With the pandemic, thousands of jobs have been lost. In Colombia, by May 2020, the DANE registered an un employment rate of 21.4%, an unprecedented figure.

For this reason, Colombian families faced a discouraging panorama, with mobility restrictions, few job opportunities, an economy in crisis and covid-19.
What emerges from this whole situation?
“By 2015, when Minsalud did a study on the subject of anxiety, four main triggers of this state were identified, which were unemployment, financial problems, death and diseases of loved ones. There is nothing closer to these four factors than what we have experienced during 2020 and 2021,” shared María Paulina Bayona, senior consultant at Change Masterly.
Today, mental health and diseases such as anxiety and depression, are issues that concern the National Government, companies and those in charge of public health.
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Anxiety caused by work issues
Sometimes, looking for work under normal conditions can be frustrating. Imagine what it’s like in this challenging, ‘new normal’. With this situation, it is common to find conditions that are not easy in the job search, which causes people to lose more patience in that process and anxiety arrives.
According to Bayona, an expert also in Human Resources, anxiety is a state of mind characterized by different sensations, among which the person may feel self-confidence, frustration, despair and low self-esteem, this due to the ‘blows’ that people usually give when things do not go as expected.
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To illustrate a little, “you start looking for work, which can usually lead to anxiety; By doing so without methodology or strategy, no one may call you because you are not using these elements to find employment. Time can also pass and you don’t get calls or there are interviews, but there is no job offer.”
In addition, the individual may experience repetitive thoughts that are unkind and negative; The mood is altered, confrontations arise and there is no longer enough energy to look for work.
How to minimize anxiety about looking for work?
Bayona recommended to all users of elempleo.com to have a job search methodology, objectives, schedules and planning.
Looking for a job is a job and requires discipline, organization, hours of dedication and contacts that can refer you.
It is also important to talk to the family, since many times the closest ones can say things like “you are unemployed or unemployed”, “you do not have a job and you are unemployed”. You have to avoid these conversations; It is better to opt for constructive talks where other types of support can be established.
“This too will pass. Where you put the attention, you put the energy; Ask yourself how you use your time. Take care of yourself, socialize, eat well and also accept the difficult days, “concluded the expert.
*This note is born from an exclusive transmission of elempleo.com, where the Resilientes Fair was officially launched, a virtual and free event to look for work from the portal with Casa Editorial El