The low population density, in some countries, has made governments decide to give monetary incentives to those people who want to lead a productive life in one of their cities. Here are some of the options:

Mishima, Japan
It is a city located in the east of Japan, they had to take measures due to the loss of population, that is why they offer these benefits: a monthly salary of 760 dollars, for single people. Approximately $700 for couples who decide to live there. On top of that, they give you $900 to cover travel and location expenses; Also, you receive an additional 90 dollars for each child you have in the territory.
Alaska, United States
Due to its low temperatures, which can reach -27 degrees Celsius, some territories are very sparsely populated. The requirements that the government demands to obtain the benefits are simple: live there for a whole year and not have a criminal record. This state provides its residents with an annual payment of $2,000; In addition to that, 25% of the oil wealth is distributed among the people who live there, this guarantees a fixed annual income.
Sambuca, Italy
Sambuca is a small Italian city located in the southeast of the island of Sicily. Although it is one of the most beautiful towns in Italy, it suffers from depopulation. That is why the local government took the measure of selling houses at the modest price of 1 euro. The only requirements are: be of legal age, be willing to live in Sambuca from June 2022 and be able to hold a conversation in English. In the same way, commit to remodeling the property and pay a deposit of 5,881 dollars that will be refundable.
Ruston, Louisiana, United States
Located north of Louisiana, it is a city that is characterized by its lively university atmosphere, as well as its cultural richness. This community offers an incentive of 10,000 dollars, which is awarded over three years, for those who move to the city and wish to work remotely. In addition to that, a community link is provided, which allows the person to easily locate a job.
Saskatchewan, Canada
Located in the center of the country, this city offers great benefits to people who decide to study there, through the ‘Graduate Retention Program Application’. $20,000 is provided to students who enroll and graduate from one of the universities in the area; you will also get money for your support while you study. The main requirement is to work and live there for at least seven years after the delivery of the money.