Tips & Tricks

Tips to be the best seller

Salespeople or sales executives face different challenges in their trade and, on the occasion of Seller Day in Colombia, the portal gathered some of the aspects that allow them to grow, work and stand out more in their area.

Tips to be the best seller

1. Closeness and customer service

Being close to the customer is one of the skills that salespeople should always work with; Indifference can drive the consumer away and make them prefer competition. It is not about being intense and insistent with the products or services offered, instead, you must help, generate trust and value with the consumer.

“Personality plays a fundamental role; Empathy and the ease of generating relationships of trust make businesses that last over time. Therefore, sellers must be excellent communicators, clear and relevant, “told. Ernesto Martínez Romero, sales manager of Protechnic Colombia.

2. How to understand the customer?

According to Amikam Yalovetzky, director of Tiger Business Consulting, “a good salesperson understands the needs of the customer and is a master at asking questions that allow the resolution of the potential buyer’s current problem. He must know how to influence and respond to other issues or customer requirements without being aware of it. A good salesperson develops these needs to such an extent that the customer can identify the benefits of the solution offered.”

3. Know the product, service, benefit and type of sale

Likewise, to provide excellent service and make a purchase effective, it is necessary to know the sale process of each item, which will depend on the size and type of purchase made. A car salesman or credit counselor will have to understand that his relationship with the customer extends for longer periods, this compared to a seller, for example, of clothing or footwear.

“The sale process does not end with the signing of the contract; it is a long-term relationship that must always be monitored. It is the obligation of the seller that the implementation of the project or product is completely satisfactory. A good salesperson must finish the process until the end, especially when they are large purchases, that way it ensures that the customer makes additional purchases and is satisfied, “added Yalovetzky.

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In order for a salesperson to have successful sales it is important to soak up all their environment, work, product and service they offer. A seller who does not know or is not interested in the product he represents will not attract customers, for this reason it is important to train and prepare for any concerns or requests from buyers.

4. The competition gives you information

“In addition, sellers must know how to communicate the attributes of their product or service, know their competition. That is, advantages and disadvantages, this with the aim of always seeking to satisfy the needs. The best way to handle your customers’ objections is to know perfectly what you sell and what your competition offers,” Martinez said.

5. Goodbye to lies

Now, among the things that a seller should not do with his customers is to be ‘clever’ and liar, because sooner or later the complaints will come. Martinez warned that “a salesperson who listens can better determine the needs of his prospect and does not need to promise things and not fulfill them, increase or omit aspects of the product or service.”

Before presenting a product, service or benefit to a buyer, the good seller knows that “there are several steps before presenting the sales solution and it is to develop the customer’s need, so that later he exposes the characteristics of the product or service and the client understands the meaning of the benefit of these; presenting the product early in the sales process is a common mistake,” Yalovetzky added.

Finally, sales and similar executives are tasked with analyzing and relating the needs of all your buyers to the benefits of the product. Here aspects such as interests, gender, ages and other characteristics that will vary according to the market and services offered come into consideration.

Tips & Tricks

Tips to avoid ‘muddy’ it in virtual meetings or videoconferences

Applications for video communication, such as Zoom or Hangouts, became a work trend, since they facilitate virtual meetings and conferences in companies.

Tips to avoid 'muddy' it in virtual meetings or videoconferences

However, cases such as the student ‘Lorena’, who had sex during a virtual class while – unknowingly – her classmates listened to her, public workers ‘grabbed’, insults and even naked employees and being massaged, are some cases where she ‘screwed up’ in the middle of a virtual meeting.

Avoid these situation sand go viral – incorrectly – on the Internet with these tips provided by the Colombian Society of Engineers (SCI):

Appropriate clothing:

Do not go out in pajamas, shorts or underwear, this will affect your image and the level of responsibility you have in front of your tasks, as well as respect for your colleagues and bosses.

Also take care of your grooming and personal appearance.

Know how to request the floor:

“If you are in a work meeting and you have a question about something related to what a colleague is talking about or presenting, do not interrupt it,” advises the Colombian Society of Engineers.

In case you are using Zoom chat, you can help yourself with the option to “raise your hand”, which serves to intervene, comment or ask questions in an agile and effective way.

Also remember to make short and concrete interventions, everyone’s time and attention is at stake.

Increase your chances of finding work. Get to know VIP employment here

Keep your camera on

Do not hide, get ready as if you were going to the office and show that you are more than present during work at home.

Fix your camera to avoid unwanted angles or shots of other parts of your body or space.

According to the Rules of courtesy and behavior of the Colombian Society of Engineers, if the whole team has its cameras on, you should too.

Do not neglect eye contact with the members of the meeting looking directly at your camera.

The importance of meeting virtually

For virtual and face-to-face meetings to be effective, two elements must be taken into account: time and organization.

Comply with the assigned time, “follow the same rule as if you were in your office: arrive at the time you were summoned. Understand that being late for a video call is even more serious, because you don’t have to travel anywhere,” warns the SCI.

Cancel every possible distraction

In both face-to-face and virtual meetings, chatting, talking on the phone or typing on your computer is disrespectful. Dedicate only the time allotted to the meeting.

If you have family, children or friends in your environment, communicate that you will be busy in the virtual meeting.

Additionally, the mute button is indispensable when you are not talking, you can prevent any type of interference for your colleagues.

Beware of screen sharing

“If you are going to share your screen it is important that before doing so you check what applications, web pages or chats you have open and that you turn on the ‘do not disturb’ option on your device. Everything that appears on your screen will be visible to all participants,” warns SCI.

Finally, make sure that the links, IDs or codes that are shared to enter a virtual meeting are for individual use.

Tips & Tricks

Tips for making your resume if you have no work experience

A new generation of professionals is getting ready to compete in a tight job market, and having no previous work experience, building your resume can be a difficult task. What to highlight when I haven’t worked before? Is it useful to talk about academic merits?

Tips for making your resume if you have no work experience

Joaquín Jiménez, director of The Bonding, shared with some tips so that building your resume -from scratch- is easy and you manage to capture the attention of the recruiter.

Looking for a job? Find Register here
“Many people who are just out of college consider that they do not have any kind of experience because they have participated in activities that are not considered as a job. However, there are previous experiences, in school, or at university, that can be taken as such,” described Jimenez.

Therefore, you can include your extracurricular activities, outstanding research or practices within student groups, laboratories or university radio.

Highlight your achievements during your student days

Candidates can highlight those merits and achievements for which they worked. Phrases such as “I worked to pay for my university”, “I won a scholarship”, “we won as a team in such a sport” or “I went to live abroad to look for something else”, among others, are important and will demonstrate the characteristics of successful people, which is the self-motivation and taking risks to achieve something, describes the expert of The Bonding.

Should you put a photo or not?

It is optional and, in some cases, not necessary. However, it is a positive differential if your resume will be used as a personal marketing tool.

What should the photo look like? Keep in mind that your resume is not the same as any publication on a social network, so do not use ‘selfies’ or personal photos.

Although the image should represent your professionalism, the position and the company you would like to be in, remember that some companies do not have a traditional culture to require the presentation of “suit and tie”. The photo is associated with the type of company you would like to work for.

Pay attention to your profile

Depending on your career goals, highlight and describe your experiences, whether work or personal.

You can use lists or bullet points to highlight your most significant achievements, as well as knowledge and skills.

How to communicate correctly in your resume?

According to Jimenez, in terms of writing style, you can use or tweet as long as you maintain the same tone throughout the structure of your resume. Also, it is best to use verbs that are active, ’empowered’ and that demonstrate achievements, such as “I participated” or “I did”.

Increase your chances of finding work. Get to know VIP employment here

The extension does matter

In general, a Recruiter does not evaluate a resume for more than 5 minutes. Make sure that this document does not exceed two sheets, maximum three in case you have a lot of experience and trajectory.

Unnecessary data

It is not required to include personal details, such as identification number, housing address, neighborhood and among others. “If you are a foreigner, it is important to inform if you have a work visa or not. The rest of the information will be required by the recruiter at the time the hiring process closes.”

Tips & Tricks

Tips for getting called to a job interview

First of all, it is vital that you have a global perspective of what you are doing to look for work and ask yourself if all the steps or stages are aligned, that is, from the construction of resume, the Networking, registration in job portals such as and job interview.

Tips for getting called to a job interview

You can also read: Mistakes that do not allow you to find work fast and that you should avoid

Putting together a ‘winning’ resume

1. Build a resume that is not very long. It is recommended that it does not exceed two pages; Demonstrate your ability to synthesize and organize.

2. Take care of your writing and spelling.

3. Do not talk too much about your qualities, prioritize work experience and technical knowledge.

4. Don’t forget to mention your achievements; If they are quantifiable, so much the better. Use verbs such as “achieved,” “increased,” “generated,” “incremented,” “overcame,” or “supported.”

5. Briefly explain the functions of the positions you held, but don’t focus only on it.

6. Avoid positions, certifications or studies that are too old or that are not related to the position you are applying for.

“I recommend that you have a clear speech, which is achieved by knowing yourself professionally and knowing what you are really exceptional at, because that will allow you to convey your value offer clearly and concisely,” advised Marcela Rojas, Head hunter for Empodera Talento Humano and career coach at Mar Coaching Atelier.

Also, you should build a resume where you tell the recruiter how you have added value on other occasions and how you would contribute it to the company that hires you.

It is also important to investigate in depth the industry or sector you want to reach, so you will be clear about which tab you would be. That is why you must “analyze and know in what economic moment this sector or company is, the type of people who work there, what their needs are, who are their opinion leaders, who invest, among others,” Rojas explained.

Networking or your network can boost your job search

According to Rojas, you must “interact with people in the sector in which you want to work, follow their referents and participate in groups where information of interest is shared.” In this way you increase the possibility of finding a job offer waiting for you.

The expert even told that “sometimes the offers do not reach to be published, since before a sweep is made between acquaintances and contacts of first and second line.”

Finally, do not stop training. Update yourself on new trends and concepts, do not “let knowledge crystallize”. You can also “participate in forums, seminars, workshops, and talk with colleagues. This will definitely be noticed when you have an interview and it will be a plus point,” Rojas concluded.

Update your resume on, so you’re more likely to be called

The more up-to-date your resume is on the portal, the more visible it is to companies. Preferably don’t leave any empty space in your profile on Update your academic information, work experience, languages and more.

If you are not registered on the portal, click here and access thousands of job opportunities.

Tips & Tricks

Tips for getting a job in a multinational

In a live broadcast on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, users received recommendations and advice from Patricio Espinosa, general manager of IBM Colombia, before the dream of working in a multinational.

Tips for getting a job in a multinational

“In the technological field and at the level of Latin America, there is a deficit of more than 500,000 professionals. In Colombia there are between 40,000 and 70,000positions available for people who want to work in this area,” he said.

Therefore, he argued that having knowledge and experience in artificial intelligence, data analytics, programming in the “cloud” and ‘blockchain’ people become a great focus of selection for those in charge of recruiting a multinational.

“In Colombia the labor market is extremely competitive and multinationals strive to get that talent, but mainly we are looking for professionals who are eager to learn and generate new ideas,” said the General Manager of IBM Colombia.

The expert clarified that, although technology offers great possibilities of employment in the near future, professionals who are graduates of academic programs in finance, accounting, administration or logistics are also needed; Hiring will vary depending on the company’s needs, he said.

In addition to the above, the largest companies need creative workers who dare to ask for advice or guidance, who contribute different points of view and who are not afraid to express their ideas in work groups, spaces where innovation is finally generated.

Attitude will always be key

There is a basic requirement of knowledge and skills that are needed to work in a multinational, Espinosa initially complemented, but highlighted as something fundamental the attitude of the candidates.

“Knowledge and skills add up and attitude multiplies,” he said.

Among other things, the IBM Manager endorsed academic preparation, including certifications or short courses, language management (English and Portuguese especially) and an ability to innovate to excel in a selection process.

English “is fundamental today and can be studied and prepared through digital platforms. This language and Portuguese can accelerate the growth capacity of the professional, as they are a differentiator that is necessary, since the work material that can be learned in the future is in these languages”.

People who have not yet borne fruit in their job search should know that this is “a very emotionally stressful process, but you have to be optimistic and have conviction. If it is not working where it has already been applied, you have to take advantage of the time to train in trend knowledge, “concluded the expert.

He also highlighted the importance of networking to be able to access information that facilitates hiring, as well as the good use of social networks.

The full broadcast, in which Espinosa answered dozens of concerns, can be seen in the video accompanying this note.

Tips & Tricks

Tips for getting a job in 2020

If you are thinking of changing jobs or employing yourself again, it is ideal that you are clear about your direction and the possibilities you have to achieve your goals.

Tips for getting a job in 2020

The consulted with recruitment experts about the keys to looking for and finding work this year.

1. Know your professional profile

The first step is that you know what is the profile you have as a worker, what have been your most significant work experiences and in what field you could develop.

“The more the candidate is recognized, the greater the likelihood of finding a job that provides greater satisfaction. Therefore, it is important to take some time to reflect on both personal and professional strengths and weaknesses, as well as the type of job that gives you more happiness, “recommends Carolina Saggiomo, manager of Adecco Training.

2. Explore the most precise sectors for you

It analyzes the labor market, the skills and knowledge that are being demanded and what recruiters are looking for most.

For selection teams it is also important to identify candidates who have digital skills, a second language and who can describe in a brief profile their experience, qualities and approach.

To complement, Saggiomo advises “researching the sector in which you want to work, which are the jobs that are most demanded by industry and function.

This is a key practice that not only helps to focus efforts on search, but also allows devising a strategy to make the most attractive professional profile, that is, to direct efforts in the development of skills and knowledge for certain sectors”.

3. Use your social networks and networking

It’s time to encourage your management of social networks and job search portals. Inelempleo.comyou can explore and apply to thousands of jobs offers very easily.

Just enter your data to the platform, activate job alerts and learn to filter the vacancies published by the best companies in the country by: position, salary, city and work area.

Having a good command of the Internet, you can also reactivate your network of contacts. Talk to your former bosses, colleagues, friends and family about your intention to employ you.

Experts say that this way is one of the most effective to be called for an interview, because the resume is disseminated, you will be referenced and your work will be made known.

When you are able to recognize your skills and knowledge you can better focus your job search, so “it is important to define what is most significant when it comes to getting a job, such as salary, professional growth, the organizational culture of the company or even the location of the company,” says Carolina Saggiomo, manager of Adecco Training.

According to Carolina Londoño, deputy marketing manager of Parque Arauco Colombia, “the first opportunities are generated when you share with your contacts that you are looking for a job, as well as how to connect with the communities related to your profile, such as professional and alumni associations, guilds and specialized media.”

4. Update your resume

Discard the templates you’ve always used in Word and risk using a much flashier resume format.

In the “Professional tips” section of you can find different articles that will help you improve your resume and professional profile.

Websites and applications to make resumes

“For the personalization of the curriculum, we have a multitude of tools on the internet that can help us present different resumes. It is true that not all of us have marketing or design profiles, but we must learn to know how to sell our knowledge and experience in a way that impacts the person who is responsible for the selection, “advises Alberto Moreno Álvarez, expert at Cerem International Business School.

5. Train yourself constantly

Finally, do not forget that for companies it is attractive that their employees or potential candidates are in constant search of learning to contribute to their work teams. If you’re training, you can let the recruiter know or include it on your resume.

Tips & Tricks

Tips for getting a job during the coronavirus pandemic

Looking for job opportunities in the pandemic is challenging, the economy is gradually reactivating and some companies cease activities. In any scenario, you must persist in the idea of finding a better job.

Tips for getting a job during the coronavirus pandemic

Update your resume

In the first instance, take the opportunity to update your resume. Attach the most recent work experience you’ve had, as well as your accomplishments and knowledge management. This is perhaps the opportunity to train again.

Explore the job market

Second, it identifies the sectors that report the highest growth. “Today the sectors that are most demanding qualified talent are technology, health care, agribusiness and the financial sector,” says Beltrán Benjumea, managing director of Page Group Colombia.

Apply to vacancies that relate to your profile

The better you focus your job search according to your professional profile; you can find possible opportunities. Think about the added value you can bring to vacancies, the knowledge most demanded by each profession and the experience required.

“Applying without analyzing vacancies can incur frustrations due to lack of interest from recruiters or diversion of opportunities. It is ideal to build a profile and look for vacancies around what has been studied and the positions you have held, so you will have more option for a possible interview and a job opportunity, “explains Lina Correa, RPO manager of Manpower Group.

How long should you look for work?

For the task of getting a job to bear fruit, you must “professionalize your job search by dedicating at least four hours a day; Generally, the time to find a good job can be between three and nine months, depending also on the level of the position,” explains Benjumea.

Constantly inform yourself about the economic reactivation

The gradual reactivation of several economic sectors once again energizes the labor market and opens the possibility of new hires.

You may be interested in reading: soft skills to get a job during the pandemic

Use your social networks to share your search

Use your social networks or contacts that can spread your intention to employ you, as well as your strengths in the workplace. In addition to job portals, networks such as LinkedIn or Facebook can bring you closer to new career paths.

According to Correa, “companies and areas specialized in selection and recruitment are constantly looking for the best profiles for their organizations and hence the need to stand out among the competition in the labor market.”

If you have lost your job at this juncture, assume the situation, draw lessons from your previous work experience, dust off your resume and resume your job search.

Tips & Tricks

Tips for finding work practice

Through work practices, thousands of students have the opportunity to approach the world of work and live their first experience in a real job. In fact, some are fortunate enough to be recommended or hired by sponsoring companies.

Tips for finding work practice

Work placements generally last between 6 and 12 months.

Therefore, you should not wait until the last moment to start looking for a ‘place’ for your work practice. That is the right time to do your best and leave an excellent impression on your abilities.

Find internship in! Explore these offers

Tips to find a good work practice

Procter & Gamble (P&G) shared with six recommendations for college students – of semesters about to end – to find the best place to meet and learn from this challenge:

1. Analyze what you want to achieve and what your expectations are

When starting your practice search, it is important that as a student you ask yourself what you would really like to learn in it.

It is also necessary to know what your skills and preferences are, because this experience will be the first approach to your professional field and it would not be good to start in something that is not of interest to you or where you do not see yourself in the future.

2. Make a list of the companies where you would most like to work

Internships are the perfect opportunity for you to approach a specific sector or company. From this experience you can be inspired and identify with the purposes of the company, either by the nature of the business, its good practices or by its competitiveness.

So, it’s ideal that you find a place where you identify and can be proud to work, learning about something that motivates you.

3. Ask your university what types of agreements they have

You can go to your career faculty, director or person in charge of the internship process to ask about agreements with companies that are looking for interns; This is a valuable way to incorporate yourself into a business practice.

4. Prepare your resume and job interview

Like any job, to access a work internship you must present your resume and attend an interview where the recruiter will evaluate how suitable you are to fill the internship vacancy. It will also help you organize your professional and academic profile, your skills, knowledge and contact information.

Remember, your resume serves as a cover letter for the company. On the other hand, simulate an interview with a colleague so that your nerves do not play tricks on you.

5. Meet the minimum requirements of a vacancy

It is common for the offers of some companies to demand minimum requirements and skills for their future practitioners. It is essential that you pay attention to the skills requested in the offer.

The most common requirements are language proficiency, management of specific programs or tools and other administrative rules such as presenting university enrollment or a certificate of agreement.

It is vital that you analyze if your profile meets all the requirements before applying and evaluate what knowledge or skills are frequently required; This may also be the time to strengthen some of these elements.

6. Review the terms of the contract

According to information shared by P&G, contracts are essential when it comes to agreeing working conditions, so signing them should not be taken lightly.

Take your time and read the covenant carefully; If you have doubts, it is important that you express them. Make sure you recognize your rights and obligations, confirm if there is any type of remuneration and know the job description to which you apply, including tasks and schedules.

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Juan Carlos Trujillo, general manager of P&G for the Pacific: Colombia, Chile and Peru, said that in that company “practitioners learn about the development of the business from the purposes that give life to the company.”

“As an organization, we are committed to their training from day one, hoping to leave their mark and that later these talents decide to link with us permanently,” concluded Trujillo.

Remember that can filter your job search by cities, salary and among other filters. This space can help you connect with companies and, of course, find

Tips & Tricks

Tips for finding work during quarantine

President Iván Duque announced that the quarantine will be extended until April 27to deal with the Coronavirus, which means that a large part of Colombians will remain at home, including those who telework.

Tips for finding work during quarantine

This time at home can also serve to rethink what you aspire in your working life and, of course, to continue looking for new job opportunities, as many companies are still looking for personnel and even to be ready to return to ‘normal’ once the economic and social emergency ends.

Looking for a job? Do not hesitate, register now in.

The portal has thousands of new jobs offers for candidates in different cities of the country. These are some of the tips to continue with the job search during the preventive measure.

Sign up easy and free

To navigate between the offers that are published on the portal, you just have to register and log in with an email and your identity document. Then, you can customize your profile with all your personal, academic and work data.

Learn more answers to frequently asked questions in our Labor Research section

Define your professional profile

Once this is done, you must be clear about your professional profile and how you stand out professionally. Identify what are those skills or knowledge that make you different in the labor market, as well as the work experiences that have marked your resume.

Track the job market

After being clear about your profile, you will be able to identify the work affinity you have with a specific sector or company. Performing this task will also allow you to know what type of positions are being offered and the academic or work requirements that each one demands and you can acquire.

Remember that you can also register for the databases of important Colombian companies that publish their vacancies.

Apply for these positions that the health sector is looking for!

Spend time looking for a job

It is also important to be disciplined and open a space during your day for the job search. Experts consulted by say that an unemployed person must dedicate about six hours a day to the search for this exercise to be effective. On the other hand, if you are employed you have to invest at least one hour a day from Monday to Friday.

Use search filters

On the platform you can use different types of filters to better delimit your work interests. The vacancies published on the portal can be saved and decanted by city, salary allocation, work area and date of publication of the offer.

Create job alerts

In case you cannot stay for long looking for work, the portal offers the option to create job alerts, which you can modify and receive in your email according to your interests. These will appear in your inbox when a job offer related to your aspirations is posted.

How to access unemployment benefit for coronavirus emergency?

Apply to offers that serve you

Read the descriptions of each vacancy and apply only when your profile meets the above requirements. Tenders may specify years of experience, level of educational background and knowledge requested, as well as the type of contract offered. If your resume does not meet what is described in the vacancy, it is likely that they will not contact you.

Update your resume

About the resume, try to synthesize your most significant work experiences. Use bullet points to organize data such as educational background, skills, and work times. Your resume should capture the attention of the recruiter in a few seconds and on the first page, so try to be as summarized and clear as possible.

Adapt your resume to other formats

If you are going to send the resume by email, through virtual tools for mobile or computer you can create and design your resume easily and quickly, this with the help of templates. A flat design can decrease interest in your resume. Generally, curricula should be shared in a compatible format and with a small size.

Looking for a job? Do not hesitate, register now in.

The portal has thousands of new jobs offers for candidates in different cities of the country. These are some of the tips to continue with the job search during the preventive measure.

Sign up easy and free

To navigate between the offers that are published on the portal, you just have to register and log in with an email and your identity document. Then, you can customize your profile with all your personal, academic and work data.

Learn more answers to frequently asked questions in our Labor Research section

Define your professional profile

Once this is done, you must be clear about your professional profile and how you stand out professionally. Identify what are those skills or knowledge that make you different in the labor market, as well as the work experiences that have marked your resume.

Track the job market

After being clear about your profile, you will be able to identify the work affinity you have with a specific sector or company. Performing this task will also allow you to know what type of positions are being offered and the academic or work requirements that each one demands and you can acquire.

Remember that you can also register for the databases of important Colombian companies that publish their vacancies.

Apply for these positions that the health sector is looking for!

Spend time looking for a job

It is also important to be disciplined and open a space during your day for the job search. Experts consulted by say that an unemployed person must dedicate about six hours a day to the search for this exercise to be effective. On the other hand, if you are employed you have to invest at least one hour a day from Monday to Friday.

Use search filters

On the platform you can use different types of filters to better delimit your work interests. The vacancies published on the portal can be saved and decanted bycity, salary allocation, work area and date of publication of the offer.

Create job alerts

In case you can not stay for long looking for work, the portal offers the option to create job alerts, which you can modify and receive in your email according to your interests. These will appear in your inbox when a job offer related to your aspirations is posted.

How to access unemployment benefit for coronavirus emergency?

Apply to offers that serve you

Read the descriptions of each vacancy and apply only when your profile meets the above requirements. Tenders may specify years of experience, level of educational background and knowledge requested, as well as the type of contract offered. If your resume does not meet what is described in the vacancy, it is likely that they will not contact you.

Update your resume

About the resume, try to synthesize your most significant work experiences. Use bullet points to organize data such aseducational background, skills, and work times. Your resume should capture the attention of the recruiter in a few seconds and on the first page, so try to be as summarized and clear as possible.

Adapt your resume to other formats

If you are going to send the resume by email, through virtual tools for mobile or computer you can create and design your resume easily and quickly, this with the help of templates. A flat design can decrease interest in your resume. Generally, curricula should be shared in a compatible format and with a small size.

Can I be fired for the coronavirus?

Activate your networks

Also update your personal references and contact details. Detail an email or cell phone number where you can be contacted directly and, equally, job references that can give a good recommendation about you.

Don’t leave your contacts aside. During quarantine you can resume a list of people who may be key to your job search and who can refer you to a company or company.

Follow us on all social networks

Follow the official profile of onLinkedin, Instagram, FacebookandTwitter, where job announcements are published throughout the country, as well as important information about the world and labor law.

Activate your networks

Also update your personal references and contact details. Detail an email or cell phone number where you can be contacted directly and, equally, job references that can give a good recommendation about you.

Don’t leave your contacts aside. During quarantine you can resume a list of people who may be key to your job search and who can refer you to a company or company.

Tips & Tricks

Tips for facing your first job interview

After finishing university, the task that follows and you will have to repeat -on some occasions- is to look for a job. Therefore, it is important to prepare to make the best impression in your first interview.

Tips for facing your first job interview

To get to the job interview, surely you have already presented your resume, which must be attractive, concise and not exceed two pages. This support also helps you to know what work, academic or knowledge aspects you want to highlight.

In case it is of interest to the company, they can give you preliminary interview, which is basically a phone call or video call in which they can inform you about conditions, a second appointment or salaries.


Inform yourself well before attending

Now, in the interview it is important to find out about the company and position to which you are being called to apply. Find out about the company, the area of work and how you could perform in the position. These are things you may be asked.

“Be clear about your profile and professional purpose, for this, think of examples of your experience that show that you have particular qualities and prepare anecdotes of those situations,” advises Cristina Herrera, director of Talenti.

Get to know yourself and highlight your greatest virtues

On the other hand, be prepared to answer questions related to your way of being, strengths and weaknesses. In this section you can also be asked about your soft skills; Teamwork, communication and flexibility are some of the most demanded in the labor market.

Although you can prepare answers to possible questions, it is not about adopting a “script”. The recruiter also wants you to be honest, fluent, authentic and specific in your intervention.

How to express yourself in a job interview

Herrera emphasizes that the way you speak is vital during a job interview. You should always speak in the first person, for example: “I did”, “I participated”, “I supported”. Avoid dichotomous answers, i.e., “yes” or “no”.

“You have to know that interviews usually last between45 minutes and an hour. This time should be used by highlighting personal posture, experiences of academic success, sports and among others, “says Esperanza Alarcón, psychologist and manager of Competent Action.

A practical exercise is to “make a written list of the top 10 situations that demonstrate your abilities and character. By keeping this in mind, at the time of the interview it will give you a sense of real power to your tone of voice, content and body language, “recommends Alarcón.

How to dress for the interview

If the interview is done in person, try to know the dress code of the company or your position, but always try to present yourself with a clean and tidy appearance.

In case the interview is virtual, you should also take care of your personal image. Don’t show up half-dressed or in your pajamas.

What to do with nerves?

Many people resort to relaxation techniques or a pre-trial to master the nerves. However, the first job interview is a completely new and challenging situation for the candidate that can develop in many ways, so it is normal to be afraid and uncertain.

Are virtual interviews easier?

If you are summoned through a video call to a job interview, nerves can decrease, since you do not have to deal with mobilization and transportation problems, setbacks and the intimidating figure of the interviewer.

Even so, other aspects such as connectivity, environment, distractors and good devices must be taken into account so that the interview is carried out without interruptions.

Finally, Herrán provided a series of questions that recent graduates usually face and that can help you in your preparation:

  1. Why did you decide to study your career?
  2. What expectations do you have of the job?
  3. Describe a situation where you had to learn to do different things. How did you feel and what did you have to do?
  4. Describe a situation in which you had to work as a team. What was your contribution and what results did you get?
  5. How do you visualize yourself in two or three years?
  6. What do you like to do in your free time?
  7. What don’t you like about the way you are?
  8. Why are you interested in this position and why do you think you can fill it?