Tips & Tricks

Thursday night with offers in Ireland and Colombia!

As you have seen in our live every Thursday at 5 PM, there is work, both in Colombia and in the rest of the world.

Thursday night with offers in Ireland and Colombia!

We are glad to have a space where we solve your doubts and attend to your requests, so that you are closer to that job of your dreams. And also, where we show you our featured offers of the week.

As promised is debt and we told you on Live, you can check our featured offers RIGHT NOW, to apply if you are interested. Each one brings its city, name and link. Click on that link to see the one you like the most, know its requirements and apply.

What do you need? Be registered in our portal. If you’re not already, do it, it’s very easy! Go to, click on Looking for a jobthen select the country Colombia and click on Register resume, an orange button that you will find in the upper right corner of the portal. The system will guide you after that. Follow it.

If your resume on is up to date (hopefully 100%) and you apply to offers that match your profile, knowledge and professional experience, you have more chances of being called. With that said, here are the 29 deals this week:

work in Ireland

1.  5 professionals who speak SPANISH

Opportunities throughout Colombia

2. 15 vacancies throughout the country for a confidential company


3. Technology and innovation leader in Barranquilla


4. Account executives in Cartagena


5. Account executives in Bucaramanga

The eyebrow

6. External commercial advisor in La Ceja


7. Packing operator in Medellín

8. Point of sale manager in Medellin

9. Point of sale coordinator in Medellin

10. Marketing intern in Medellin

11. Accounting assistant in Medellin

12. Point of sale cashier in Medellin

13. General services assistant in Medellín

Surroundings of Bogota

14. SAB-ABAP coordinator in the outskirts of Bogotá

15. Todero in Cota

16. Counter sales consultant in Chía

17. Driver in Chía and Cota


18. Coordinator E-Commerce in Bogotá

19. Hardware architect in Bogotá

20. Recruiter for massive processes in Bogotá

21. Kitchen assistant in Bogotá (Zone G)

22. Accounting assistant in Bogotá

23. Recruitment Analyst (mass) in Bogotá

24. Pastry chef (urgent) in Bogotá

25. Production workers (plastics) in Bogotá

26. Clothing operators (flat machine) in Bogotá

27. Truck assistant in Bogotá

28. Comprehensive optometrists in Bogotá (10 vacancies)

29. Supernumerary optometrists in Bogotá (8 vacancies)

Tips & Tricks

This should be the resume of an architect

An architect should start by building a resume that highlights the projects where they have participated, as well as the individual goals they achieved in each of these work experiences. The consulted with two architects, each with a different approach, about the presentation of a good resume.

This should be the resume of an architect

Architecture is an interdisciplinary profession that requires knowledge of several areas for a good professional development.

Thus, in the curriculum there must be room for two things: the individual and the general contribution to any type of project.

“It is important to highlight the ‘large’ projects, because these usually integrate processes related to engineering consulting, economics, soil, legal matters, environmental care, filing and planning,” explains Carlos Chewin, manager and legal representative of Proyectar Soluciones.

Click here and start applying to these offers in architecture!

Although academic training is an extremely relevant aspect due to the use of tools and learning different styles and projects, “the fieldwork and the execution of the trade is what really trains and provides important knowledge for the architect,” says Chewin.

“It is vital to understand the activity and the routes that are going to be carried out and to be able to visualize how they can be improved and transmitted. Inhabiting or touring a place is an exercise that, with rewards towards the user such as lighting, comfortable circulations, materials, scales and so many relevant aspects, elevates their life experience while living with the work”, warns Martín Ramírez, architect and designer of ODEM.

Now, it is advisable to dedicate a space to the portfolio in this document. Those who read the curriculum will feel more familiar and connected to the architect’s work and creativity ifgraphic elements such as photos, designs and plans that are a differential of his work are included.

“It is very important that the photos of the works are of high quality and reflect the work in the best way, as this is worth more than any explanation. In today’s world, images are more powerful,” says Martín Ramírez, architect and designer of ODEM, who has also collaborated in other projects such as Cine Tonalá, Video Club, among others.

It is also necessary to write down what tools or software the professional handles, whether AutoCAD, Revit, Sketchup or Archicad.

According to Martinez, the architect must project his “criteria” and “aesthetics” in his curriculum, while representing an idea of his work in an easy way, in such a way that it is possible to show the viability and design of a project without waiting for a ‘render’ or to have plans; If an architect can’t express his ideas clearly and quickly, development is going to be slow and static.”

Within the resume of architects, it is also recommended to dedicate a space to the profile and style of work of the professional. In this section, it is valued that the architect can work as a team, have a willingness to learn, their job stability and commitment to each project.

Finally, job references serve to corroborate participation in a project. Therefore, those contacts that are put in the architect’s resume must give proof of the “level of performance and experience in a specific area, whether administrative, on site or budgeting,” concludes Chewin.

How To

This is how you telecommute effectively

The social, economic and ecological emergency declared in Colombia due to the coronavirus impacted the development of business activities and the management of its employees, leading companies to grant teleworking so as not to reduce their productivity.

This is how you telecommute effectively

To comply with social isolation and not opt for the cessation of activities, many have their employees working remotely and with the help of technology. But what does it depend on if this modality is a success?

Set a work schedule

According to Alejandro Arévalo, executive manager of DNA Human Capital, although teleworking “is a benefit given by companies, this is a professional challenge that is transferred to employees, since the responsibility falls directly on them. This is why it is important to have structures that allow it, and that the collaborator establishes their work routines in the same way as they would in an office. “

Although this modality was used in particular cases, today it is used in an almost-majority way in companies. Adopting this way of working implies mixing family and work dynamics and, therefore, we must try to ‘move’ the office correctly to the home.

A study carried out by the DNA Group showed that during the last week of March 2020, 38% of companies in Peru, Colombia and Chile decreed to implement ‘home office’ among their employees, this taking into account coronavirus prevention policies.

The expert consulted By

advises that the worker should organize his workday and activities towards the fulfillment of objectives.

Designate a space in your home to work

Thus, you must “behave as if you are still going to the office. Get out of bed and fix yourself as you usually would. Jumping from bed to computer is not recommended, because you will confuse rest spaces with work spaces, “says Arévalo.

In the same way, it is important to adapt a workspace that resembles your office as much as possible, that is, a space without many distractions. Do not work in bed or on the sofa, because your body may think it is time to rest and doing so your health can be affected, since these objects are not designed to execute the workday.

Use apps to make your job easier

On digital tools that can facilitate your work, Google offers its cloud Drive, where you can edit documents -online- of Word, PowerPoint or Excel. Also, if you need to make video conferences with your work team, you can use Hangouts, a messaging application, also from Google.

Learn here about other tools that may be useful

Get used to a work schedule

Regardless of your duties, you have to “set a work schedule to meet weekly goals, and thus prevent your workload from increasing. To do so, coordinate leadership meetings where goals and weekly tasks are set to meet them,” advises the expert.

Talk to your superior and set work schedules where you feel more productive, because many times some collaborators perform difficult tasks for a few hours, while in others they finish less complicated ones.

Explain to your family the situation of teleworking

The previous point is also related to the family or personal aspects that surround each employee, as well as responsibilities at home and eating habits.

Along the same lines, you must “involve your family in the change, since this modality modifies the routine not only of the collaborators but also of their families and the people with whom they live. That is why it is important to share the planning to be able to differentiate the moments of work from those of leisure, “says Arévalo.

Companies are making a big bet on their talent with teleworking. With this alternative, employees have in their hands the time and the fulfillment of goals without constant ‘supervision’ by their superiors.

Responsibility is the most important thing

For this reason, you must have work maturity and comply with the designated schedules. Answer calls and messages when needed, stay online and do not spread the trust they have given you.

Avoid distractions and organize your diet so you don’t get up constantly to check your fridge. Likewise, use your cell phone for work issues and personal urgency; social media can affect your productivity and focus.

Apart from work, you invest better the time you will save on travel. “On average, a person takes two hours in transfers, which in a week are 10, in the month 40 and in the year more than 400 hours free thanks to the fact that he will not have to travel anywhere. Plan those hours to invest in your well-being, but not in work, “concludes Arévalo.

Teleworking is an opportunity for employees to demonstrate to their superiors their capacity for self-management, as well as responsibility and commitment to their work.

Tips & Tricks

This is how the journalist’s resume should be

The role of the journalist does not only belong to the media, he is currently required to work in advertising agencies, private companies, public entities or journalism agencies.

However, each job requires a journalist with different emphasis, experience and skills.

This is how the journalist's resume should be

“It is essential, for every journalist, to have a solid foundation in humanities to make an in-depth analysis of the local, national and international context. In addition, nowadays he needs to master multimedia and transmedia languages”, advises Juan Camilo Hernández, director of the Social Communication and Journalism program at the University of La Sabana.

Some things do not change, such as thejournalistic rigorthat must always be maintained. The investigation and authenticity of the information that is published is key in any journalistic exercise, because in this the credibility and quality of the professional’s work is based.

Find here the job you want for 2022.

New technologies, the Internet and the journalist

Not only audiences found a new space for information consumption with new technologies and the Internet.

Traditional formats such asprint, radio and televisionalso saw the need to transfer part of their essence, and journalists, to social networks and websites.

For digital journalists, it is important that they have knowledge about how the effectiveness of the information they publish and the statistics they achieve on websites or on their profiles onFacebook, Instagram or Twitter is measured.

For this task you must have knowledge in tools such asGoogle Analytics, Chartbeat or Adobe Omniture.


The tools that expand creativity

In addition, it is essential to have a basic level of mastery over design and editing tools such asPhotoshop, Premiere and Illustrator, which will serve to create graphic pieces such as infographics, video texts or ‘posts’ in case you do not have the skills of a graphic designer or filmmaker at hand.

Large volumes of information

The management of databases and large amounts of information is one of the ‘plus’ that a professional who is dedicated to data journalism can have, who must have basic knowledge in statistics and software to analyze, process, condense and project, in an attractive way, all that information.


Know how to program and understand the structure of a website or content

Although the journalist should not be a programmer, having knowledge ofHTML language, as well as the administration of web pages, will allow him to work more openly and easily with the needs of a client or media.

Highlight the professional’s approach

However, a journalist’s resume that is “todero” is not entirely recommended. Well, it is necessary to find an approach that gives “strength, or deepening that is organized around thematic interests, so that it delves into fields such as economic, political, cultural, technological, judicial, environmental, among others.

It is also necessary to highlight the experiences that have been had according to the emphasis of each journalist. For example, for those who have developed in television it is important to highlight their ability to present news combining images and words in a short time in an agile, clear, safe and fluid way.

Journalists for print or digital press

Those journalists who want to dedicate themselves to the written enterprise will require the ability to address the news in greater depth and detail; On the other hand, generate analysis through various formats such as reports, interviews, chronicles or opinion columns.

The radio

For those who are dedicated to radio it is important to detail the skills they have in terms of production, voice-over, narrative agility and the use of their voice.

Include your best work and get creative with the design.

Regardless of the focus, every journalist should have a portfolio or ‘reel’ of their work. This should include the best examples of the content that the professional has developed such as reports, interviews and stories that demonstrate their talent. They must be agile, short and very well produced.

As for the design, it is recommended to adapt the resume according to the company or position to which the candidate is applying. That is, for a position that involves presentation, a resume that redirects to a video will be preferable; If it is for a printed or digital medium, it is preferable to agglomerate the most relevant published articles, as well as the medium and date of publication.

Finally, we must not forget the personal brand. Many journalists use their networks, not only to find new sources of inspiration and connect with more colleagues, but also to get closer to their audience, creating a space and community where their work and content is recognized in the best way.

Tips & Tricks

This is how a publicist’s resume should be

The figure of the publicist has evolved along with new technologies and the emergence of new needs in its customers. The portal with four experts on the key points to highlight the resume of these professionals.

This is how a publicist's resume should be

Initially, in a brief profile, their interpersonal skills, verbal and corporal expression should be highlighted. These aspects strengthen its development in public relations, because through these it communicates, makes known and attracts potential customers.

Find here all the offers for advertising and marketing.

Due to the constant approach with clients, partners and collaborators, these professionals need to “know how to negotiate, convince and defend the creative proposals they present, as well as have the ability to adapt to change, which in the nature of the sector is a constant,” says Pablo Arango, country manager of DNA Outplacement.

Knowing about sales strategies, marketing and cost planning is vital within the experience of an advertiser.

According to Manolo Perdomo, advisor in communications, design and marketing, the publicist must “know and be in synergy with all the actors of the process, this includes their colleagues, bosses, customers or suppliers, so the ideas will flow. To work in advertising, you don’t have to be afraid to give your opinion and propose your points of view.”

In the curriculum of the publicist, it is also expected to find knowledge in writing, digital platforms, editing and creation of images, audio and video.

Since digital expertise is necessary in advertisers, César Mutis, Marketing Director of LNB, recommends that “if you have more experience in operation, the management of Adobe’s creative suite is visible. In the executive sphere, priority is given to the management of numbers, sales and marketing strategies and the use of programs such as Excel, Word and PowerPoint.”

“For recruiters it is very important to be able to see with their own eyes the work of a publicist focused on graphics and audiovisuals, either as a collaborator or as a creator. These can be displayed through a ‘demo reel’ with digital files at a ‘web’ address, personal blog or virtual portfolio,” advises Arango.

With the above, projects that reinforce the focus of each advertiser and that allow them to be more suitable for a job offer should also be highlighted. You have to “review the graphic and creative portfolio if you are specialized in graphic design or if you have held positions as a creative writer or strategist. If the profile is executive, campaigns or projects are highlighted where there was customer management, proposal development or ‘front’ to the client, “says Mutis.

Although these professionals must be highly creative with all their ideas, they must also have “a broader picture about the execution of sales and marketing, since with this they can become more assertive in the proposals,” concludes Jesús Zuleta, director of Operations of Tribes, Marketing and Advertising.

These are some offers for advertisers that are published on our portal:

Tips & Tricks

Things You Should Never Tell Your Boss

The portal consulted with experts and presented some of the most counterproductive phrases that can be given in this relationship.

Truly knowing your superior is essential for you to maintain a healthy relationship and not exceed the limits.

Things You Should Never Tell Your Boss

So, you have been in the company for a long time and there is proximity, avoid making reckless comments, as they could cost you more than expected.

“No, that can’t be done”. You should not mention this phrase, since “it is always possible to find a solution for any situation and it is frustrating to have employees who think it is not possible to find it,” says Elive Riveros Trujillo, director of People, Organization and Culture of HDI Seguros.

“In the company I worked before, it was done like this”. Avoid comparisons, they can be “hateful” and generate discomfort within the team or make your boss think that you are not comfortable in the company.

“That is why if the person wants to promote an initiative, they must propose it as a particular benefit for the company and from the positive,” recommends Liliana Guzmán Caballero, director of Human Resources.

Between friendship and working relationship, there is a considerable difference.

It is not that there is a sparing environment, but some comments can exceed trust, such as teasing or inappropriate jokes during working hours.

“A positive attitude that includes good humor is welcome in any team and a reflective attitude that invites healthy debate around proposals and ideas is welcome as necessary in a team,” says Fernando Padilla, director of Human Management.

As, you have every right to ask questions about the tasks delegated to you, this to avoid mistakes and work overload.

Other expressions that can irritate bosses is evading tasks with statements such as‘That’s not my responsibility, ask my partner.”‘have a lot of work and I can’t do it.’

According to Riveros, a work team must “be clear about who does what and how far; The boss is usually clear about the responsibilities of his team, but if he is asking it is for a compelling reason and it is very annoying to receive that answer.”

Guzmán complements by saying that “there is always an alternative to a ‘no’ as an answerand the right thing would be to give a solution or alternative so that the task that is being assigned can be developed.”

On the other hand, it can happen that they delegate “related functions”, and excuse yourself from not performing these tasks because the boss -supposedly- did not say it, “can give that perception of little self-management and determination to develop their work; Not all the tasks of your work are derived from a literal and explicit instruction, you must be able to develop projects that are derived from the same work plan, “says Adriana Garcés, Human Talent Manager at Manpower Group.

“It is valid for employees at all levels to make observations about the state of the business and express their opinions; these must be handled tactfully to avoid hurting sensitivities and above all that expressing this opinion, positive or negative, contributes in some way to the development of the labor ecosystem, “concludes Padilla.

Top of phrases you shouldn’t say to your boss

  1. No, that cannot be done.
  2. In the company I worked before, this was done.
  3. That’s not my responsibility / That’s not part of my job.
  4. Don’t ask me about it, I have a lot of work.
  5. Do I really have to go to that meeting?
  6. Boss, why were you late for the office today?
  7. You are wrong (without saying why and without giving a solution).
  8. Sorry for being late, but I don’t like to get up early.
  9. It’s not my fault.
  10. It’s that you didn’t explain well…
How To

Things every professional should know how to do

Every day, employees face challenges that they can solve thanks to the knowledge learned at university and thanks to their work experience. However, there are competences that cannot be discriminated against because they have one profession or another.

Things every professional should know how to do

First, there are communication skills. To write an email or make a report, having good writing and spelling will allow your superiors to take it seriously. It will always be key to manage clarity in the information you deliver and express yourself correctly.

Now, math skills can be considered only for careers like engineering or finance. However, knowing how to make a simple or inverse rule of three, knowing the basic mathematical operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) and being able to get a percentage is something that every professional should be able to do, this without the need for a spreadsheet or calculator.

Knowing and making use of these aspects allows any professional to have ‘financial intelligence’. According to Sonia Jaramillo, senior manager at Hays Colombia, every professional must have a “financial and accounting knowledge, including basic statistical knowledge to understand expenses, income, losses or gains.”

Also, do you know how to take advantage of tools likePowerPoint or Excel? These computer programs allow you to get out of trouble, especially when you need to deliver an organized report where you can show graphs, ‘cakes’ and, of course, perform advanced mathematical calculations.

For bosses who are not bilingual it is very useful to have a work team that understands and manages English.

“For any profession, the management of the spreadsheet is essential, as it provides the facility to collect information in an organized manner, in addition to executing mathematical calculations, scheduling dates and times, preparing graphs and extensive reports, but above all, taking budgets,” recommends Liliana Guzmán, director of Human Talent at Loor.

Technology, an ally that every employee should use

Using calendars and emails allows you to effectively schedule meetings, invitations, and events at work.

To minimize the time of tasks “and to be able to share information, you can make use of the ‘storage clouds’ or for people whose work involves the management of communications or relationships with third parties, it is essential to handle tools such as Prezi, as well as know about the creation of blogs and the commercial management of social networks. “

While it is impossible to know everything thoroughly, it is key that the professional is recursive and knows where to find answers. Going to free web applications or tools can get you out of trouble in the workplace.

Finally, it is important to know where you stand and what is going on around you. Staying informed about laws, “political and socioeconomic situation of the country, allows a broad knowledge in national and international issues, taxes, free trade agreements and issues that can influence companies,” concludes Jaramillo.

Tips & Tricks

These are the most requested offers in our most recent Thursday of offers

The month of June began, and in our most recent ‘Thursday of offers’, many Colombians connected to the broadcast through the different social networks (Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIn) and through their comments they let us know from which places from Colombia tune in to us and what job vacancies they are looking for.

These are the most requested offers in our most recent Thursday of offers

This space has managed to have a significant reach in Colombian households, where there are relatives or friends looking for job opportunities and with the offers highlighted or published live, they can quickly be linked to the job they are looking for.

Below we leave you some of the vacancies that the people who connected to the ‘Thursday of offers’ of June 2 requested the most. Do not hesitate to share this note with whoever needs it.

– Vacancies for industrial engineers in Colombia

– Business consultants in Medellin

– Lawyers throughout Colombia

– Vacancies for psychologists

– Vacancies for business administrators

– Vacancies for bacteriologists 

– Vacancies for industrial mechanics

Tips & Tricks

The year is going to end, is it a good time to look for and find work?

According to the DANE, while among men in the national total the unemployment rate for August 2021 was 9.4%, for women it stood at 16.4%. However, there are many Colombians who are still looking for a job opportunity. November arrives and many feel that it is no longer time to look for work and that the best option is to wait for a new year.

The year is going to end, is it a good time to look for and find work

Register your resume here and find the job you want.

we want to give you the tools so you can find that job opportunity you’re looking for. That’s why we want to answer that question: is it a good time to look for a job?

“It’s important for people to know that there is no perfect time to look for work. However, we must bear in mind that companies are constantly looking for people to fill their positions, “explained Alejandro Ordóñez, manager.

We know that finding a job can be a stressful, frustrating task that can bring you moments of stress, however, remember that here at we want to give you all the tools so that this search is done in the best possible way.

Remember to update your resume, here we tell youhow to have a winning resume. Also tell your friends and family that you are looking for work, it is possible that an opportunity may also come out there, determine certain daily hours to apply for vacancies, which for example you can findhere on our portal, do not be discouraged, remember that you are not the only one who is going through or has gone through this situation, Then comes the reward of those hard moments.

“People looking for work should understand that looking for work is a job in itself, so they should dedicate enough time to it. Understand that if in a period of time there are fewer people looking for work, they see it as an opportunity because we have less competition, more chances that our resume is striking, “advises Ordóñez.

The expert recommendsnot applying for any vacancy because you think it increases the possibility of finding work. It is important to apply for vacancies where the requirements are met so you will find the job you really want and are qualified for.

So cheer up because this year you can end up working.

Tips & Tricks

The skills healthcare professionals need today

The health sector has become a protagonist during this pandemic. Workers in the sector have been responsible for receiving and treating patients with coronavirus and other types of ailments. The risk of contagion, stress and the collapse of the service are some of the scenarios that they must face today.

The skills healthcare professionals need today

The portal consulted with experts about the soft skills that health professionals should ideally have, especially in a situation that requires double the work, patience and tolerance.

Vocation to service

Mainly, the vocation at the service of these professionals stands out. They are prepared to face all kinds of situations and deal with the consequent stress. Providing good treatment to a suffering public with urgent needs is a great challenge.

“These skills are very important and appreciated today by the IPS (Institutions Providing Health Services) that hire doctors and, especially, by the professionals themselves, due to the characteristics of the environment faced,” says Maria Mercedes Peña, a surgeon specializing in occupational medicine.

Assertive communication

Social skills such as communication, assertiveness and empathy or approach with others allows soft skills to be generated, generating an effective connection with others, among them, patients and collaborators.

Peña complements by saying that “beyond the interaction between the doctor and the patient, we must be attentive to the collaborative resolution of problems that, in turn, entail manifestations in the health status of our patients.”

Increase your chances of finding work. Get to know VIP employment here

Managing frustration

Because there is currently no effective treatment or vaccine against covid19, some professionals – on the front line of care – may feel slowed down. Therefore, frustration tolerance, time management and conflict resolution are important.

Good care and closeness to patients

“The new circumstances of isolation and quarantine have shown that we must work on these types of skills and have been insinuated as crucial. In face-to-face care, it is very important to be able to verify detailed orientation and empathy as a quality of medical care, since humane treatment facilitates the patient’s self-care behavior,” says Peña.

Clarity and effectiveness in teleconsultations

Health professionals or specialists who attend through ‘teleconsultations’ should try to be clear and close with their patients. Assertive communication is vital and for that it is also important that health workers know how to handle technological tools.

For her part, Cristina Herrera, consultant at Talenti, believes that “in this era resilience is valuable, this is the ability to recover and adapt positively to difficult contexts. Also, to advance and develop.”

Know how to manage emotions

Regarding the big picture of the labor market and recruitment trends, soft skills are highly appreciated by employers. “Thus, 70% of companies consider emotional intelligence as one of the most necessary skills for the future. It is followed by adaptability, with 64%, and leadership, with 62%,” says Silvana Vergel, regional director of Hays Executive Latam.

“Of course, the vocation and orientation at the service of health professionals are key, as well as their spirit of research to seek best practices when caring for patients,” concludes Herrera.

Tolerance and patience

With the change of shifts, other skills such as flexibility stand out. Likewise, if the professional is in charge of a work team, whether doctors or nurses, he must choose to be a good leader and the meeting point at critical moments.

Other important skills

“The worker must be empathetic, develop their capacity for self-management, be analytical and a positive leader. In addition, it must have the ability to adapt to do things differently and propose new paths, “explains Nathaly Moreno, human resources manager of Exeltis.

Recognize the time to take a break

All these demands can be overwhelming, so you should always communicate timely to leaders when you feel tired or despair. In this way, contingencies with users and co-workers can be prevented and the health of the professional himself can be ensured.

Health workers now have a great responsibility. Their role is fundamental to be able to get out of an unprecedented emergency. They must understand the situation, take care of themselves and others.

Find here job offers in the health sector

If you are looking for work in this area or any other, remember to visit, where you can find -by city, position, salary and work area– various job offers.