the search for employment, “says Delgadillo.

Jorge Alberto Hernández, specialist in Human Management at the Pilot University of Colombia, complements and affirms that at this time there is the opening of new positions and the adjustments that companies have been advancing since the end of the previous year are made. Changes are also made subject to the increase in the minimum wage, the growth of the CPI, the final record of inflation and other economic factors that companies contemplate to modify their payrolls.

“The application to offers must always be constant, from the moment in which the person is out of work or wants to change must be applying for different offers, in a conscious, organized way, having very clear what is wanted and, of course, that the required profile is met, “concludes Hernández.

Historically, in January we receive greater applications to job offers published in. Last year, for example, more than three million applications were counted for 37,000 offers that were available in Bogotá alone. Currently, the portal has more than 50,000 job opportunities throughout the national territory.

Tips & Tricks

Is it time to work on something different because of unemployment and covid-19?

The country is facing an unprecedented economic crisis due to covid-19. You could say that the supply, health and logistics sectors are some of those that have survived the coup. Others, such as entertainment, bars and restaurants received the greatest impact.

Is it time to work on something different because of unemployment and covid-19

Video: What you need to learn to highlight your profile during the pandemic

Now, employees who still keep their jobs are those with positions that have been able to adapt toteleworking or working at hometo continue working, because they do not require face-to-face or attention to the public and crowds.

Should you look for work in sectors you don’t know?

But what to do if your career and professional approach do not have so much ‘exit’ or if you have not been able to adapt to this difficult situation? Would it be okay for you to seek employment inpositions that do not require your academic preparation?

“The world has changed; it is giving us an opportunity to get out of our comfort zone and many jobs may disappear over time. Some of us will have to change professions or trades and to the extent that our adaptation is rapid, the impact on personal finances will be reduced, “said Aura Saavedra, consultant in talent management and development.

Don’t stray too much from your interests

It is possible that during the health emergency and for a while longer it is necessaryto guide the work path in another direction, this if you have difficulty in the present. However, this search should not be extremely diverted.

According to Mario Mejía, general director of Ganar Empresarial Training, “it is essential to look for scenarios in which, indispensablely, the person also has proven strengths and who is passionate about certain things, for example, the digital world or gastronomy”.

Attention! Did your contract be suspended? We explain how to access the subsidy of the National Government

What to do if my experience is specialized or specific?

“In a very complex labour market, specialisation in certain functions or competences may not be relevant; the most demanded professional is one who hashighly developed digital skillsand is able to adapt their functions and all their knowledge to the most demanded jobs”, explains Pilar Llacer, PhD researcher at EAE Business School.

Therefore, the important thing is thelevel of adaptability and flexibility ofthe employee, as he will be open to constant learning to be able, according to llacer, to adapt to very changing work environments.

How to find new job opportunities?

The experts consulted agree that job boards, as well as social networks, serve to analyze how labor demand moves in the midst of the pandemic.

Likewise, it is important to be attentive to the media to learn about economic activity and reactivation, sectors with growth opportunities and labor trends.

You may be interested: What help are companies giving their workers?

Getting used to changes

This ‘new normal’ and labor demand implies and demands not only to work in something different, but also to work differently. Saavedra stressed that “it is time to reinvent the way we work and develop new skills, especially those related toautonomy, discipline, effective time management, emotional intelligenceor the management of digital tools.”

Can these changes in ‘career path’ harm careers?

Margarita Maldonado, manager of PageGroup warned that “the profile can be affected and can also be a difficulty when continuing or resuming the career plan.”

The PageGroup expert advised that some coherence be maintained with the strengths of the worker, those that have highlighted it: “the idea is to see how it can be reformulated and given a new line so that it does not affect it negatively but that it comes to strengthen what the person already brought in his experience”.

Is it time to undertake?

“Entrepreneurship should be one of the professional opportunities that every worker should keep in mind in a change of professional career. This has to be linked to consumer habits and be able to offer the most demanded”, recommended the researcher at EAE Business School.

If you want – and you can – you should not rule out the idea of setting up or investing in a business that is known to grow, prosper and move forward in the midst of the pandemic.

“This crisis, generated by this microscopic acellular agent, will not be the exception and we will adapt taking advantage of the new opportunities and needs that the market requires to be covered. Therefore, thinking about working on something different is still valid for some, very timely for others and necessary for many,” concluded Saavedra.

Do you dare to look for a new job in the middle of the pandemic?

Register for free, where you can find job offersthroughout the countryand in different areas of work.

Highlight: Age should not be a reason to pause your job search or not take new directions in your career. In the conjuncture it is vital to have all kinds of knowledge, experiences and generations to reactivate the economy.

Tips & Tricks

Is a lot of work flexibility bad?

Labor flexibility is born from agreements that are generated between employers and employees. These pacts and decisions have to be made between the two parties, because the productivity and performance of the teams cannot be affected.

Is a lot of work flexibility bad

Flexible schedules are usually very common when talking about work flexibility. These allow a balance between the time spent on “professional and personal life, allowing to more easily meet the different priorities of the worker,” says Lina Correa, manager of Man power Group Solutions.

Among the aspects in which bosses tend to be more flexible, are work permits for family commitments, special dates and also departures from the workplace, in order to be able to carry out personal or last-minute errands.

When these policies are introduced in companies, it is essential that those who enjoy them, are collaborators who are distinguished by making a good management of their time and, who also stand out for skills such asself-management and responsibility; The fulfillment of objectives and goals, together with constant feedback, should always go hand in hand with this type of proposal.

Not all companies adopt these practices, however, there are situations that do not give room for negotiation and that are “related to mandatory leave, for example, the exercise of suffrage, a proven serious domestic calamity, performance of transitory official positions, practice of union commissions or attendance at the funeral of comrades,” says Correa.

Companies can opt for labor flexibility, as long as the employee is committed to being fulfilled, organized with his time and responds to the objectives or commitments that have been assigned to him in his team.

In addition to teleworking or intensive work, there is also “the compressed work week, which has intensified work schedules, this to achieve an earlier departure or complete rest on another day,” says Carolina Forero, Marketing & Communications Manager at Hays.

As a boss you must prevent permissions from getting out of hand

In order not to misaccustom employees, leave should not become constant, these “should always be sporadic and non-routine cases; the benefits must usually be accompanied by the commitment and performance of the employee, which must be fulfilled to obtain them, “says Alejandro Arévalo, executive manager of DNA Human Capital.

“Another non-negotiable aspect is the transparency of information, you must always be clear and honest with the boss,” concludes Arévalo.

When can it not be implemented?

Flexible working hours is an attractive benefit. It leads to better staff retention rates and productivity can improve. However, “there are positions that by their nature do not allow flexibility in schedules, for example, hourly work for a specific job or in positions where a function must be performed at a precise time, such as in production factories or those people who work in customer service,” says Lina Correa, manager of Man power Group Solutions.

Tips & Tricks

In what fields of knowledge are workers trained in Colombia and Latin America?

After two years in which the business and labor dynamics changed, the training and changes in the skills of the collaborators took on great importance, which is why companies at a global level sought to adapt their work strategies so that adaptation to the new actually was a success.

In what fields of knowledge are workers trained in Colombia and Latin America

According to a study carried out by UBITSa corporate training platformbetween January and October 2021, a behavioral analysis was carried out among more than 55,000 employees in 23 Latin American countries, in which they identified what kind of skills students are looking for to train and face working life.

It should be noted that according to the study, workers between 30 and 40 years old are the people who start and finish courses the most. However, those who complete the courses the most are people whose age ranges between 50 and 60 years, since they adapt easily to virtual methodologies and the e-learning model, which has gained great prominence in recent times.


Likewise, people with a high school and technical education level are the ones who most complete their virtual courses with 75.6% and 75.4% respectively, showing that even without having access to higher education, the use of the training offered their company allow them to grow within it. On the other hand, collaborators with higher education are not so interested in accessing business training, but they are the ones who start it the most.

What are the most studied areas of knowledge?

In 2021, workers in Latin America sought training in areas such as productivity, communication and personal transformation, while in Colombia the courses with the highest demand were Digital Transformation and the impact of awareness on people and the organization.

Other fields of knowledge that generated greater interest in collaborators from different companies are assertive communication (38.8%), adaptation to change (24.7%) and leadership (more than 24%), competencies that coincide with the most demanded by companies and organizations as a result of the pandemic, which shows a clear trend and need towards these issues.

According to Nicolás QuinteroGrowth manager of Ubits,

“It is key that company leaders identify the skills to develop in their workers and promote the implementation of training for them in order to improve the needs of the organization.”

Finally, 98% of employees consider that being in constant training in their companies has a favorable impact on their performance or productivity, demonstrating that the best way for a company to grow is by investing in the development of its personnel and achieving the fulfillment of objectives. common.

Tips & Tricks

Improve your job search during the pandemic with these tips

The portal received, from the Progress EPE Center (Entrepreneurship, Professional Practices and Employment of UNIMINUTO), key information for the search for a new job during and after the pandemic.

To start, you must update or build your resume, a task that you can perform through mobile or computer applications (see our recommended here).

Improve your job search during the pandemic with these tips

How to present a good resume

As for the presentation of this document, “try not to exceed two pages and must be titled your names and surnames. Adding a photo is optional and if you leave it, make sure it is sharp, with good lighting, shoulders up and formal wear, “advises Mauricio Betancourt, expert at Centro Progresa EPE.

This may interest you: What you need to learn to highlight your profile during the pandemic

The presentation of the curriculum

It is vital that you structure your resume by sections. Start with your personal details such as full names, phone, email and your place of residence.

In your resume you can also include relevant external links, for example, your LinkedIn or digital portfolio.

“Omits to relate at the level of languages, the native (Spanish); if you handle a second language, only place it if you have an intermediate or higher level, also for the programs or software you handle,” recommends Betancourt.

Prepare your professional profile

Now, your professional profile must contain academic training, experience, knowledge and / or interests, as well as your skills. This must be written in the third person and its extension should be between three to five lines.

Organize your training and work experience in order, from the newest to the oldest.

TheUNIMINUTOexpert also warns of the importance of differentiating your formal education (graduate, undergraduate, technologist, technical) from other studies or complementary training (diplomas, courses, workshops, seminars). The latter can be placed in another vignette.

To describe eachwork experience, include the name of the company, position held, responsibilities, achievements and the period worked (month and year beginning – month and final year).

“Regarding the references, he closes the document by announcing that these and the certifications will be delivered upon request,” Betancourt said. If you want to include them, present -maximum three- work and personal with data such as names, position or profession and contact number.

You can also read: Learn how to give an excellent job interview from home

Route your job search

According to Betancourt, you must “have defined a professional objective, position and sector. Establish contact with key people in the companies of interest and identify what the needs of the target market are.”

The expert shared with the portal that the candidate must make “a process of self-knowledge that allows him to identify the value offer” and thus be able to adjust the resume to the required profile.

Also remember to register at, where you can assemble your resume and start navigating between the job offers that are presented throughout the country. If your profile is attractive to a company, you can be contacted.

You can sign up for free here

Other professionals have developed their professional brand in networks such as LinkedIn, where people share valuable content, activate their network of contacts or ‘networking’ and expose their work profile.

Tips & Tricks

Ideas to undertake and be ‘your own boss’ in 2022

The covid-19 pandemic made remote work take on a role never seen before, as well as other employment or income-generating possibilities, so that workers could reinvent themselves and be more productive, given the unemployment situation that also affected thousands of people.

Ideas to undertake and be 'your own boss' in 2022

In the middle of 2022, the phrase ‘being your own boss’ is undervalued, since it is associated with different ways of generating income that many flee for fear of their lack of veracity. However, Hotmarta global technology company and leader in the digital products market, exposes 4 business ideas for those who wish to have a profitable venture:

1. Ecommerce:

Electronic commerce has become very important during the time of the pandemic and investing in this sector will be possible no matter where you are in the world, since technological advances allow you to remotely manage many businesses such as inventory control, cash and sales made through software and platforms. However, for this, it is necessary to invest in communication and marketing.


2.  Content production:

Another business idea is the production of textual content for companies that are committed to content marketing. In the digital world, the need for texts for blogs, web pages and social networks has grown and with it the demand for good professionals to satisfy it. Sometimes the workers in this category are independent.


This business modality consists of a logistics chain management model in which products can be sold without the need to have an inventory. In other words, it is a reseller that intermediates the sales operation and subcontracts the storage and distribution process with suppliers.

4. Creation and sale of digital products:

In this modality it is possible to market products such as online courses, electronic books, podcasts, communities, among others. In general, digital products focus on the area of ​​knowledge, so having skills in gastronomy, fashion, sports, IT or others can be key to choosing which specialty you want to teach other users.

Without a doubt, there are alternatives to take advantage of new technologies and be your own boss this year.