Tips & Tricks

What mistakes should you avoid at work if you want a promotion?

In recent days, an unusual event in the world of sports has gone viral; The New Zealand National Team player, Mikayla Moorescored three own goals in her team’s 5-0 defeat against the United States National Team, something that has undoubtedly put her continuity in the team’s process for the next few years on edge. matches. Like what happened with Moore, in the world of work there are mistakes that can cost you continuity in the company where you work or if you are looking for a promotion, it may be compromised.

What mistakes should you avoid at work if you want a promotion.

Here we tell you what actions you should avoid if you want to leave a good image in your work to achieve things in the future:

Act arrogantly as if you had all the knowledge:

As a collaborator you should not fall into the error of having arrogant attitudes. If you have this reputation, a hostile environment will be generated both with your colleagues and with your superiors.


Be silent:

As part of the company, you should always have a proactive attitude and not wait for your boss to look at your results or proposals. You should look for the opportunity to present ideas and share personal triumphs, which indirectly contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the team you are in.

Be defensive

According to Ralph Spechtan expert in Corporate Culture, having an attitude of evasion or defense whenever a comment is received can be counterproductive. You must have criteria and this implies that although you do not always have to respond affirmatively to any suggestion or comment, you must seek the well-being of both the individual and the team.

Do not leave the comfort zone:

Not doing things different from what you are used to in a job can trigger both personal and corporate stagnation. Experts recommend preparing in different areas that allow professional growth and with it the proactive capacity within the work team, that is, not staying in the comfort of previously acquired knowledge, but exploring different areas.

If you manage to avoid these mistakes, despite having made them at some point in your working life, your work within a company will have a lot of value, there will be no failures and the fulfillment of objectives will be a reality.

Tips & Tricks

What medical tests you may have when you leave a company

Companies are required to ask employees to take exit exams. These should not come out of the pockets of the workers, but companies should assume them. Also, organizations must inform about the place to carry them out. Medical discharge exams? How so? Even if it sounds a bit strange, at the time of retiring from the company, either because you resign or because you are fired, the company is in the duty to suggest that you take these exams before leaving your job.

What medical tests you may have when you leave a company

The reason is very simple: you should leave a company with the same physical and mental conditions with which you entered. And precisely to determine that is that medical examinations are done.

Ketty Morales, Human Management Manager at Assa Abloy Colombia (Yale), states that “exit exams are done whenever the person leaves the company, and the type of exam that is done depends on the position and the dangers to which the person was exposed, for example, if he worked exposed to noise, he would have to do audiometry, or if she was exposed to chemicals, she gets blood tests.”

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Morales adds that it all depends on what the person was exposed to while working at the company. However, a physical and mental general medical check-up is always done. The company gives the letter to the employee and tells him where the test should be done, and the worker decides whether or not to do it.

If the person decides not to do them, the company is released from liability if, if necessary, the worker suffers future illnesses. “The medical examination of discharge is done according to or by virtue of checking that the person is in good health, just as when he entered and the medical entrance exams were done. That it is in optimal conditions, “clarifies Morales.

The doctor must maintain his professional secrecy And companies should not have access to the worker’s medical records. This should only inform the company if the employee has any adverse health condition caused by his work, or say if he is in normal condition when leaving the company.

For her part, Jimena Sánchez, a specialist in Human Resources at the Universidad del Rosario, says that the medical examinations of graduation are done to identify the occupational risks that the different positions of a company may have. If you as an employer identify that workers have entered optimal health and retire sick, that is a sign that these charges must be analyzed to prevent this from happening again.

“These exams are very important because the employee will know the physical and mental conditions with which he is leaving the company. This way you can avoid a subsequent illness that can harm the performance of your different activities of your work and daily life, “says Sánchez.

Be clear about the subject

Alexander Ruiz, Human Resources consultant at Oil & Gas Industry, affirms that the exit exams are medical tests to rule out or evidence occupational diseases, caused by the work performed. It must be verified that the employee leaves the company in the same conditions as entered. All companies must do so or at least evidence the request to the employee. “The worker has a prudential time (3 days), to do them, if not, he frees the company from responsibility.

Tips & Tricks

What is the work modality that Colombians prefer?

2022 began and the labor market continues its process of change and adaptation to the new post-pandemic reality, since after the contingency triggered by covid-19, remote work became the solution for different organizations and collaborators, in search for the fulfillment of objectives.

What is the work modality that Colombians prefer

At we carried out a study on remote work and the impact it has had on different sectors of the economy at the national level. However, with the implementation of vaccination globally, the return to the offices is a reality.

According to the report, currently 42% of the people surveyed (58% women and 42% men), always work in the office, while those who work alternately are in second place with 32% and those who work entirely from house are 26%.


Likewise, the workers were asked which type of work they had the best results with, and almost half (47%) stated that alternating work (work at home and in the office) is a good option for meeting work objectives.

According to the question: Which type of work would you prefer to apply for in your next job search? the answers were the following:

– Alternate work (Home/Office) 54%

– I always work from home 26%

– I always work in the office 20%

Something that allows us to know first-hand this report is that people today are looking for job opportunities with the alternation modality, regardless of whether they have to change cities. Undoubtedly, the preference for being part of an organization and performing functions from home and occasionally in the office is quite attractive for Colombians.

Tips & Tricks

What is essential for the hybrid work modality?

The covid-19 pandemic transformed the labor dynamics in Colombia and with the economic reactivation, thousands of companies have chosen for their collaborators to return to the offices or maintain the alternation. According to the study the born digital effect, carried out by Citrixmore than 90% of employees want to retain the option to choose where they will work from, and 82% of companies plan to adopt hybrid models.

What is essential for the hybrid work modality

One thing to keep in mind is that connecting remote computers requires much more than technology. This means that the leaders of a work group must contribute to the development of empathy and trust among the collaborators, in the same way as if they were sitting next to each other.

Juan Pablo VillegasCitrix Multi-Country Director for Latin America, comments the following:

“Given that work teams can be face-to-face, remote or mixed, it is essential to grant the same space of time to face-to-face employees and those who are not, creating spaces that also allow experiences that foster commitment, a good atmosphere labor and other attributes that can accompany a better organization”.

A point that should be highlighted is the one that covers security processes and access to information. The leaders of a work team must demand that their technological area evolve based on their work context, since a complete and reliable mobile and adaptive workspace provides the way forward so that efficient teams can advance quickly.

The hybrid experience of a collaborator requires digital workspaces that facilitate individual and group work and strengthen connection and interpersonal relationships, in which, regardless of the device, users have the same experience of their desktop and work environment every time they start their day.

Remember that with the adoption of a hybrid model, costs are reduced, more commitment is acquired and there is more productivity at work.

Tips & Tricks

What charges can you not apply to if you are reported in Datacrédito?

For certain positions and at certain companies it is a requirement to know your status in this credit database, but refusing this consultation could also end your hiring process.

What charges can you not apply to if you are reported in Datacrédito

In the credit information centers, both positive information (which is never deleted) and negative information (which is deleted after a while) are reported. In this sense, every time we pay on time and make proper use of our credit products, we generate positive reports that raise our credit score, explained the expert Juan Camilo González, director of Financial Planning of

However, “knowing the ‘status’ of a person in Datacrédito is a common practice in Colombia, especially in some sectors such as finance and in some positions for people who will manage financial resources of a company. The important thing is that the person understands that he cannot be consulted in credit information centers without having given express authorization for that purpose, “added González.

Know job offers for the financial sector.

“This was provided by Law 1581 of 2012 and its regulatory decrees regarding the protection of personal data in Colombia, since you must have authorization from the owner of the information, to access databases containing sensitive and private information. Likewise, it is common to carry out the consultation in the selection processes, it is also common for the applicant to confer his authorization so that the coach can evaluate the profile, “added Adelaide Portilla, legal manager of Adecco Colombia.

In practice it is normal for a candidate to be discarded for a financial position if it is reported in Datacrédito.

On the other hand, consultation in the risk centers can not only be given for the selection process. The truth is that it can be presented with the authorization of the worker when organizations establish audit controls or when the need arises to consult their managers and positions of great impact such as the financial area, seeking to mitigate risk with the active personnel of the organization.

“It must be clarified that if (the consultation in Datacrédito) is used as an assessment criterion, it would not be considered discrimination, it would be a selection criterion that allows knowing the behavior of the candidate compared to the other applicants and an objective selection of the possible worker,” Portilla warned.

The Financial Superintendence also says that the report in credit information centers only serves to study the risk and credit analysis, so that to make hiring or firing decisions it must be assessed with other elements of judgment that affect the purpose (of hiring or firing), and that the employer can not rely solely on information related to compliance with obligations to make decisions.

“If any irregularity or disagreement is noticed, the entity that regulates this aspect in the selection process in Colombia is the Ministry of Labor, through the Agency for Management and Job Placement,” added the Manager of Adecco.

“The information can be consulted for free once a month directly at the offices of Datacrédito, or through a right of request. Both Centers also offer an online service that can cost between $ 7,500 and $ 18,000 per month to access all the information they have about you without having to go to the offices, “concluded González.

Tips & Tricks

What are the types of savings in pension funds and how their profitability works

At the beginning of working life, workers choose an investment alternative so that their pension savings are managed according to their objectives, with the stage of life in which they are and the risk profile. This is called Mandatory Pension Multi funds.

What are the types of savings in pension funds and how their profitability works

Here in we tell you those are the 3 options that can be chosen:

1. Riskier fund: is the one that invests in assets with great growth potential. In this way, higher returns are associated with greater risks, due to market volatilities, however, taking into account the long-term horizon, variations can be corrected over time and favor the growth of customers’ pension savings.

2. Moderate fund: Investments have a balanced exposure to risk and clients who still lack time to reach their retirement stage are recommended, usually people over 45 years of age.

3. Conservative fund: this is recommended for those people who are close to their retirement stage, with low risk tolerance and whose priority is to maintain all their accumulated capital. This favors the stability of resources with lower profitability and low volatility in the assets invested.

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“It is important to remember that the Mandatory Higher Risk Pension Fund is the recommended investment alternative for young people and for those who are in their productive stage. This option offers better returns and allows recoveries against possible variations in the financial markets, “explains Andrés Herrera, investment portfolio manager at Colfondos.

We must take into account the importance of starting to make pension contributions early, periodically and persistently over time, so that each person can potentiate their pension savings for the time of their retirement.

What is profitability?

Profitability is the benefit obtained from an initial investment of money made in the medium and long term, which is generated thanks to the administration of resources by a team of experts who are responsible for managing investment portfolios. A person who starts his contributions to compulsory pension and constantly from his 25 years, when he reaches the time of his pension, approximately 70% of his final pension balance will be the product of the profitability generated over time.

According to the Ministry of Labor in Colombia there are figures of 2,300,000 pensioners.

Tips & Tricks

What are the salaries that are most offered in Colombia?

2021 has represented an important challenge for employability, since thousands of people who lost their jobs due to the pandemic have applied to the different calls that have been opened in different areas, all thanks to the reactivation that has been taking place in different sectors of the economy.

What are the salaries that are most offered in Colombia

However, a recurring question is: How much does a company offer for the services of a professional or a job applicant? And that is why we show you what the Labor Trends Report revealed, with the aim of understanding salary dynamics at the national level.

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It should be noted that although the salary ranges that are most offered in Colombia range between $1,500,000 and $2,000,000, companies have specific areas and positions in which salary values ​​are usually higher.

Below we show you the salaries that are most offered in Colombia:

*Data in millions of pesos

1. $1.5 to $2: 14.1%

2. $1 to $1.5: 13%

3. $2 to $2.5: 11.6%

4. $2.5 to $3: 10.2%

5. $3 to $3.5: 8.3%

6. $3.5 to $4: 8%

7. Less than $1: 7.3%

8. $4 to $4.5: 5.5%

9. $4.5 to $5.5: 5%

10. $5.5 to $6: 4.7%

11. Others: 12%

One thing to keep in mind, according to the Labor Trends Report, is that salaries are proportional to academic training and the demand according to educational level. People with a university level have a greater possibility of employment and, therefore, greater access to favorable salary ranges.

Tips & Tricks

What are the most requested professions in the ICT sector in the country?

The digital transformation that occurred thanks to the contingency generated by the pandemic has greatly impacted current labor dynamics, seeing this reflected in the demand for jobs related to the technology sector and vacancies for positions that are not they existed years ago.

What are the most requested professions in the ICT sector in the country

According to the study of ‘Identification of Human Capital Gaps for the ICT Sector 2021’, since the health crisis that occurred in 2020 and is still ongoing, with a reactivation stage, the positions of commercial and marketing areas digital are the ones that have had the greatest boom in the labor market.

This document also indicates that the pandemic allowed people to use digital channels more frequently to make purchases, so technical support charges proportionally became relevant and grew in number of vacancies, since the new operating models and marketing that emerged so have determined.


Likewise, positions that are related to cybersecuritydata processingcomputingnetworks and artificial intelligence, are having a greater number of requests and opportunities in companies from various sectors at the national level.

The positions that are having a critical need today are those of software and applications developersupport analyst and architects of different specialties, as well as those in project management areas.

Below we present some of the positions that have originated from the new labor reality marked by the covid-19 contingency:

– Project Analyst

– Regulation Specialist

– Technology Consumer Experience Specialist

– IoT Engineer

– Platform Analyst

-Hunter eCommerce

It should be noted that many educational institutions are currently offering educational programs with a focus that allows professionals to link more securely to a company that requires their knowledge and has vacancies available for industry 4.0.

Tips & Tricks

What are the main profiles that technology companies are looking for?

Companies in the technology sector have generated employment opportunities in recent times, due to the rise of remote work and digital work carried out in various companies and whose development is based on business and management through the internet and software management.

What are the main profiles that technology companies are looking for

This type of companies have a close relationship with theBPO sector, which is responsible for the delegation of one or more business processes, intensive in theuse of information technologiessince the management of figures and measurable metrics, today, coordinates the operation of different areas of a company.

Undoubtedly, Colombia is one of the countries with the highest growth in the technology industry and inthe availability of human talent for the labor link of thousands of people to this sector. Therefore, if you want to apply to the different offers that technology companies offer throughout the national territory, you must keep in mind the preparation and experience that is required.

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Normally, these vacancies require the applicant to bea Systems Engineer, Electronic Engineeror to have knowledge indevelopment, programming and mastery of HTML. Likewise, soft skills are also of utmost importance, since contact with customers who request support and support of some kind, is mandatory, and the performance and growth of the applicant and subsequent collaborator within a company also depends on it.

The profiles that most search for this type of companies are:

  • fullstack developer
  • Java developer
  • Net Developer
  • Frontend developer
  • Help desk support / IT support agent
  • Web designer
  • Software developer
  • Application Engineer
  • Java Developer
  • Development Engineers
  • Systems Technician
  • Infrastructure or solution architect
  • Programmers
  • Computer security consultants or analysts

You can also read: How to choose a university residence?

Tips & Tricks

What are the main distractors at work?

Sometimes some employees usually look for an excuse to stop tasks for a few minutes, which can be converted into hours.

What are the main distractors at work

As main distractors at work are electronic devices, which although they can be allies when working, become a waste of time when the priority is to be productive.

Here are some of the most recurrent distractions and recommendations to mitigate them.

1. Control social media and mobile usage

Answering the Whatsapp and browsing social networks can become a vice that distracts the worker, “therefore, devices that are not completely necessary to perform tasks should be put in ‘do not disturb’ mode to avoid constant reviews and, in case of the computer, you can block web pages that can launch persistent notifications, “advises Andrés Díaz Granados, executive manager of DNA Human Capital.

2. Active breaks that are prolonged

On the other hand, there are those ‘breaks’ or active pauses, designated moments so that the employee can rest and refresh the mind and body, and then resume their work.

The outings for the red or cigarette should not be extended or repeated on several occasions during the day. It is necessary to look for an adequate rhythm of work and that there is no deconcentration in a task. According to Díaz, “it is necessary to designate specific times of these breaks so that there is harmony between the work, also avoiding the exhaustion of the team; If an employee is busy, they should create signals to signal that they do not want to be interrupted.”

3. Lack of organization and an agenda

The use of the calendar and agenda should not be underestimated. These two tools – whether digital or physical – allow you to organize meetings and pending tasks; Interventions from your colleagues or meetings that you may have forgotten can take away your focus from the task you were doing.

“It is important that the worker has an agenda where he can organize events, meetings, work and personal tasks; between 60 and 70 percent of the time should be dedicated to important activities,” advises Martha Durango, Director of Human Resources at Adecco Colombia.

4. Music can also deconcentrate you

Can total silence improve concentration? While music without voices and without extremely changing sounds can help you improve your productivity, exterior and interior noise can deconcentrate you. To avoid the hustle and bustle of the street, the office or televisions, “you can opt for the use of headphones that minimize noise and facilitate concentration,” recommends Durango.

5. After-work errands

Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Thinking about the bills you haven’t paid or the doctor’s appointment you haven’t been able to schedule can spend a lot of your time and make you forget what’s important.

Depending on your need, organize your week and free time. Then, find out if there are extended hours or appointments after your working hours, this to perform your errands without spoiling your work time.

What helps us improve concentration?

Maintaining good health is synonymous with organization. Sport or doing some physical activity can fill you with energy to focus on your work tasks, so “exercising, preferably first thing in the morning and maintaining good eating habits, can favor concentration and productivity,” concludes Durango.