Many young people who are completing their higher education want to enter the labor market. If you are one of those and do not know how to make your resume because you have no work experience, do not worry because here we want to give you the tools so you can create your resume that will be that cover letter in front of companies.
We spoke withMaría Camila García Ortiz, junior e-hunters consultant, who explained that to make the resume, in this case, academic training must be taken into account.
“The achievements obtained within this training (seminars, presentations, academic tutorials with the institution) can be highlighted,” recommends the expert.
Remember tohighlightin-depth seminars that demonstrate that you have an interest in specific topics related to the vacancy. Garcia says that within the job profile you can include “with interest in complementing it with the activities about which you have knowledge and that you would like to perform.”
Do you want to have a job opportunity? Register your resume here and find it.
Extension of the resume
A maximum oftwo pages.
What to answer in the interview when they ask about work experience?
Garcia stressed that when asked about the experience to a person who does not have a formalone, he should highlight the academic achievements or extracurricular activities that have involved the development of soft skills and where they have achieved significant achievements.
“It is important to highlight that when questions are asked about the experience, they seek to obtain information about the activities they have done, the achievements achieved, the development of skills and for this reason when a person has developed some extracurricular activities, they have the possibility of sharing valuable information,” said the e-hunters expert.
As for the references to complement the information, it is best to contact a teacher with whom you have shared extracurricular spaces such as research seedbeds, tutorials or others and who can highlight the person’s self-management skills. In other cases, some people volunteer and this can be included as work experience without economic remuneration.
Is it recommended to put a photo in the HV?
It is optional, howeverin some cases it is not necessary. But it can be a positive point when your resume is going to be used as a personal marketing tool.
Remember that this photo should not be the same as that of a social network. Do not use ‘selfies’ or personal photos. However, don’t forget that the photo is associated with the type of company you’d like to work for.
With working from home and assigning tasks, social networks took great importance in terms of work operation and communication through applications such as WhatsApp increased. The working groups to coordinate different issues have been a fundamental tool for different proposed objectives to be carried out.
However, sometimes when contacting a colleague by internal message and not getting a response, the possibility of having been blocked arises to avoid having some kind of conversation.
Not happy at work? Register your resume and look for a new work experience.
Here are some tips to know if you were blocked from Whatsapp or not:
1. Review the profile picture: If looking at a contact’s profile does not show their photo, but the default gray image, it is a sign of a possible block. However, the person you contacted may not have a profile picture, or may only have the display of the profile picture enabled for contacts who have saved in their phonebook and are not part of that group or temporary connection problems.
2. Messages do not arrive: If a person has you blocked or blocked, you can write to them, but the message will not reach its destination and only a gray pimp will appear. Keep in mind that the phone to which the message was sent may also be turned off or the account has been changed.
3. You can not call the contact: When trying to call someone (by Whatsapp), they will not be able to connect and the call will drop immediately.
4. You can not add the contact to groups: This is the most effective measure to know if someone has blocked you on Whatsapp. If trying to add a contact to a group can’t complete the feature, the other person blocked you. An important point is that with the contact you can share a group and view messages, but not respond privately.
With these tips you will be able to know if in your work environment, someone decided to avoid having a more personal communication by WhatsApp.
It tries to know, for example, which company it is and what its trajectory is in the economic sector. So, you can estimate how much you can be paid.
The salary is, undoubtedly, one of the factors that most interests or worries a person who applies for a position to work in a company. And, above all, many find it difficult to answer when asked about their salary aspirations.
Patricio Herrera, Marketing and Communications Manager of the British Council’s Teaching Centre in Colombia, saysthat so that you know how much to ask for salary you must, first of all, and before the interview, try to know what company it is about and its trajectory in the economic sector. If you know about the company, you can infer the salary level, taking into account your experience, knowledge about the position and languages, and the academic level achieved.
“If, on the other hand, you do not know the company, data such as experience, knowledge about the position, the number of languages you master, and relationships with peers in the sector, begin to weigh heavily and give you tools to know how much to ask,” he says.
Having knowledge in other languages can give you a plus to demand a better salary.
For Herrera, experience is a key element when asking for a salary retribution. The more experience, the older the person, the more responsibilities and, therefore, the safer they want to stay in the company and make a career there.” For this reason, a high salary level can be requested, which will be remunerated with the work and intellectual experience of the person, “he says.
According to him, academic studies can be valid for a position, but they are not always decisive when applying for financial remuneration.
Alexander Ruíz, expert engineer in OIL & Gas, advises that when you are asked about the salary aspiration you base your answer regarding the labor sector, type of company, aspired position and academic training.
Similarly, Ruiz says that an intelligent answer would be: “I agree with the company’s budget because I have already analyzed the market.”
Organizations ask the question of salary aspiration to see if the candidate says a sum that is within the salary range that the company has for that job profile. Therefore, it is possible that the selection process ends because your answer does not fit the company’s budget.
The best thing is that you are totally honest with what you think you should be paid for your work. It is welcome to ask colleagues or people who have knowledge of the position. There are other tools to help.
Being efficient does not mean -directly- being ‘multitasking’, doing thousands of things at once or working too much. When you are efficient in your work it is because you give adequate start and end to your work or activities in the shortest possible time.
According to Performia, who has experience evaluating staff on a large scale, six out of 10 people have a major inefficiency problem, which is basically not finishing what you’ve already started.
Do you know the word ‘procrastinating’? It is precisely to postpone the things to be done. Not finishing doing something will occupy your mind and you will not be able to focus on other matters to be concluded later, as they will accumulate more and more.
Therefore, Performia shared. comfour keys to improve your work efficiency; You can also have more space to do other things, fulfill personal errands, spend family time and really rest.
Start by setting goals
Try to have clear and defined your objectives, so you will avoid changing them constantly and you will obtain better results. To do this, organize your ideas, set a real and achievable goal and draw up an action plan.
For example, you can define by hours or times of the day the tasks to be fulfilled. Prioritize the most ‘difficult’. Use reminders or alarms to define deadlines and not forget deliveries.
On the other hand, “if you work in a company, it is essential that you know what is the purpose, functions and results expected of your position. Once this information is clear, it is easier for your actions to be directed in the right direction.”
Try to do one activity at a time
Many functions will require your full attention. If you start many tasks at once, you may not really finish doing them, you can simply be busier and your time distribution will be limited.
Do only one activity at a time and move on to the next when you’re done. This is a very valuable guideline for you to concentrate better and work a little faster.
Use lists to be clear about your activities and ‘free’ your attention
Organizing yourself with a list of pending activities is an excellent way for you to conclude and deliver them in the agreed times. A list will also help you not to depend on your memory and forget things.
If you consider this option, you can do it in the traditional way: with notebook and pencil or ‘sticky notes’; You can also use digital agendas or calendars on your mobile, computer or email.
Writing everything down is key!
Performia concludes with a very important piece of advice: handle all information in writing.
“Oral data is forgotten, confused and misrepresented, even if that is not the intention of the person doing it. Although this point seems quite simple, a good handling of information, which does not allow accidental or malicious changes in it, can save you a lot of difficulties.”
La ñapa: listen to music that doesn’t distract you
We know that listening to trendy music or your favorite can be a way to cope with your workday, as well as encourage you to perform your tasks. However, some songs can distract you, especially those that are catchy or ‘force’ you yes or yes to follow the lyrics.
For this reason, it is advisable to listen to instrumental music, either from video games or movies, yes, without voice and in a playlist.
If you decide to listen to music or radio from your cell phone, avoid constantly looking at it or answering messages that do not require urgency and can be attended later. The same happens with social networks, as long as they are not necessary for your work, leave them aside while you perform important tasks.
The work environment directly influences the physical and mental health of a person, which in turn impacts the fulfillment of objectives of a work team. It should be noted that problems such as anxiety and depression have significant economic repercussions, since it is estimated that they annually cost the world economy US $1 trillion in lost productivity.
To mitigate these expenses, it is recommended that companies invest in the emotional well-being of their employees through solutions that contribute to a healthy work culture.
However, in Latin America there have been cases of excess in the workload of workers. And it is that according to the OECD, in Colombia, 28% of employees work more than 50 hours a week, and according to the World OCC, 55% of Mexicans are workaholics.
Here the term ‘Workaholic’ is born, which refers to an individual addicted to work and whose drive to work gradually becomes a continuous and uncontrollable need to work, affecting health, well-being, relationships and even the environment itself. work to which he dedicates all the time.
Below we show you some features that Momentu, a platform that accompanies people at the hands of experts in emotional well-being and mental health, has included to identify if you are a ‘workaholic’. Pay attention to the following:
– Work more than 12 hours.
– He is always on the lookout for his cell phone to see if he receives any messages from work.
– Eat while you work.
– Work even when sick.
– Demonstrates a constant feeling of fear or anxiety about work.
– He never rejects new projects; he doesn’t have the power to say no.
– He does not go on vacation or enjoy his free time because he spends his time thinking about work.
– His main topic of conversation is work.
– He sleeps a few hours.
If you commit any of the actions described above, it is recommended to change your habits and seek professional help to make work-life balance a reality. It is recommended to respect work and personal life spaces and disconnect once the working day is over.
2022 represents challenges for the national economy, among which thousands of Colombians have better management of their finances, which in turn allows them to access the objectives set. Without a doubt, the pandemic has had a significant impact on people’s pockets, who have had to go into debt to cover personal and family expenses.
According to figures from Superfinanciera, debts from the use of credit cards in the first nine months of 2020 and 2021 were $30.19 billion and $30.32 billion pesos, respectively.
Because of this, many households have set themselves the goal of having a debt-free year and here are some tips that David Nieto Martínez, director of the Finance program at El Bosque University, gives to achieve it.
The first thing to do is analyze the economic situation. This means that all the economic pending that you have are important and must be organized, in order to avoid over-indebtedness that cannot be covered later.
Likewise, create a budget based on the debts that are in the short, medium or long term, having as priorities aspects such as food, housing, services, among others.
Other strategies that Nieto proposes are to avoid the so-called “ant expenses” which are not taken into account when budgeting, since it is normally thought that these expenses do not represent a large sum of money, but they are undoubtedly expenses that generate constant cash outflows.
On the other hand, looking for savings alternatives is essential to avoid debt. There are financial savings instruments such as CDTs, savings accounts, fiduciary accounts, among others to contribute to income management. Some experts affirm that the ideal is to save 20% of the total income; however, in case this cannot be done for different reasons, a fixed value of savings must be allocated using any of the financial vehicles mentioned, in order to promote it, under the conditions of income that you have.
Nieto also affirms that it is not advisable to cover debts with advances from a credit card, since additional costs are assumed, which leads to an increase in the initial indebtedness. It is also not feasible to use severance payments to pay debts, since these are savings that are focused on housing or education and in case of becoming unemployed, use them if required.
If you manage to put the above tips into practice, you will have a better management of your finances in 2022 and your quality of life will surely change.
Attending to the new reality and current needs where people are working from home and it is impossible to separate family life from work, we want to give you some tips so you can achieve a quiet space to work at home, avoiding interruptions by external noises.
1. Soundproof the house with shelves full of books: the volume created by the books allows the noise that the neighbors can create to be much less.
2. Use insulating paint to mitigate the noises of the house.
3. Soundproof with thick carpets, with curtains and tapestries of fabrics consisting of velvet, thick linen or corduroy.
4. Put double glazing (recommended glasses that have a minimum thickness of six millimeters).
5. Insulate the wall with insulating materials such as wool fiber, cork or solid wood.
6. Install a false ceiling that adds an air chamber. This helps minimize noise from the neighbor above.
7. Plants reduce some types of noise, and are also decorative. If you live in a house, you can have climbing plants, such as ivy, on the outside of the walls, and in almost all windows you can put pots with flowers. Having areas with gardens around also helps, and it is something that can be taken into account when you are looking for a new home.
8. If the doors do not reach the floor, you can install a sweeper (a rubber strip that crawls on the floor, closing the gap under the door).
9. Use acoustic silencers in appliances that often produce noise, such as fans.
Sometimes we not only have to protect ourselves from the noise that comes to us from the outside, but also from the noise that we produce inside our house. Protecting the floors of our home is important to mitigate much of the noise of footsteps, things that fall, your pet running or the jumps of the little ones.
Another simple option is to put carpets that cushion noises. Foamy mats in the children’s play area is also a good alternative.
The ‘thread’ refers, among Colombians, to having an influence that serves to get a job or better positions.
Some people attribute to this aspect the ability of others to easily access the labor market.
Don’t miss any job offers!
Of course, this should be differentiated from having a network of contacts to whom you can share the intention of being employed. It is the ‘networking’ with which connections of interest can be established and that can be used to give references.
Get ready to improve your profile
Unemployment increases competition between candidates, so it is important to adapt to the labor market.
Nowadays many companies are looking for professionals with distinguished skills, so it is necessary “to work on differentiating elements that can make us stand out; Enhance soft skills and dore-skilling (learning new skills) is fundamental,” explains Noel González, head of Development and Internal Communication at Adecco.
Among these soft skills, Carolina Mejía, strategic communicator and specialist in Human Resources at the European Business School of Barcelona, highlights assertive communication, flexibility, self-management, conflict resolution and innovation. In addition, “we must work on our personal brand through professional social networks and enhance the mastery of a second language”.
Communicate assertively
If you apply for a vacancy via email, remember to express yourself clearly and concisely. In one or two paragraphs, write your presentation and why you think you would fit into that position.
Also, during the job interview, you can expose your greatest achievements and contributions in previous experiences, as well as your affinity with the possible challenges of the vacancy that is being offered.
What recruiters really look at
“The elements in the resume, which may carry more weight than a lever, are the quantitative achievements obtained in previous jobs. We must also avoid making mistakes in the description of functions and how it was contributed to the company, “says Mejía.
Increase your chances of finding work. Get to know VIP employment here
Do not forget to take care of your writing and the keywords you use to develop your profile. The coherence and similarity between these with what is described in the vacancy depends on the possibility of being called to a job interview.
Finally, do not forget that there is nothing wrong with “generating valuable relationships, with which you can create alliances between people in the same sector; We can also share our talents and skills. If we do not open our social circle, with a professional objective, some doors can be closed, “says the HR expert.
Why should there be no ‘preferences’ when selecting staff?
Each vacancy requires specific competencies, which will be reflected in the results of the entire organization and the work team.
Therefore, “by choosing a person not suitable for the role, the company and the entire team is affected; these types of choices are not profitable or sustainable for a company,” concludes Mejía.
Looking for work in Colombia has evolved and, now, there are many strategies we can follow to achieve that goal. Networking is one of them and seeks to take advantage of the contacts you have to move forward in your working life.
But what is Networking and why does it help us achieve work goals?
Networking, according to Laura Bonilla, product and employability coordinator, is “a process through which we make an accumulation of contacts, face-to-face or digital, where we can establish long-term value relationships and with a defined objective, in this case the labor issue”.
If you want to improve your work life or look for a job from the beginning, register your resume here.
Networking can be done through social networks, especially in those where the primary objective is to be known for work skills. For example: Linkedin or, to a lesser extent, Twitter.
The main basis for making this network of contacts is to be clear about the objective we are looking for: if we want to look for a job it would be interesting to find people who are interested in my job value offer.
“We can share content, on social media, alluding to my strengths so that people in my network can have me in their heads. We have to generate that they take us into account, “says Bonilla.
However, it is not enough to generate a network and share content, it is necessary to create a personal brand process so that our network sees in us a person with criteria in the knowledge we handle.
“From the content and skills, I have, I can create my personal brand on the social network so that recruiters or colleagues have me in mind for a position,” he added.
It is important, according to Bonilla, that my personal brand is reflected not only in a social network, but in all contexts of life.
“The personal brand must be consistent in all spaces, not only in digital, but in face-to-face. The idea is that my communications are assertive, based on respect. We must understand the diversity of opinions and know how to express myself when I disagree with something,” says Bonilla.
These are the steps to have an effective networking strategy and be able to find a job:
Set a goal, be it employment, entrepreneurship, positioning of your company or any you are looking for.
Segment contacts. Look for those people who can help you achieve your goal.
Build the personal brand. There you analyze your strengths and your opportunities for improvement.
Determine what advantages I have over others to exploit your personal brand.
Build content to communicate the points where you are strong.
Remember that this contact building takes several months to consolidate, so you need to start building it before you’re in an active job search process.
If you want to create or improve your resume with recommendations from professionals, in this link you can get the product advice.
Societies went in the blink of an eye from a digitized world to a hyperconnected one, where not only technologies are involved, but also the time that users spend connected to the network. Even last year it was estimated that there were 4.66 billion people using the internet, which represented an increase of more than 7.3% compared to 2020.
In the midst of this avalanche of new technologies and their uses, companies increasingly require more ICT talent, especially web and mobile developers, who are specialists in developing software, apps or computer programs.
This was demonstrated in the study ‘Identification of gaps in human capital for the ICT sector 2021’, which was presented by the ICT, Labor and Education ministries, with the support of the Sena and the Sectorial Table, where it was identified that the scarcest positions in companies are those of software and applications developer, support analyst or digital directors.
Germán Escobar, CEO of Make It Real, an academy that trains developers through its “TOP” program and helps them link up with startups and companies in the technological ecosystem, pointed out that the positive thing is that little by little, the companies of this sector are changing their way of recruiting ‘tech’ talent.
“Before, only the experience of the people was taken into account, but that is already changing, and in the interview the recruiters manage to understand the candidate’s potential, discover their technical knowledge or know what their soft skills are,” Escobar added.
However, although there is great demand in the market, it is also clear that skills must be required to get your first job as a programmer, stand out in the selection process and be the best option for large companies in the ICT sector. Taking this into account, the CEO of Make It Real, announced the five tips to highlight when looking for this type of job:
1. Follow Through (Autonomy and execution capacity):
Large companies in the ICT sector hire people who are resourceful, intuitive and capable of achieving things on their own when given the necessary tools and resources. Therefore, it is essential to strengthen both their technical and soft skills, in order to execute and achieve certain results in the face of certain problems.
It is also vital that they have the ability to manage time so that they can prioritize and execute what is really going to impact a project, and execute it within the expected times and even have the ability to learn quickly about the most demanded technologies. From the market.
2. LinkedIn profile:
There are optimizations that can be worked on from these job profiles and that in general we all have to apply. In that sense, you have to be clear about what you are looking for and the skills you have, for example: a programmer with advanced knowledge of HTML and CSS and an expert in the use of JavaScript.
In addition, it would be interesting to be able to make your profile in English, since every day it is more valued by technology companies and demonstrating this type of knowledge is key to joining a company.
3. Master several programming languages:
Although a programmer must be an expert in a type of language, the more he masters, the more job field he can get.
The technical skills of a programmer are broad and cover various topics and you should not only take into account the most recent programming languages, but you should also take into account those that are of the first generation, since they will give you greater versatility to face any assigned task.
4.Culture Fit:
What are the types of companies where you would like to work, understanding what the culture is and how it is related to what you want, will be fundamental, due to the fact that job candidates must be able to adjust and adapt to the core values and collective behaviors that make up an organization.
5.Personal Brand:
We have to build our own personal brand, which is why we must be very clear about what we can offer that is unique to us and what are the characteristics that make us essential.
For those who are passionate about the world of code and have ever dreamed of working in companies in the ICT sector such as Glob ant, Endava, Perficient, Prodigies, LeanTeach and even startups with great growth potential such as: Nominapp, Habi, La Haus, Cajero, Huge, Koombea, among others, Make It Real opened its call again until March 18, for those who are interested, they can register for their ‘TOP’ program on the website (
What is interesting about this program is that 100% of the graduates start working in the technology sector within a maximum of 6 months after finishing classes, since this institution accompanies them in their interview processes, relates them to some of the most important companies in the sector, and accompanies them in a process to face their first challenges in the labor market.
Germán Escobar explains that to apply to the TOP program you do not need to be an engineer or someone related to a STEAM career, since within the program they have had cases such as that of Leonardo Omaña, a musician by profession, who after taking the program in 2017 He started working in some local companies and in 2020 he joined Rappi as a Front-End developer. Or that of Ana María Sosa, who studied systems engineering and this type of training allowed her to be a Web UI Developer at Globant.