Tips & Tricks

What are severance payments and when do they pay them?

A recurring theme that arouses a lot of interest in Colombian workers is the one referring to severance pay and their payment. To define and explain what this benefit that people who are formally linked to work have consists of, it is necessary to refer to Law 50 of 1990, which stipulates that the value of severance pay is settled annually on December 31 and they are deposited in a Severance Fund before February 15 of the following year.

What are severance payments and when do they pay them

Layoffs are a legal benefit and benefit that a company or employer must pay to its workers, apart from the ordinary salary. This amount is equivalent to one month’s salary for each year worked by the employee.


It should be noted that the money corresponding to this benefit is very useful in case the beneficiary becomes unemployed or also if they want to access housing or education. Not a minor fact is that before the end of the year, workers can choose in which severance fund they want them to deposit this money; It can be a private or public fund, according to the holder’s preference.

A question that also arises constantly is: at the end of a contractual relationship between a person and a company, are severance payments lost?  The answer to this question is that there is no loss of severance pay in case of dismissal or resignation; layoffs will always belong to the worker. If required, in the event that a person is unemployed, he must present the letter of separation from the company before the fund to which he is affiliated and make the respective withdrawal.

The workers who have the right to receive severance pay are those who are dependent or independent. In the case of the latter, saving is voluntary, since they are not required to join a Severance Fund.

Tips & Tricks

Websites you shouldn’t visit at work

In office jobs, employees are usually in front of the computer6 or 7 hours a day, approximately, and in these cases it is very common to lose concentration, wander on pages, perform personal procedures on the web and enter social networks.

Websites you shouldn't visit at work

Daniel Parra, manager of Permanent Placement of Adecco, explained that “the average time of concentration of an adult exercising an activity is 45 minutes, the worrying thing is that during that period of time an adultcan check their social networks between 3 and 5 times, which directly impacts their level of productivity. “

Update your resume on our portal and apply to thousands of vacancies

Experts in general recommendtaking short active breaks, stretching, walking, having a coffee, in order to relax the body and brain and thus improve productivity. But do not hinder the work navigating without a work purpose.

Social media remains the biggest distractor

“Unfortunately, workers do not use them as a tool that contributes to their work, but on the contrary, they can lose important hours a day in networks that contribute very little to their work performance. Recent studies indicate that a worker can lose between 1 and 3 hours in his job checking his social networks, “said Parra.

Jairo Pinilla, executive director of Performia, said that “where positions are measured and paid for results (mostly managerial positions), restrictions usually do not have to be strong. Where the position requires supervision (administrative and operational positions), usually in these spaces they must be limited or totally prohibited. Another way to do this is to stipulate schedules (lunch break, for example), where these spaces are allowed,” he said.

According to Pinilla, “there is nothing wrong with doing a banking process online, if that does not take more than half an hour, since not doing so, or having to go to the bank in person could consume more attention and time. However, if necessary, he should communicate it to the immediate superior,” he said.

In addition, “in most cases the company pays a fixed salary for a working time and rarely measures the personal results of each employee, that is, it is paying the employee for his available time in the company. This time is embezzled to the extent that employees have free access to the internet, since most do not have the ability to self-regulate,” Pinilla concluded.

Tips & Tricks

Websites and applications to make resumes

By now the Word format may look obsolete. It opens up the possibilities of sending a great resume and increases the likelihood of being hired. In we are aware of how important it is for our users to present a complete and attractive resume, which stands out to companies. Therefore, we present some of the best websites and applications that allow you to create your resume for free and easily.

Websites and applications to make resumes

Before starting, you should know that many of these tools offer various templates, but we invite you to design your curriculum from scratch, taking into account your professional profile, the position or sector to which you apply and, of course, your personal taste.

This website of graphic design tools offers the possibility of creating pieces according to different categories: education, personal documents, marketing, social networks, among others.

When using Canva for the first time, you’ll need to sign up with your email, Facebook or Google account.

Then you must create a design from the ‘Documents’ category, where the curriculum option is located.

Canva classifies its resume templates into: minimalist, creative, academic, professional, corporate, simple or modern. It also offers different fonts and icons to decorate the document and allows you to mount your own photographs.

When you’re done, you just need to download the file in the format you want, PDF or JPG.

This application allows you to easily and quickly create your resume. To access you need your email or Facebook or LinkedIn account.

The application offers possibilities to design and organize the document according to your academic or professional profile and the sector in which you work. In addition, to allow you to change template, color, margins and fonts.

This tool guides you step by step on its interface.

You can then complete information about diplomas, training, professional experience, skills, languages, social networks or data of interest.

To download your resume in PDF format you must answer two questions: what profile you have and what you use the application for.

Resume App or Curriculum

The application is designed to be used on Android, iOS devices or computers. It offers six resume designs, where you can incorporate your personal data, photo, address, professional experience, education or the information you consider necessary.

Resume App presents simple templates and provides a simple, fast and practical user interface, mainly for those who are more sober and reluctant to complex design. This is the to download the app from the Play Store and if you use iPhone or iPad.

More than 100 templates and formats, including personal signature and the possibility that your resume has several pages, are some of the features that this application has.

In addition to working without internet and having the option to send the file through your email, CV Maker Resume Builder allows you to use different languages and modify templates with a variety of colors and fonts.

It is simple to use, just fill in the fields available to each template and enter the relevant information of your professional profile. In this app you can also create cover and resignation letters to go to the Play Store and download CV Maker Resume Builder.


The versatility of this tool allows you to create an account where you can save and publish various resumes. Designed for web, Android and iOS, it gives its users the opportunity to generate resumes in a matter of minutes.

Visual VC allows you to customize the template according to your liking and import data from some PDF or Word files. This saves time, because you should not start from scratch your curriculum. Access Visual VC in the App Store If you’re using an Android device.

Remember to register on our portal and update your resume to increase your chances of finding a better job.

You can complete your resume by filling out the fields required by the platform and you can also attach, in the annexes section, your personalized curriculum, as you have designed it.

Tips & Tricks

Want to work at Microsoft? This is the profile you need

The search for science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) professionals is on the rise. “Today only 33% of the global demand for tech-savvy employees is met and it is estimated that more than 450,000 STEM jobs will be vacant in Colombia by 2030.”

Want to work at Microsoft This is the profile you need

Marco Casarin, general manager of Microsoft Colombia, made this projection in an exclusive interview for He added that organizations must believe in transformation as an ongoing process and have an unchangeable ethical role over their role in the world.

Among other things, he ruled out that age is a limitation to get a great job in IT and said that we must rethink the way we learn and teach.

Know thousands of jobs offers related to technology

Can a non-digital person work in prominent positions in a multinational like Microsoft?

Microsoft wasn’t born digital. We existed 45 years ago and had to go through a digital transformation ourselves… That gives us a privileged position to understand and help others make their own transformation process, because we know the journey, the challenges and also what is the enormous potential that is unleashed with digital transformation.

We had to change our culture, our training, our processes, our focus and even our products. We have traveled a path, but we know that transformation is not a fixed point in the future, it is an ongoing process that in no way involves starting from scratch and getting rid of what you had and the people who brought the company here.

Microsoft believes in transformation. Many of us here were not born, but became digital. It is totally possible when there is a mindset of growth and desire to learn. Diversity in the workforce, across generations, gender, cultures, skills and capabilities, enriches a company’s creative process, innovation and culture. Today we are at least four generations working together, and that is an advantage, a great wealth that fuels innovation and helps us ask the right questions to design more universal technologies.

What skills do you require from your employees?

Microsoft’s recruitment process takes into account so-called “hard” skills (training, specific knowledge, experience and background) and soft skills (such as critical thinking, the ability to solve complex problems, empathy, collaboration). But there is also a fundamental criterion for choosing our collaborators: that we share an ethical vision about our role in the world, values of respect for others and for difference, great curiosity and a desire to learn.

Does age matter? Several organizations are already facing challenges to renew their workforce…

No! We do not believe in the expiration date of talent, we believe in the ‘perennials’, those who remain current, curious, challenge, learn, collaborate and develop the skills that their work requires regardless of their date of birth. We ourselves, with more than four decades in the market, are proof that it is possible to transform and we consider that diversity of age, gender or cultural values enriches and is the fuel of innovation.

These difficulties that he mentions to renew the staff are practically universal, but they correspond more to the fact that technology evolves so fast and has transformed companies so much, that there are not enough professionals to supply that demand. It is true that there are few graduates in technological careers and we must collaborate with governments and academia to train these people very quickly for the jobs of the future. But we cannot think only about tomorrow because the fourth industrial revolution is already happening, is happening and we have to adapt quickly.

That’s why we have the added responsibility to constantly retrain our own existing workforce, so that our current employees acquire the skills their new roles demand. At Microsoft, for example, anyone, regardless of their position or responsibility, has mandatory training in technologies such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence, machine learning or the internet of things, in addition to a whole curriculum for the performance of their own functions. We believe this is everyone’s responsibility and that’s why many of those trainings are open to the public on our Microsoft Learn and AI School platforms.

You may be interested in this article: How to work with people from other generations?

In your opinion, are young Colombians being well educated to face the challenges of the digital world?

For a few years now, we have seen how digital transformation has changed the way we live, how we connect, how we work. Teaching and learning have not escaped this transformation: students and the way they learn create and share have changed. The places where they will work and the skills, they will possess will be different. For the Observatory for Employment in the Digital Age, 65% of current students will end up in jobs that have not even been invented yet.

Today we have to rethink not only the way we learn and teach, but also the new technological skills that new generations need to develop. For this reason, it is necessary to consolidate training models that allow for lifelong learning, which allows training and training at the same pace as economies evolve and industries are transformed; that it is timely, that is, that the transfer of knowledge is in accordance with the specific needs of each moment; and finally, that it is relevant in relation to the hard and soft skills that the workforce will need to evolve hand in hand with the transformations to come.

Do people’s skills matter more at Microsoft than studies?

It seems that the world would be moving there, but let me make a clarification: it is not that the studies carried out do not matter, the knowledge is extremely relevant. But the way to acquire them has been changing. Today there are more specialized and agile formats compared to those offered by traditional higher education in the classic university curriculum of four or five years of career. It becomes increasingly relevant to have specific skills and certifications, interesting combinations of qualifications, and a mix of hard and soft skills. It seems that the concept of leaving the university and thinking that there ends the training will cease to exist. You have to educate and update yourself permanently, not only during university.

Is the so-called revolution 4.0 opening knowledge gaps further, that is, is the majority lagging behind technological advance?

It is a fact that digital transformation is advancing at great speed. If we know how to take advantage of it, this represents an enormous opportunity to generate value, economic growth and development. But it will undoubtedly require adjustments and efforts to mitigate the negative impacts that this transformation may generate in the labor market and this requires a different look at work and education and joint efforts between the private and public sectors and academia.

To begin with, education systems: Latin America and the world are not producing enough graduates in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Today only 33% of the global demand for tech-savvy employees is met and it is estimated that more than 450,000 STEM jobs will be vacant in Colombia by 2030.

On the side of other careers that are not STEM, the evolution of work will also require a different teaching in humanities careers, which integrates technological tools that are already part of and will have an increasing weight in professional practice. A sociologist who does not know how to use and do data analytics, a school teacher who does not use technology, or an administrator who does not understand how to integrate machine learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI) processes to improve their processes and enhance their businesses will be at a huge disadvantage.

Learn about the qualities recruiters are looking for today

How important do you think ethics is in today’s worker, considering that there is a lot of talk about specific skills and knowledge?

The actual deployment of AI research is exciting, but we need to understand the benefits, risks, and effects of the technologies. AI has the potential to do a lot of good in the world. For this to be possible, AI must be built in a way that builds trust, AI systems must be designed with protections for fairness, trustworthiness and security, transparency and accountability, privacy, and must be inclusive.

Of interest: Artificial intelligence is already used in selection processes

For AI to do the greatest good in the world, it must be based on empathy. We need to deeply understand the data we are using to create the foundation of our system and how the resulting algorithms could affect the people and communities that interact with it. AI must be designed to help humanity; be transparent; maximize efficiency without destroying human dignity; provide intelligent privacy and accountability for the unexpected; and be protected against bias and bias.

Tips & Tricks

Today is the last deadline for the appropriation of severance pay

Although last January 31 was the last day to make the payment of interest on severance pay, today, February 14, is the deadline for employers to make the deposit of what corresponds to severance pay, as announced through its twitter account the Ministry of Labor.  

Today is the last deadline for the appropriation of severance pay

It should be noted that according to information from Asofondos, last year Colombians affiliated with pension and severance funds such as Porvenir, Colfondos and Protección, made withdrawals from their severance pay for an estimated value of 7 billion pesos. Likewise, the entity clarified that those who have access to this benefit can withdraw their severance pay in the following cases:

– Lack of employment.

– Purchase or arrangement of housing.

– Education payment.

– Lack of capital due to the current pandemic situation.


If the figures for 2020 are compared with those for 2021, the withdrawal of unemployment benefits was 13.2% more than the year in which the covid-19 pandemic began (2020), and more than half of the millionaire figure it was used for the purchase and remodeling of housing; this accompanied by the subsidies provided by the National Government. In addition, more than 8 million workers joined private severance funds.

For his part, Santiago Montenegro Trujillopresident of Sorondo, affirmed that having these resources in the midst of the current situation is very important for Colombian workers and shields the economic condition in the event of loss of employment or drop in income, as well as the management that employers carry out.

An important fact that should be kept in mind is that in the event that the employer does not pay the severance pay today, as the deadline, the penalty is one day’s salary for each day of delay in this payment.

Tips & Tricks

Tips to take care of personal finances

Due to the covid-19 pandemic, a global crisis has been unleashed that has affected different sectors of the economy and therefore the pockets of thousands of people, who have had to adapt to the rises in input prices. and products. Likewise, two no less important factors are the consequences of the quarantines and the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, which means that the entire world is not clear about the behavior of the markets.

Tips to take care of personal finances

Therefore, taking care of money and finances in general is key so that the situation of families is favorable for the future. Here are some recommendations from economists consulted by CNN.

– The first thing you should keep in mind is that saving is fundamental. Experts recommend setting aside cash or having it in funds so that in the future aspects such as child support or something that may come up unexpectedly can be covered. Likewise, it is recommended to have investments of 2 to 4 years in economic sectors in which there is no greater variation over time.

– Another important point is to guarantee labor stability. Although there are many people who are in the job search process, the solidity of the labor market is a reality that must be taken advantage of and if there is a link with a company, people will be able to secure their position.

– Another point should be highlighted, which is the prioritization of debts, which must be paid on time. Negotiating with the banking entities with which there are debts is key, as is having an order in the expenses that you have, such as food, housing, public services and loans.

Tips & Tricks

Tips to make money yield in this time of inflation

For a few years now, the phenomenon of inflation has hit Colombian households, especially and with more force those that are strata 1, 2 and 3. According to Dane data, inflation for the month of April was 9.23%.

Tips to make money yield in this time of inflation

The Covid pandemic was a trigger that helped this economic phenomenon, both nationally and internationally. According to the World Bank until 2024 the world would suffer from sustained inflation.

“In Colombia we are becoming poorer not only because of domestic inflation but because our currency worldwide is losing value, so those who consume imported products will not be able to buy them, especially because the dollar exceeds $4,000,” says Alba Zulay Cárdenas, an expert and teacher in economic issues.

Here are some tips for money to yield in times of inflation

Experts explain and give advice so that inflation is not felt so much. According to them, the budget of a household revolves around supplying the basic needs of food, housing, education and health.

Food: replace the consumption of some products

This advice is aimed at replacing products that are bought in the family basket with similar but cheaper products, which provide the same nutrients. For example: replace red meat with chicken or pork; wheat flours for corn flours, etc.

Housing: the possibility of changing residence

Leases have been affected by inflation, even reaching a 30% increase, something that does not benefit many families. Experts advise changing housing to one that accommodates the family’s economic income; On the other hand, those people who are paying a mortgage loan can restructure the loan so that the installments are lower.

Education: make agreements with educational institutions on financial issues

Private schools and universities have raised tuition prices in semesters and monthly payments, so it is recommended to reach payment agreements to comply within the established times. Similarly, if the person has debts for educational loans, he can request a portfolio purchase.

Health: making sure employers pay social security

Workers must be very aware that their employers pay for the corresponding health services, taking into account that the pandemic is not over and that the family unit benefits from this contribution. 

Tips & Tricks

Tips to improve your personal brand and stand out in what you do

The process of building a brand is not only a matter for large companies. You, as a person, can also do a branding process in which you can highlight your knowledge and, at the same time, that people see you as an authority on your topic of interest.

Tips to improve your personal brand and stand out in what you do

That is why we must follow some basic tips to start that construction and, later, you can deepen that knowledge with thecourse offered by Personal Brand e-Hunters.

Here are the five tips:

1. Being disruptive: One of the most important characteristics of a person looking to create their personal brand is to be disruptive. Creativity and innovation when generating and sharing content will be essential for the people who see it to be attracted. It will always be essential to look for the difference with respect to other people, that is why you must have a special emphasis on this point. Remember to look at digital references for ideas.

2. Be convincing: when creating your brand, it is necessary that you have a high impact, therefore, you must convince and be sure of the topic in which you want to stand out. If you express your ideas clearly, sympathetically and confidently, you can generate in other people the effect you want.

3. Love what you do: so that your personal brand building is constant and you do not end up giving up, it is much better that you do it with topics that you are passionate about. If you do, you will surely not feel it as a forced job and you will do it with satisfaction. In addition, everything will flow naturally.

4. Differential content: if you share or create content, always do it in such a way that it is not the same as what someone else offers. Create content that contributes to the community you are talking to, which will make them have an affinity with you. In addition, you can become a reference in the topic.

5. Create an experience: If you want to be unforgettable for the people who interact with you, create an experience with your content. Make them feel satisfied. For the above always think about what you would like to see, so you can have ideas and offer them to others.

Tips & Tricks

Tips to enjoy your work

Being part of a company and a work team allows a collaborator to have professional and personal growth. However, the WHO has warned that work stress is identified as a group of emotional, psychological, cognitive and behavioral reactions to demands from superiors, which in the medium term affect the performance and process of a worker.

Tips to create a good resume

For this reason, we give you some recommendations so that you can enjoy your work. It is important to clarify that when using the term ‘enjoy’, it should not be confused with neglecting the responsibilities and fulfilling the functions of the position being held. These tips are focused on having a better relationship with yourself and avoiding job dissatisfaction caused by a hostile environment, insufficient pay or inappropriate relationships with co-workers.

Here are some of these tips:

– Before starting your working day, try to have time for yourself by doing an activity that relaxes you. Some examples could be the practice of a sport, reading or exercise routine before starting your work day.

– Avoid bringing family inconveniences to your work environment. If you require a space for these types of circumstances, talk to your boss and take a space.

– It is advisable to take a break before starting a new task, since suddenly changing a set of actions can trigger stress. This break contributes to your well-being and to rediscovering things within your work routine.

– In your ‘break’ spaces or at lunch time, avoid talking about work with your team. Find topics of conversation that allow you to strengthen bonds of fellowship and relax as much as you can. 

–  Do not speak ill of your co-workers, this can burden you emotionally and make your day heavier.

– Find a way to set personal goals every week; this will make your motivation real, you will be competitive with yourself and you will feel useful within the company, as an important part of the work team.

– After finishing your working day, do some activity that revitalizes you. If you are studying, leave aside the labor issue and focus on the acquisition of knowledge; if you practice any sport or hobby, enjoy it to the fullest or if you want to spend time with family or friends, disconnect from everything related to your work.

Tips & Tricks

Tips to create a good resume

Creating a good resume will always be a great challenge for people, especially those who do not have much experience and those who have too much. In this article we give you some tips so that you do not fall into common mistakes.

Tips to create a good resume

Sometimes, we believe that creating our resume is reduced to filling in boxes with our personal information and places where we have worked. Well, no! Making our resume is something that takes time and with which we must be careful, but it is not something that should become tedious either.

From our experts give you some tips that you should always keep in mind so that your resume stands out from the rest.

Everything should be summarized on a single page

Regardless of how much experience you have, the document should not exceed one page, because recruiters have between 6 and 7 seconds to know who you are and what you do. This is why you should be as specific as possible.

There are many online tools that can help you create your resume on a single page, in addition to having designs that will make it look very professional.

Must make a good impression

If you only have 6 or 7 seconds, to convince the recruiter, you must make a good impact when the person reads your profile. It is highly recommended to create a header where the qualities and skills you have as a professional are grouped.

Avoid putting irrelevant information in the post

This is advice for those who have a lot of experience, and who think that putting all their work references is synonymous with more opportunities. In these cases, it is best to choose the experience that best suits the position you are applying for. Similarly, it is best to avoid information such as references, as they are no longer used.

must be creative

The formats in resumes have been changing over time; now, everyone is free to organize her resume as they feel most comfortable; obviously, without losing the course of what you want. It is also important that you keep in mind that you must have several formats, depending on the position to which you aspire

Demonstrate knowledge in functions

It is important that you show the soft skills you have, this is highly valued by companies. But it is also important that you be explicit about the professional skills you have to perform the functions of the position.