Tips & Tricks

I work throughout Colombia if there is! Apply for these vacancies

A space on our portal to which many of our followers connect and leave concerns and job search requests.

I work throughout Colombia if there is! Apply for these vacancies

Through the comments that arrive on Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIn, we can see that not only in Colombia, but also in other countries, is the benchmark platform for finding an opportunity and finding a job position. (Register your resume here)

Below we show you some of the outstanding vacancies and those that were most requested by the users who connected to our ‘Thursday of offers’, and that surely can be useful if you are looking for a job or if you know someone who is doing it.

Vacancies in Uniminuto (Bogotá and Remote):

–  Information systems management professional

–  Part-time trainer with a diploma in digital communication and social networks

–  Commercial graphic designer

–  Curriculum manager

–  Professional market research

–  Pedagogical innovation manager

–  Virtualization manager

–  Professional digital pattern (SEM)

– Administrative Assistant Medellin

– Lawyers

– plumber

– Web Developer

– Administrative head in Cali

Tips & Tricks

Hybrid work generates more productivity for companies in Colombia

In the first months of 2022, the labor market has had a gradual recovery and more and more employees are returning to their old workplaces. Many of them have worked virtually since the pandemic began and the search for a hybrid model as a competitive advantage for both the employee and the company is essential.

Hybrid work generates more productivity for companies in Colombia

According to a study conducted by Microsoft, 82% of 30,000 employees in 31 countries maintained or even increased their productivity under this modality, balancing their work and personal lives.


Specialists have pointed out that in order to establish a new work model, the circumstances in which it will be carried out and the balance between work and personal must be taken into account.

Gonzalo Agüero, co-founder and CEO of Workmates, comments the following:

“One of the biggest challenges is to make companies understand that there is a drastic difference between face-to-face work and working at home, since this is the space that employees have to do other types of activities.”

Agüero also points out that hybrid work has benefits for companies, among which he highlights saving unnecessary costs, since it is possible to eliminate contracts and fixed costs of having an office. However, workspaces, flexible and suitable for daily work, are not usually in homes.

Another aspect that is emphasized is that with this work model, collaborators mitigate transportation costs and also have the possibility of choosing where and when to work, on occasions.

Another study that also supports the hybrid model is one conducted by SurveyMonkey in 2020, which showed that employees who worked remotely felt happier than their colleagues who remained working in the office.

For now, it remains to be seen what decision the companies will make regarding the work models, since with the new measures that the National Government regarding the management of the pandemic, it is not clear whether it will return to face-to-face attendance at all or it will be adopted. a hybrid model that can contribute to the productivity of work teams.

How To

How to use severance pay?

This Monday, February 14, was the last day of the term for the payment of severance pay corresponding to 2021 and doubts arise about the use that can be given to this money that has been consigned to the severance fund to which the worker is affiliate.

How to use severance pay

At we consulted Leonardo Mejíalawyer and director of the Mejía López Office, and Javier Del Realthe firm’s lawyer and Specialist in Labor Law, who explained that there are three severance payment systems, which are:

Traditional system, which is characterized, because only until the end of the employment contract is it liquidated and the value of the benefit is paid directly to the worker based on the last salary earned.

The definitive and annual liquidation system, created with Law 50 of 1990, where the so-called severance funds were instituted. In this system, they are settled year after year with the value of the salary and it is consigned to the respective fund, unless the contract ends before the maximum date for its consignment.

And the Comprehensive Salary System, which recognizes and pays the value of severance pay within 30% of the benefit factor and which makes up the total value of the comprehensive salary; It is considered as an advance payment of the benefit.


With regard to the above, and after having proof of receipt of the amount of the severance pay, in case you want to withdraw it, the most advisable thing is to make a list of priorities, based on the fact that the severance pay can only be spent in the following cases:

– Support in case of unemployment

– Acquisition of housing.

– Housing construction.

– Home improvement.

– Payment of mortgage loans.

– Higher, technical or technological education of the worker, their children, their spouse and/or permanent partner.

– I pay credits with ICETEX.

– Payment and purchase of education insurance.

– Acquisition of state bonds and shares.

Workers have no control over the free use of their severance pay. That is, they can only be used in the aforementioned cases.

It should be noted that,

“Whatever the reason for the partial withdrawal according to the indicated possibilities, this is done directly before the severance fund and on the value that is already caused and deposited from previous years, in such a way that the employer only corresponds issue the corresponding withdrawal authorization”.

Likewise, the calculation of layoffs is made by taking the value of the last salary earned by the collaborator, as long as there has been no variation in the last three (03) months, multiplying it by the number of days worked and dividing the result into 360.

How To

How to teach our children to be entrepreneurs and have a conscious management of money?

We know that the creativity of children is very broad, however, many of them as they grow up have been overshadowed or repressed and have not potentiated that creativity to develop the projects they have in mind. Here we want to give you some tips so that you can give your children tools so that they grow up with an entrepreneurial mentality and can have a conscious management of money.

How to teach our children to be entrepreneurs and have a conscious management of money

Do you want to find a new job opportunity? Register your resume here.

We spoke withMiguel Caballero, shark investor in Shark tank Colombia, who assures that the entrepreneur is born and made, as art and science mix when you want to go far.

“Entrepreneurs can arise from abundance or poverty, they can develop in good or evil but they will always be outstanding people for overcoming obstacles and being resilient,” explains Caballero.

Tips that we can apply in our children to promote entrepreneurship

  • Teach them tosave.

“Education is received in schools, training is received at home, and saving is a principle of parents who should teach it to their children. Not giving them, everything is a way of teaching, giving them, everything is a way of wasting,” advises Caballero.

  • Teach them tovaluewhat they have.
  • Teach them to beresilient.
  • Don’t clip the wings of theircreativity.
  • Do not givetoys in excessfor the fashion that exists at the time.
  • Teach them tofight for their ideals, to maintain the criteria of things and to always act in favor of humanity.
  • Teach him tofind an opportunityin difficult times.
  • Let themmake their decisionsat certain times.

Expert’s advice to young people who want to undertake in Colombia:

1. Professor Michael Porter says that 80% ofthe products that will be consumed in the next 10 years do not yet exist.

2. The time of the pandemic is teaching us an industrial reinvention where surely in a few years we will study at the university the crisis of 2020 and the generation of adigital reengineering and reindustrialization.

3. The capacity of the human being for invention is infinite. There will never be room to finish an enterprise because every day a new need will arise; The human being is designed to create new needs and the human being is increasingly less satisfied with what he has, so the possibility of creating new options and new ventures will always be a path.

How To

How to submit your resignation correctly

  1. In the letter of resignation, you must go to your employer or Human Resources, state the reasons for your departure and above all, say thank you. For example:
How to submit your resignation correctly


I hereby inform you of my intention to submit my resignation from the position I have held in the company since. The reason is due to new job opportunities that have arisen or personal issues.

In addition, I would like to thank you for allowing me to be part of this team, learn and grow professionally with you.

Finally, I am at your disposal to organize my departure and make the splice with the person who comes to occupy the position, if you consider it appropriate.


(Your name)

(Your position and your identity document)

  • This is a point of no return. You may regret it and your boss may admit you again, but it can generate some discomfort. However, most likely, they are already looking for someone to occupy your previous position, think about it.

Are you looking for a new job opportunity? Register your resume here.

  • Try to speak in the first person and do not overdo it, with one page is enough for you to understand your intention and gratitude.
  • You must present the letter to your employer personally. Resignation is a serious issue, it involves new selection costs and many times we do not know who to address in the Human Resources area, so it is vital that you communicate it directly to your boss. If you are in another city or headquarters other than the company, you can do it by corporate mail.
  • Present it at a prudent time. Ideally, you should be able to announce your resignationtwo weeksin advance, maximum one month. But this may ultimately vary depending on your situation, as job opportunities may appear without warning.

Extra tip: it is a great gesture that you make known your intention to be able to make a splice with someone who occupies the position temporarily and depending on the circumstances, leave the most urgent tasks finished.

How To

How to send your resume by email?

The job search is something in which there is a constant investment of time. Regularly, offers are published on platforms and social networks, in which email addresses are specified to send a resume that fits the offer.

How to send your resume by email

But how to write an email of these and what should we include? Today we give you five tips on the subject:

Write a short subject and get to the point:

Don’t spend more than 40 characters writing a subject. Announce that you apply for a vacancy, include the position and your name.

EJ: Application for vacancy: industrial engineer – Andrés Pereira.

Be respectful but not overly formal:

Say hello to the recruiter, person you’re targeting, or company, but don’t use an overly “confident” tone.

EJ: Best regards, Mrs. or Mr. Good afternoon or good morning.

The body of the mail:

Include at least two paragraphs where you tell how and where you found out about the vacancy, why you are interested and how your profile is suitable for it.

Example:I found this vacancy in ____ and I am interested in having my resume taken into account. I have two years of experience in project management and I have worked in two multinationals: _____, achieving _______ in each. I believe that my leadership skills, accounting and knowledge in computer tools would allow me to work excellently with you.

Attach your resume in a lightweight but interesting format:

Use digital tools or download Word templates to bring your summaries to life. Hereyou will find tips on how to make an effective and attractive resume. Announce to the recruiter that you added your resume to the email for consideration.

Example: I attach to the mail my data and my resume in PDF format, where you can find all my professional experience and detailed education.

Your signature and contact details:

This point is very important. Sometimes we don’t constantly check our inbox. Choose to have a signature containing your mobile number, a landline, an email or website where you can be contacted.


  • Andrés Pereira, systems engineer with a master’s degree in project management.
  • 30420188xx
  • 485309xx

Website: andrespereiraingeniero. site

Finally, thank them for their attention and invite them to review your resume.

How To

How to obtain a work visa to visit and work in France?

2022 is a year that presents possibilities in the workplace, and the interest of young people in exploring different cultures and countries is constantly growing. For this reason, the French Embassy in Colombia recently reported that the ‘vacation-work’ program will be reactivated. From next February 15 appointments will be scheduled for the visa application.

How to obtain a work visa to visit and work in France

The program and the visa are aimed at young people between the ages of 18 and 30 and give them the opportunity to get to know France and work to supplement their economic resources during the duration of their stay.

The main objective of this program is to encourage tourism in the European country and according to the French Embassy, ​​there are a maximum of 400 beneficiaries per year.


People who obtain the visa will have a badge in their passport, which exempts the beneficiary from the application for a residence title and is valid as a work permit for one year. Something that should be noted is that the person with this visa can travel between French territory and Colombian territory an unlimited number of times during the stay. This type of visa is not renewable and there is no possibility of extension.

What are the conditions to apply for the ‘Holiday-Work’ program?

Here are some important points to keep in mind for your application:

– Not having previously been a beneficiary of the program.

– Have as main objective to have a tourist plan in France.

– Be between 18 and 30 years of age on the date of visa application.

– Not being accompanied by people in charge.

– Have a valid passport.

– Have financial resources of at least 2,500 euros ($11,422,903).

– Have a return transport ticket.

– Have insurance that covers all risks related to illness, maternity, disability, hospitalization and repatriation.

– Submit a medical certificate that guarantees good health and up-to-date vaccination card.

Also, to apply for the visa you must fill out the online form found on the France-visas website; then schedule an appointment on the website and finally, on the day of the appointment, attend the visa service in person at the French Embassy in Colombia with the required documents.

Keep in mind that to obtain the visa it is not necessary to meet a language requirement. In addition, the beneficiary will be able to carry out studies, but these cannot be higher or professional, since this would change their status to student.

How To

How to manage time and have greater productivity in entrepreneurship?

Today entrepreneurship is one of the constants in the mentality of Colombians, who as a result of the pandemic saw that the economic logic had a change and in the face of this the adaptation to a new reality occurred abruptly. Starting your own company or launching a business idea can be complex, but it should not be something tortuous, because despite the fact that it is a great challenge, the passion and focus that is given to it will generate satisfactory results in the medium or long term. long term.

How to manage time and have greater productivity in entrepreneurship

According to Fabián Gonzálezauthor of the book ‘Your professional brand’ and co-founder of the Escuela Expertos Emprendedores, there are three important skills to have purposeful productivity, which we present below:

–  Find a purpose

This ability is tied to passion, gifts and talents. Regarding this, González states that:

“It is necessary to develop talents and skills, professionalize them and then seek to meet a need or provide a solution to a problem that is present in the market.”


– Create a personal brand: It is essential to put a face on the project to personalize it and generate greater empathy with potential customers, while differentiating itself from others.

In addition, it is important to define a specialty topic that becomes the banner of the enterprise.

– Manage time better and be more productive:

To have an entrepreneurial project, it is essential to establish a method that helps to be more intelligent with the use of time. For this reason, it is essential to implement an agenda for the fulfillment of objectives.

Other aspects that contribute to the productivity of an enterprise are:

– Establish fixed routines.

– Mark or set goals to activate the main areas of your life.

– Define blocks of time with tasks that have the same nature.

How To

How to manage anxiety caused by being unemployed?

With the pandemic, thousands of jobs have been lost. In Colombia, by May 2020, the DANE registered an un employment rate of 21.4%, an unprecedented figure.

How to manage anxiety caused by being unemployed

For this reason, Colombian families faced a discouraging panorama, with mobility restrictions, few job opportunities, an economy in crisis and covid-19.

What emerges from this whole situation?

“By 2015, when Minsalud did a study on the subject of anxiety, four main triggers of this state were identified, which were unemployment, financial problems, death and diseases of loved ones. There is nothing closer to these four factors than what we have experienced during 2020 and 2021,” shared María Paulina Bayona, senior consultant at Change Masterly.

Today, mental health and diseases such as anxiety and depression, are issues that concern the National Government, companies and those in charge of public health.

Explore the Resilient Fair and apply from over 10,000 available job openings

Anxiety caused by work issues

Sometimes, looking for work under normal conditions can be frustrating. Imagine what it’s like in this challenging, ‘new normal’. With this situation, it is common to find conditions that are not easy in the job search, which causes people to lose more patience in that process and anxiety arrives.

According to Bayona, an expert also in Human Resources, anxiety is a state of mind characterized by different sensations, among which the person may feel self-confidence, frustration, despair and low self-esteem, this due to the ‘blows’ that people usually give when things do not go as expected.

Increase your chances of finding work. Get to know VIP employment here

To illustrate a little, “you start looking for work, which can usually lead to anxiety; By doing so without methodology or strategy, no one may call you because you are not using these elements to find employment. Time can also pass and you don’t get calls or there are interviews, but there is no job offer.”

In addition, the individual may experience repetitive thoughts that are unkind and negative; The mood is altered, confrontations arise and there is no longer enough energy to look for work.

How to minimize anxiety about looking for work?

Bayona recommended to all users of to have a job search methodology, objectives, schedules and planning.

Looking for a job is a job and requires discipline, organization, hours of dedication and contacts that can refer you.

It is also important to talk to the family, since many times the closest ones can say things like “you are unemployed or unemployed”, “you do not have a job and you are unemployed”. You have to avoid these conversations; It is better to opt for constructive talks where other types of support can be established.

“This too will pass. Where you put the attention, you put the energy; Ask yourself how you use your time. Take care of yourself, socialize, eat well and also accept the difficult days, “concluded the expert.

*This note is born from an exclusive transmission of, where the Resilientes Fair was officially launched, a virtual and free event to look for work from the portal with Casa Editorial El

How To

How to make your resume if you do not have work experience?

Joining the workforce is one of the challenges faced by thousands of Colombian professionals who complete their studies; And in order to take the step towards a first job, something crucial is the preparation and subsequent application of the resume, since it is the cover letter to a company and it depends on whether they will contact you in the future. 

How to make your resume if you do not have work experience

It is normal for there to be impatience when applying for a job offer, since most of the time experience is required to hold a position within a company. However, there are opportunities for those who do not have previous experience to fill a vacancy and here are some recommendations that you should take into account when preparing or modifying your resume to enter the labor market for the first time.

– The resume must have a maximum length of two pages.

– You must highlight your academic training.

– In the description of your professional profile you must comment on who you are, level of education, hard skills (software you know, communication skills, social network management) and soft skills (strengths or aptitudes such as innovation, leadership, teamwork, etc.) equipment, adaptability) with which you have accounts and short- and medium-term objectives. You can also mention your main interests, skills and why you are the best option for a company to hire you. The ideal is that the text does not exceed 5 lines.

– If you have a bachelor’s degree and have taken courses related to the vacancy for which you are applying, do not hesitate to highlight this information within the document. 

– If you have any recognition for any previous work carried out (research, awards, volunteering, or participation in projects), do not hesitate to place it on your resume, as this will allow your leadership capacity to be seen.

– As you do not have work experience, skip this part and continue with the rest of the information.