Tips & Tricks

Tips to avoid ‘muddy’ it in virtual meetings or videoconferences

Applications for video communication, such as Zoom or Hangouts, became a work trend, since they facilitate virtual meetings and conferences in companies.

Tips to avoid 'muddy' it in virtual meetings or videoconferences

However, cases such as the student ‘Lorena’, who had sex during a virtual class while – unknowingly – her classmates listened to her, public workers ‘grabbed’, insults and even naked employees and being massaged, are some cases where she ‘screwed up’ in the middle of a virtual meeting.

Avoid these situation sand go viral – incorrectly – on the Internet with these tips provided by the Colombian Society of Engineers (SCI):

Appropriate clothing:

Do not go out in pajamas, shorts or underwear, this will affect your image and the level of responsibility you have in front of your tasks, as well as respect for your colleagues and bosses.

Also take care of your grooming and personal appearance.

Know how to request the floor:

“If you are in a work meeting and you have a question about something related to what a colleague is talking about or presenting, do not interrupt it,” advises the Colombian Society of Engineers.

In case you are using Zoom chat, you can help yourself with the option to “raise your hand”, which serves to intervene, comment or ask questions in an agile and effective way.

Also remember to make short and concrete interventions, everyone’s time and attention is at stake.

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Keep your camera on

Do not hide, get ready as if you were going to the office and show that you are more than present during work at home.

Fix your camera to avoid unwanted angles or shots of other parts of your body or space.

According to the Rules of courtesy and behavior of the Colombian Society of Engineers, if the whole team has its cameras on, you should too.

Do not neglect eye contact with the members of the meeting looking directly at your camera.

The importance of meeting virtually

For virtual and face-to-face meetings to be effective, two elements must be taken into account: time and organization.

Comply with the assigned time, “follow the same rule as if you were in your office: arrive at the time you were summoned. Understand that being late for a video call is even more serious, because you don’t have to travel anywhere,” warns the SCI.

Cancel every possible distraction

In both face-to-face and virtual meetings, chatting, talking on the phone or typing on your computer is disrespectful. Dedicate only the time allotted to the meeting.

If you have family, children or friends in your environment, communicate that you will be busy in the virtual meeting.

Additionally, the mute button is indispensable when you are not talking, you can prevent any type of interference for your colleagues.

Beware of screen sharing

“If you are going to share your screen it is important that before doing so you check what applications, web pages or chats you have open and that you turn on the ‘do not disturb’ option on your device. Everything that appears on your screen will be visible to all participants,” warns SCI.

Finally, make sure that the links, IDs or codes that are shared to enter a virtual meeting are for individual use.

Tips & Tricks

Mistakes that do not allow you to find work fast and that you should avoid

Looking for work is ‘a job’ that requires organization, coherence and discipline. Not only is it enough to have an updated resume, you also need to focus your job search and use some ‘rules’ to start calling you.

Mistakes that do not allow you to find work fast and that you should avoid

The compose with Marcela Rojas, race coach and Headhunter, who also works at Mar Coaching Atelier and Empodera Talento Humano. She shared the mistakes people often make when trying to employ themselves.

Mistakes you should not make when looking for a job

1. Looking for a job when you don’t have a job:

“Many immerse themselves in their working lives, disconnecting from friends, former colleagues and bosses. Then, when for some reason they are out of work, they start from scratch to look for a job and did not take advantage of the time being employed to create relationships, to do Networking, investigate what you are asking for and how the market in which you operate is moving to cultivate your next work steps,” Rojas warned.

Remember that in you can register for free, update your resume and start exploring thousands of vacancies throughout the country. In addition, the platform allows you to visualize what companies are requesting the most today.

2. Communicate that you are looking for a job:

According to the expert, many people, out of “shame to feel in a position of vulnerability and maintain a strong image”, do not share with their contacts that they are open to new job options or that they are unemployed.

On some occasions, that next job opportunity may be known to a friend or family member. Of course, people should approach it from “openness to change and not as a complaint.”

3. Apply to everything you see:

Sometimes, despair and need can lead people to apply indiscriminately to different types of job offers, positions and sectors outside their knowledge.

“This is like throwing bottles with messages of help to the sea; They create a short-lived sense of hope as you submit the resume, but over time it creates too much frustration, as you may not be called for a job, you’re not ready for.”

Rojas added that in these situations people can feel much worse and “professional self-esteem goes to the floor, when in reality it is the strategy that is failing.”

Other things you shouldn’t do:

  • Lying on a resume or in the job interview.
  • Do not leverage your social networks to expand your job search.

Keys to making looking for a job a success

We do not want to discourage you, on the contrary, we want you to find a better job. The portal also received, from the Head hunter and career coach, the necessary points to make your job search more effective.

  • Get to know yourself professionally and you will transmit your value offer accurately.
  • Prepare an ‘impeccable’ resume, organized and that reflects why it would serve for the position to which you are applying.
  • Explore the job market and focus on the industry or sector of your interest.