There are events in your work day that do not contribute to you, in which you spend valuable time or in which you only get distracted. In those cases, everyone loses, the company and you. With just making small changes you can gain greater control and happiness with your work.

“A person who is happy at work always looks for solutions, and finds opportunities in each of the circumstances they face. Being in a good mood, transmitting good energy and reaching agreements along with experience and skills, can make this worker a very productive person, capable of achieving all his goals and taking on new challenges, both personally and at work,” explained Jairo Pinilla., director of Performia Colombia.
As Travis Bradberry, co-author of the book Emotional Intelligence 2.0 and president of the Talent Smart company, explained in Forbes magazine, if you manage to eliminate eight habits, you can become more productive at work.
The first thing you should avoid is using your cell phone, computer, or tablet at night, while you’re in bed, because the blue light emitted by these devices causes the body to stop producing melatonin, a hormone that causes sleep and also affects its quality. A bad night will affect your work the next day.
When the alarm goes off, get up immediately, don’t hit the snooze button, because when you sleep your brain moves through a series of cycles, the last of which prepares you to be alert when it’s time to wake up. If you go back to sleep those ‘five more minutes’ you lose alertness and wake up later, tired and sleepy.
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Another piece of advice given by Bradberry is: avoid opening more than five tabs on the internet while browsing, because it takes you 15 consecutive minutes to focus on a task and do it, if you click away from the work, you are on or get distracted by social networks you will lose track focus at work.
It’s okay to be a perfectionist, but don’t be too much, you can lose the opportunity to carry out an idea or task by wanting it to be perfect.
Meetings can be a problem over time, many times they are not organized properly. The important thing is to keep the scheduled schedule so that they do not extend and be focused on the points to be resolved, so they will be more efficient.
Email should not be an interruption to work, do not reply to all messages as soon as they arrive, have an order, prioritize urgent messages or those that require your response, and have the alerts you need configured.
Another tip is to do one task at a time. Do not multitask, because according to Stanford University a multitasking person is less productive than one who does only one thing at a time.
Start with the most difficult or the task that costs you the most, so you will do it with more energy and with a fresh mind; if you postpone it until the end of the day you will be at your worst production moment and you will also be tired.
The above is not a straitjacket. Establish a routine that best suits you, also dedicate moments to rest and to your personal life, only with planning can you do your tasks without problem.
In the same way, companies must offer the best conditions to their employees so that they are more effective in their jobs.
“ Labor productivity in companies requires investment in human capital, creating adequate ecosystems that materialize integral human management: a work environment based on dignity and respect, carefully thought out and executed career plans based on meritocracy, training continues in hard and soft skills including exposure to challenging work experiences and conditions in new environments, research and knowledge management, agreement and strict adherence to codes of ethics, wellness programs, the balance between work and other aspects of the worker’s life, constant dialogue and feedback, emotional wages and the good example of those who lead the organizations”, said Javier Echeverri, Country Manager of Manpower Group Colombia.