At we work to provide you with tools to find a job opportunity that allows you to have economic stability. Here are some featured deals, including several that were showcased on the most recent Deals Thursday.
It should be noted that the offers are to work in Bogotá, Bucaramanga, Medellín or Barranquilla and you can apply through our portal. Do not forget that your resume must be registered; If you have not done so, you can enter here.
The offers are as follows:
– Active directory specialist (Bogotá)
– Network and server technician (Bogotá)
– Developer (Bogota)
– XXI Century Lawyer (Bogotá)
– Accountant (Bogota)
– Accounting analyst (Barranquilla)
– Food transporter driver (Medellín)
– Production operator (Medellín)
– Accounting assistant (Medellín)
– Point of sale manager (Medellín)
– JR product designer and developer. (Bucaramanga)
For some it could be the interview stage, for others perhaps the most complex is the psychological tests. What if the problem is you?
The mere fact of knowing that you have to undergo a selection process to aspire to a position makes the candidate feel some anxiety at first. However, the difficulty of facing each stage of the process depends on the applicant.
It’s true. Employers put tests in the different phases of the selection process that allow them to really choose the most suitable candidate for the position they need to fill. Some tests, of course, may be more complex than others, but in reality, the difficulty is put by the applicant when he aspires to vacancies that do not fit his profile or, for example, when from the beginning he is not sincere with his abilities, knowledge and experience.
For Cristina Herrera, manager of Talenti, “nowadays all the steps in a selection process are demanding and difficult. Companies are looking to have as much information as possible about the candidate they are going to hire and there is a lot of competition.”
Herrera recommends that applicants must be willing to participate in each step, prepare correctly, and have patience since not always the speed with which things happen are what the person would like.
In a traditional selection process, applicants will have to face interviews and evaluations both individually and in groups, technical and psychological tests and, in the same way, safety studies.
You can pass and stand out in most stages of the selection process, but if the safety study does not go well, you can be discarded and not be hired.
“If the candidate is not prepared correctly, and if he is not completely honest from the beginning of the process, surely the results will not be positive,” Herrera conditions.
For these reasons, the best advice so that the selection process does not torment you are, in the same degree of importance, investigate the company, be as clear as possible about the functions of the position and why you can perform them. In addition, support your strengths (soft skills and competencies) and adequately explain your areas of development.
It is also positive to have clear and interesting examples of your achievements, study the resume, have clarity of what you have done and when you did it. And have identified your expectations, that is, what you are looking for in a new job, why you are interested in linking with the company, how much you would like to earn, and so on.
For psychological tests, for example, the recommendation given by the expert is that you be very honest, answer how you really are and not as you think the employer wants. “Nowadays candidates look for information on the internet where they explain how to answer some tests, and that is not something so recommended because the results can be distorted and, by following instructions, they may not be the best,” he warns.
There is no impossible selection process. The complex thing is to apply for vacancies that are far from your domains. If you are not prepared, the stages of the selection process can be a martyrdom for you.
Similarly, do not lie when talking about your knowledge in languages or software management, because at the time of performing the technical tests, you will sweat cold because you will not know how to prove what you said you knew.
“In the case of safety studies, which include background research, financial management, verification of studies and work references and, in many cases, polygraphs, the recommendation is to tell the future employer if there is a ‘difficult’ issue that must be known before it comes out in the study,” advises Herrera.
In short, the most important thing is that from the beginning you apply for vacancies that best fit your professional profile and, as a result, you will be less complicated selection processes.
The clear points
Carlos Augusto Forero, manager of SC ORGANIZACIONAL, says that the candidate can find it difficult to think about meeting the expectations of the position and, also, the moment of making the decision to accept or not the job proposal. However, he assures that what defines the hiring of the applicant is that he applies to the position for which he is really prepared. For him there are no difficult tests in a selection process.
Believe it or not, voice is an important tool among professionals, take a look at this course that we offer you and be encouraged to take it.
Using the voice to communicate an oral message is essential in life. Many times we do not value the power of this, nor do we think about the use we give it on a daily basis. Voice is a tool that every professional must handle perfectly.
Not only singers, radio hosts, politicians and important figures should have a good voice. It is essential that good professionals and students also have it, to transmit information, talk to someone, for a meeting, an exhibition, etc. (HERE YOU CAN REGISTER YOUR RESUME AND FIND A JOB).
So, if you believe that all these characteristics are important in your professional life, you can’t miss and take the course ” The Creative Universe of the Voice “, which Cursos El Tiempo offers you to complement your communication skills.
The health sector was one of those that had to adapt to a new reality, since the arrival of the pandemic caused it to evolve rapidly, becoming one of the most important industries globally. With the reactivation of other sectors and different markets, economic growth has been gradual and the inevitable combination of the health and technology industry represents a key potential market, so companies and professionals have the challenge of adapting to the new realities and needs of patients.
According to the “Perspectives 2022” study by Page Group, a recruitment company based in Great Britain, and its specialized health division, Healthcare & Life Sciences, health professionals seek to work in an integrated manner between the different areas, taking advantage of maximizing the skills and recognizing the contributions of each individual within this field of knowledge.
It should be noted that the foregoing is done with the aim of responding to the current context, which is changing and which poses a challenge to establish dynamic and assertive relationships with patients.
Diana Sierra, Senior Manager of Michael Page’s Healthcare & Life Sciences division, states that:
“Companies in the health sector seek to attract people who challenge themselves and want to be part of a more dynamic environment, so little by little it is common to see professionals who do not come from the industry and who bring new perspectives and skills.”
He also comments that after the pandemic, skills such as leadership and communication are beginning to become more present when selecting profiles from this industry after the pandemic.
What are the most in-demand profiles?
The arrival of the covid-19 pandemic has forced the health sector to have changes in its operation and with respect to the professionals who work in different areas of this field of knowledge. According to the Page Group “Perspectives 2022” study, the most in-demand professional profiles in the health area are:
Data analysis (37%)
Artificial intelligence (38.7%)
Biotechnology (38.4%)
It is important to clarify that soft skills are currently becoming more relevant, due to the current situation; Therefore, flexibility, agility, learning agility, analytical thinking, resilience and leadership are skills in high demand in this industry.
Leaving the country has always represented an opportunity to improve the quality of life of those who make this decision, as well as their families. Due to the political situation, thousands of Colombians have rethought the idea of looking for a destination to study, work and carry out their life project. However, before making this decision, which is crucial, it is best to know which are the best destinations.
After the victory of the candidate for the Historical Pact, Gustavo Petro, the search for how to get a passport increased considerably at the national level and the favorite destinations of those who want to leave Colombia are those that offer scholarships, affordable housing and job opportunities.
Here we show you which places in the world you can travel to if you want to change your future away from Colombian lands:
– Pipestone, Canada: This place offers scholarships of up to 25,000 dollars and lots of 8 dollars to those who create a company.
– Otten stein, Germany: In this place, land is given to build housing for those who settle there with their family.
– Mishima, Japan: In this city, the government offers 630 dollars a month for the first 3 years to single people under 55 and married people.
– Molise, Italy: In this city, 27,000 dollars are offered to foreigners who settle in one of its 106 villages and found a company.
Taking a different path in another part of the world is a reality and the decision is the order of the day. Would you dare to leave Colombia and settle in one of the places mentioned above?
In Colombia of the more than 13,000 engineers who have graduated in the last 5 years, only 3,250 (25%) are women.
In terms of employment data, women studying engineering are 95% more likely to find a job in the first six months after graduating; than those who study undergraduate programs of another type, which have a current labor insertion that is between 43 and 60%.
By average salary, those who have just graduated from engineering have monthly salaries of approximately $ 2,800,000; while those who study other careers that are not STEM, can earn between $ 1,200,000 and $ 1,800,000 with a maximum of one year of experience.
Are you looking for a job? Register your resume here and apply
To develop the report, the Salesian University Foundation analyzed and crossed information from the National Information System of Higher Education (Snies), the Labor Observatory for Education (OLE) of the Ministry of Education, the Public Employment System (SPE) and the Colombian Society of Engineers (SCI), among other official sources.
Bogotá, October 2021. In Colombia, of the total number of students studying engineering, only 14% are women; Likewise, of the 13,000 professionals who in the last 10 years have received the title as engineers, only 25% belong to the female gender, as confirmed by a recent report by the Salesian University Foundation that analyzed and crossed information from the National Information System of Higher Education (Snies), the Labor Observatory for Education (OLE) of the Ministry of Education, the Public Employment System (SPE) and the Colombian Society of Engineers (SCI), among other sources.
Although the report clarifies in the last three years the gap between men and women studying STEM careers (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) has narrowed, the distance is still very wide. According to UNESCO, only 30% of women today choose this type of areas to study at university, showing that this gender still lags far behind in terms of representatives in STEM programs.
According to Camilo Navarro, dean of the Faculty of Engineering of the Salesian University Foundation, “at this moment women encounter several barriers that prevent them from participating in these disciplines, including prejudices and gender stereotypes that have great influence when choosing which profession to study,” she says.
Regarding the labor aspect, the report analyzed which are the professions that currently present better job opportunities and salaries for women, finding surprises between what they are studying compared to the opportunities offered by the market.
According to the Public Employment Service (SPE) and the Labour Observatory for Education (OLE), professions considered female offer lower levels of remuneration. “For example, a woman who finishes a Bachelor’s Degree in Biology has a 43% chance of getting a job the day she graduates, with an average salary of $1,200,000. In contrast, with one who studies Electrical Engineering who has a 95% chance of having a job on the day of graduation, with an average salary close to $ 2,800,000, “says Navarro.
Other data from the report that were studied directly from the Snies, confirm that, between 2015 and 2020, 87% of university students were registered in two groups of careers: those traditionally female, such as Psychology, Social Work, degrees in all areas, Psychopedagogy, Microbiology, Bacteriology and Nursing; and the non-traditionally female careers that have been ‘feminized’ during the last twenty years, such as Economic Sciences (Economics, International Business, Business Administration, Accounting), Law and Medicine.
Today, professional women’s job preferences center around marketing and finance. But sectors such as mining, extractive industries, public works, security, transport, logistics and technology are not part of their interests.
“This combination of educational and labor preferences has an important impact on the employability and salary level of women’s first job, since in many cases the sectors least preferred by them are those that actually offer them better salaries and employment opportunities,” adds Navarro.
These data add to the difficulty that the country has today to close the gap between the demand and supply of people to meet the advance of ICT and other technologies. “This gap has widened in recent years and it is estimated that, by 2025, we will have a deficit of 42,000 engineers,” he says.
To take into account, according to the Ministry of Information and Communications Technologies (MinTic), women who enter the digital segment in the labor market have more competitive salaries than in other industries. For example, those with an average of five years of experience receive a monthly financial compensation of more than $6 million.
Engineering has timidly captivated the interest of women
According to the OLE, from 2010 to 2019 (most recent official information), by basic core of knowledge, administrative engineering had more women graduates than men, with 2,281 graduates compared to 1,466 men; The same was presented in Industrial Engineering, with 3,106 against 1,682; environmental engineering, 16,030 versus 9,889; biomedical engineering, 1,491 against 1,320; and chemical engineering, 6,169 versus 4,674.
In contrast, when analyzing the 2019 data, the largest gender gap by engineering, in terms of number of graduates, was presented in civil engineering, since in these 1,822 men graduated against 850 women; systems and computer engineering, 5,102 versus 1,375; electronic and telecommunications engineering, 1,760 against 307; electrical engineering, 1,026 versus 102; and mechanical engineering, 3,833 against 506;
By percentage, the engineering companies with the greatest gender inequality per graduate are: electrical engineering, 90.06%; mechanical engineering, 86.8%; and electronic and telecommunications engineering, 82.57%. It is followed by systems engineering and computer science, 73.05%; and civil engineering, 53.35%.
“This phenomenon is due to some failures that remain in the culture, where women are induced to be calm, vain and to dedicate themselves to care tasks, which are less valued by society, while men must be strong, competitive and perform in more technical professions and in positions of power, which are the careers most valued by society. An example of this are the marked stereotypes in toys, as video games and technology are usually related from an early age to the male gender. Another scenario is related to the work of construction management, in which comments that consider women as incapable of making decisions and performing tasks with the same effectiveness as a man are still common, “says Germán Pardo, president of the Colombian Society of Engineers.
As for the engineering companies with the highest female participation, by number of graduates between 2010 and 2019, the following stand out: environmental engineering, 61.69%; and industrial engineering, 54.15%.
“Although there is an advance in the acceptance of the capacities and skills of women in Engineering, it is still necessary to strengthen the values in the family, society and academia that allow them to decide to advance their professional studies in this branch, and develop and carry out tasks related to Engineering with the same ease and confidence that men enjoy”, Pardo added.
The panorama in the country’s universities is worrying
In the Andes it was found that the total population of engineering students in the last 10 years has remained around 5,000 people, of these only 33% are women. By type of engineering, the program with the most women is environmental engineering (66% more women than men), biomedical engineering (53%) and chemical engineering (51%).
Regarding the Javeriana, there are currently 2,783 students in its different engineering careers, of these 1,922 (69.06%) are men and only 861 (30.94%) are women. It is interesting that in none of its seven active programs in this academic area are women more than men.
With regard to the District University, a total of 5,194 students are part of the Faculty of Engineering. Of these, 1,287 are women, 3,907 are men. It is also a matter of concern that in none of its engineering programs are female students more than men.
And in the Colombian School of Engineering, the total number of engineering students amounts to 4,230, of these only 1,367 (32%) are women. On the other hand, civil engineering, with 439 female students (32%) and industrial engineering, 376 students (28%), are the programs that have the highest proportion of female students today.
The results of this report set off the alarms of the academy, since it is worth remembering the importance of women for the development of science and technology in the country; and put gender equality and its empowerment in society between that.
Likewise, these data outline an opportunity that allows universities to impact more women with their engineering programs, generate better attraction strategies and develop plans within institutions to overcome the gender gap that still persists in this professional area.
A report by the Salesian University Foundation, which analyzed and crossed data from the Public Employment System (SPE), the National Information System of Higher Education (Snies), the Labor Observatory for Education (OLE) and the National Administrative Department of Statistics (Dane), among other sources such as the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, indicated that there are currently 630 vacancies for agro-industrial engineers, of which only 30% are being covered due to the lack of specialized human resources.
According to the analysis, at the moment there are about 300 students who, only in Bogotá, are being trained as agroindustrial engineers (Snies); The number of graduates in this career, between 2019 and 2020 in the capital of the country, did not exceed 60 professionals; and its Labor hook salary is between $ 2’100,000 and $ 2’300,000, not to mention that their labor linkage rate is 77%, which indicates that between 7 and 8 out of 10 agroindustrial engineers get a job in less than 6 months after they graduated (OLE).
If you want to improve your work life, register your resume in this link.
Similarly, according to information from the DANE, agriculture is the second activity that contributes in greater numbers to the occupation of labor in the country, represented in more than 3 million people who work in this sector.
Given this panorama, agro-industrial engineers have a historic opportunity and are emerging as one of the most relevant professionals with the best growth expectations.
It depends, for example, on their work to guarantee the supply of food to all the inhabitants of the country in the post-pandemic; Likewise, they are able to contribute one of the main debates of the moment, such as the reflection on food imports; And finally, they are fundamental to close the historical gap of needs that has not allowed the countryside to have the same level of development as cities.
“For these and other reasons, Argo industrial Engineering is called to lead the new developments of agriculture, supported by the possibilities that exist to potentiate the various productive and economic activities offered by the Colombian countryside”, says Camilo Navarro, dean of the Faculty of Engineering of the Salesian University Foundation.
The lifeline of academia to ensure food safety
Although the country has maintained an agricultural tradition for several centuries, the difficulty of competing with productions subsidized by other nations, added to recent developments and approaches in other areas of the national economy, has made Colombia an importer of its own food. This trend will have to be reconsidered in the years to come, with the decisive participation of agro-industrial engineers.
“The post-pandemic is going to have a significant effect on food production and processing. At this moment the country imports more than 10 million tons of grains annually and, with the mobility restrictions that were recently presented by the national strike, we will have to strengthen our raw materials and local production, “says Navarro.
The variety of climates, lands and biodiversity with which Colombia is also a factor that plays in favor of the purpose of revitalizing the countryside and its multiple possibilities, an objective towards which the National Government must necessarily look, considering the moment that the world is going through and the great lag that, in terms of economic and social growth, it presents the rural sector versus the urban sector.
In this sense, it is important to highlight some figures such as those cited by Jens Mesa, executive president of Fedepalma, in the prologue to the book “Agro and Agribusiness in Colombia”, according to which the nation has an agricultural frontier of more than 40 million hectares of which only 7.1 million (that is, 17.75%) are cultivated.
The goal, concludes the report of the Salesian University Foundation, is to train more agro-industrial engineers who can, not only overcome the gap that currently exists in this career and that could jeopardize the country’s food security in the short or medium term, but it is also necessary to train more professionals who are able to solve the paradox that indicates that the field, Despite being the greatest repository of future hopes in terms of food supply, today it continues to be impoverished due to the historical debt that several generations of Colombians maintain with the rural sector.
Here, we want to give you the tools to find the job you want so much. We show you, according to the offers published on the portal in the last month, the 9 professions that have the most vacancies with a monthly remuneration of more than 10 million pesos.
Remember that in each link you canapply for vacancies.
1. Systems engineering: 97 offers with salaries of more than 10 million pesos.
2. Industrial Engineering: 50 offers with salaries of more than 10 million pesos.
3. Business administration: 42 offers with salaries of more than 10 million pesos.
4. Marketing: 40 offers with salaries of more than 10 million pesos.
5. Advertising: 27 offers with salaries of more than 10 million pesos.
6. Medicine: 21 offers with salaries of more than 10 million pesos.
7. Business administration: 18 offers with salaries of more than 10 million pesos.
8. Economy: 15 offers with salaries of more than 10 million pesos.
9. Mechanical Engineering: 12 offers with salaries of more than 10 million pesos.
We invite you to see the articles we have written so that you know how to write a winning resume, how to prepare for a job interview and much more that will help you have the necessary tools to get to the position you want.
Undoubtedly, the job search is one of the moments in which you deposit the illusion of being able to progress and get a job that meets your expectations.
This process begins by creating a resume, which will be your cover letter to companies, but above all, to talent recruiters, people who are specialists in choosing the most appropriate profiles for an organization.
The competition between these profiles can be high and, attracting attention in certain aspects, can be the key to write you an email or dial you on the phone to tell you: we want you to come to a job interview.
Katherine Bohorquez, psychologist, headhunting expert and principal consultant at eHunters, spoke to and said there are some key aspects that a recruiter emphasizes when choosing a candidate.
If you want to improve your work life, register your resume in this link.
These are the 5 keys for them to choose your resume:
Build a high-impact resume: clear, short and concrete. This document should have the power to captivate because the recruiter will give a first look at this of, more or less, 5 to 7 seconds. In that short time the recruiter must identify key factors that lead him to decide to deepen our information and contact us.
Competencies matter a lot. Innovation, continuous learning, adaptability, flexibility, multidisciplinary skills, communication skills, collaborative mind, digital knowledge, networking, among others. These types of skills are essential requirements for a recruiter regardless of the role you want to occupy in the company.
Have a clear profile, but not only on your resume, but also in your head. When a recruiter contacts you, they deliver a clear and concrete speech about your profile. Have a structure that allows you to address at first the most important aspects of your experience, academic training and skills. In this way you guarantee that the essential will not be left out.
Once you are invited to a selection process, prepare the most outstanding information of your profile, especially ten clarities of the dates and achievements of each job. Try to build these achievements from the quantitative, that will give you a greater impact.
Research as much as you can about the company for which you are submitting the process. He knows what he does and how he does it, his corporate values, the type of professionals who work there and his corporate culture. Based on the above, define how your profile and values align with it, connect and create a discourse of why you are the ideal candidate and the benefits you will bring to the company if you are chosen.
To prevent the massive spread of coronavirus, government entities have provided recommendations, self-care instructions and protection guidelines to educational institutions and organizations in Colombia.
Although teleworking is an important measure to avoid the spread of the coronavirus and allows the worker to close and support loved ones, the change of space and dynamics can affect it negatively.
“In teleworking, the personal and work barrier is completely broken. Well, many employees have their families or pets around and eating habits at home can also be different,” Jenny Gil, human talent business partner at S4N.
Essential tools for teleworking
Certain companies have already opted for teleworking, but not all are aware or prepared to face the impact it has on the employee’s health.
Negative effects telecommuting can have on some employees
“Some of the emotional and psychological effects that we can experience when we are isolated are anxiety and stress, since it involves modifying our routine and asking our brain to adapt to new forms of behavior and interaction,” warns Daniela Rodríguez, psychologist and consultant at E-hunters.
In teleworking, it is also necessary to take active breaks.
So that teleworking is not an unpleasant experience follow these tips
To mitigate this, Rodriguez recommends employees perform breathing exercises, stretch or exercise at home, take care of sleep, establish work schedules, take active breaks, eat well and not neglect family relationships or friendships.
How to protect yourself from Coronavirus at work?
How should companies handle teleworking?
On the part of companies, Gil advises opening virtual interaction spaces, having facilitators so that they do not become “panic catalysts” and that the Human Resources area “facilitates a work rhythm as stable and fluid”, this taking into account the health emergency that the country is experiencing with the coronavirus.
Highlight your resume and receive personalized advice with VIP
In addition, when there are signs “of constant alertness, physical neglect, deconcentration or feeling overwhelmed when going out and resuming daily activities, the employee may need support and professional help,” concludes Gil.
Because of the coronavirus, you can ask for teleworking. How to manage it?
However, it should be clarified that not all employees will suffer any of the aforementioned effects, as this will vary according to the interaction needs or stimuli required by the person; With an organized routine, rest spaces and communication between bosses and employees, teleworking can be prevented from affecting the health of the employee.