Be careful when you run away from work or take more than the stipulated time for lunch. The workplace can become tense when an employee behaves like this. Adapting to all personality types and customs is difficult, especially in a work environment where work teams live together for long hours. To work in a healthy, functional and tolerant environment, respect is the basis.

Being cordialwith your colleagues prevents you from getting bad faces in the workday. Therefore, “not greeting, not respecting the space of the other, the use without consent of elements or speaking in a very loud tone, are attitudes that can alter a healthy environment,” says Fabián Motta, general manager of SmartPR.
Make responsible use of your time and trust in you
Arrive on time at the office, do not use work hours to do other errands and avoid overextending your breaks. Although some colleagues are not interested in your activities or performance, others may be annoyed by the ‘privileges’ you grant yourself. “In a workplace, work groups coexist with very dissimilar personalities and sensibilities that can affect interpersonal relationships and teamwork,” says Motta.
At all costs, you should avoidthese practices:
– Temper
– ‘LambonerÃa’
The companions who can become unbearable
Don’t become the complaining office buddy either, your co-workers weren’t hired to serve as a therapist. “When someone sees the face of everything, constantly finds disagreements or criticizes all decisions, this person generates a contagious negativism that is transmitted and reflected in the performance of the work team,” says Juan David Tous, director of Education and Business Development at Blockchain Centre Colombia.
There are employees who value silence in the office, others prefer a more active environment. Keep an adequate volume when you’re having a chat or laughing. For a good coexistence, employees must “speak well, use a good tone, respect the right spaces and have conversations with the right interlocutors,” says Laura Alba, HR Manager of PageGroup Colombia.
There is nothing wrong with talking with colleagues, as long as they fulfill the tasks performed and are notconversations that provoke commentsor distract people around them. However, the visit to your colleagues should not be extensive or repetitive and less when the workday has just begun. “Being an inopportune and exaggeratedly frequent visitor is annoying and affects productivity,” Alba explains.
Can using the cell phone be uncomfortable?
Another point has to do with the cell phone. “Using the mobile phone is a practice that can no longer be judged in the same way, since it can be related to work aspects and, in the same way, the personal component of its use must be respected,” says Tous. Of course, try to pay attention when you are in a meeting and -if there is no need- do not use your phone in an exaggerated way, do not be a rude person with your interlocutors.
To correct these behaviors, you should not make a big fuss or process. They are customs that vary from one person to another, but that must be handled with subtlety in the work environment. According to Tous, the example is a good tool; If bosses feel that their teams have conflicts over these issues, “he must lead under prudence, emotional intelligence and good manners.”