Tips & Tricks

Things You Should Never Tell Your Boss

The portal consulted with experts and presented some of the most counterproductive phrases that can be given in this relationship.

Truly knowing your superior is essential for you to maintain a healthy relationship and not exceed the limits.

Things You Should Never Tell Your Boss

So, you have been in the company for a long time and there is proximity, avoid making reckless comments, as they could cost you more than expected.

“No, that can’t be done”. You should not mention this phrase, since “it is always possible to find a solution for any situation and it is frustrating to have employees who think it is not possible to find it,” says Elive Riveros Trujillo, director of People, Organization and Culture of HDI Seguros.

“In the company I worked before, it was done like this”. Avoid comparisons, they can be “hateful” and generate discomfort within the team or make your boss think that you are not comfortable in the company.

“That is why if the person wants to promote an initiative, they must propose it as a particular benefit for the company and from the positive,” recommends Liliana Guzmán Caballero, director of Human Resources.

Between friendship and working relationship, there is a considerable difference.

It is not that there is a sparing environment, but some comments can exceed trust, such as teasing or inappropriate jokes during working hours.

“A positive attitude that includes good humor is welcome in any team and a reflective attitude that invites healthy debate around proposals and ideas is welcome as necessary in a team,” says Fernando Padilla, director of Human Management.

As, you have every right to ask questions about the tasks delegated to you, this to avoid mistakes and work overload.

Other expressions that can irritate bosses is evading tasks with statements such as‘That’s not my responsibility, ask my partner.”‘have a lot of work and I can’t do it.’

According to Riveros, a work team must “be clear about who does what and how far; The boss is usually clear about the responsibilities of his team, but if he is asking it is for a compelling reason and it is very annoying to receive that answer.”

Guzmán complements by saying that “there is always an alternative to a ‘no’ as an answerand the right thing would be to give a solution or alternative so that the task that is being assigned can be developed.”

On the other hand, it can happen that they delegate “related functions”, and excuse yourself from not performing these tasks because the boss -supposedly- did not say it, “can give that perception of little self-management and determination to develop their work; Not all the tasks of your work are derived from a literal and explicit instruction, you must be able to develop projects that are derived from the same work plan, “says Adriana Garcés, Human Talent Manager at Manpower Group.

“It is valid for employees at all levels to make observations about the state of the business and express their opinions; these must be handled tactfully to avoid hurting sensitivities and above all that expressing this opinion, positive or negative, contributes in some way to the development of the labor ecosystem, “concludes Padilla.

Top of phrases you shouldn’t say to your boss

  1. No, that cannot be done.
  2. In the company I worked before, this was done.
  3. That’s not my responsibility / That’s not part of my job.
  4. Don’t ask me about it, I have a lot of work.
  5. Do I really have to go to that meeting?
  6. Boss, why were you late for the office today?
  7. You are wrong (without saying why and without giving a solution).
  8. Sorry for being late, but I don’t like to get up early.
  9. It’s not my fault.
  10. It’s that you didn’t explain well…
Tips & Tricks

Signs that your boss doesn’t want to let you grow

Some superiors fear that their subordinates may be better than them and go further in their careers.

In working life, you will meet good bosses, who bring out the best in you. However, you may also have to deal with a superior who keeps you in control, who does not delegate functions to you and, in particular, obstructs and inhibits your professional development.

Signs that your boss doesn't want to let you grow

Carlos Garavito, director of the psychology laboratory at the Pilot University of Colombia, says that some signs toidentify that the boss does not want to let the worker groware, in most cases, because there is an absence of consensus, promotion of ideas and tasks together, and because the superior invalidates the opinions of the person.

“When an employee experiences this type of context, they can suffer a series of deteriorations, deficits and delays in their development process, because it prevents personal and professional growth. They are usually environments in which theboss is too managerial and autocratic,” says Garavito.

For her part, Marlén Peña, director of Human Management at the Italian Cheese Factory of Vecchio, affirms that this type of signals usually arrive when internal promotions are presented within the company and, although the collaborator has the competences, skills and attitude to be able to perform the positio.

Garavito clarifies that the process of leadership and direction is an action that integrates both competencies and the fulfillment of tasks and the development of operations that allow the monitoring of achievements within an organization. Such actions are mediated by human processes (bosses).

In the world of work there is a diversity of bosses, the one who is autocratic, the one who does not allow the proposal of his employees or the development of alternatives and, in addition, who makes decisions individually and does not potentiate the human capital he possesses. This boss profile only achieves negative results for both the subordinate and the company.

Peña ends by defining that “a leader is one who pushes, who wants his collaborators to grow, who have the opportunity – even – to go further than him. A boss is the one who simply makes the way that the worker always stays there, where he can control him and where he dominates his functions. “

If you find yourself in that situation, the best advice is to talk to your boss to understand what motivates him to truncate your growth. If there is no subsequent agreement or improvement, it is recommended to apply to job offers that provide you with professional growth. And if you can’t count on your boss, count on the Human Management area.

Tips & Tricks

Phrases to ‘fall in love’ with your boss

In a recent installment, posted the phrases that may bother your boss the most. Do you know the comments he does want to hear? Not only is the word enough, the idea is that through your actions and attitude you can reflect commitment, compliance and seriousness in the eyes of your boss. For him, it is important that his employees are motivated and that they feel that they can grow and develop professionally in his company.

Phrases to 'fall in love' with your boss

Gratitude is the beginning, if you expect only your superiors to be the ones who thank you for your work, you are wrong. It is important that this is not unidirectional, you must be grateful to your bosses and colleagues.

 who knows how to say thank you for an act or fact that positively impacted him or her leader is a person who creates a connection that always brings good fruits, because timely recognition and gratitude is a boost and motivation for everyone,”says Adriana Garcés, Human Talent Manager at ManpowerGroup.

Working with peers can lead tocompetitionand, in some cases, rivalries. However, a leader appreciates when there is a collaborative and healthy environment among employees in his team.

By offering support to a colleague who is overwhelmed with their tasks or who is absent, you show the boss “commitment, achievement orientation and of course teamwork, which is the most important thing to achieve for any leader in an organization,” says Elive Riveros Trujillo, director of People, Organization and Culture of HDI Seguros.

There are ideal phrases. For example:”I have analyzed some indicators and I want to propose an improvement model”or”I would like to have a space with you, I want to give feedback on the aspects that I need to improve”. The first comment can project the trust and dedication an employee has with their leader. With the second you can “detect the openness of your collaborator to build more and better processes, evidencing a proactive person,” says Liliana Guzmán Caballero, director of Human Resources at Adalid.

According to Guzmán Caballero, “creating a company in the country is very difficult; When you admire the work of a person who generates employment, it is an incentive to transfer knowledge to others who want to follow the same path.” Telling the boss that you admire him for his venture doesn’t have to become an exaggerated act of ‘flattery’. Similarly, if you consider that your superior is an example to follow for his achievements or professional experience, you can let him know.

Don’t forget to always be willing to give a little more than you can give and, of course, be open to learning.

These attitudes are important within the work teams and you can reflect them through expressions such as: “I thought you were going to ask me about this issue, so I went ahead and made this report, tell me what you think” or “of course boss, I do not know how to do it but I investigate and I do it”, concludes Riveros Trujillo.

Know the complete list ofphrases to ‘fall in love’ with your boss:

  1. I feel that your entrepreneurial effort is admirable, I would like you to guide me on how to create a company.
  2. I can help you with that.
  3. I’ve got an idea.
  4. I perceive that (an area partner) is a little overwhelmed by the calamity he had, so I am supporting him with these issues.
  5. I didn’t understand very well and I don’t want to make mistakes, can you repeat me?
  6. I find this topic very interesting and I would like to learn much more
  7. Thank you for listening and taking into account the opinions of the whole team
  8. How could we contribute more?
  9. Yes, I can do it
  10. It was my mistake and I will try to correct it
Tips & Tricks

Make the best of the ‘scolding’ you get from your boss

Although the spirits are lowered and the atmosphere in your office feels ‘tense’, when your boss calls your attention, you must be assertive and learn from each correction, of course, without letting them disrespect you. This way you guarantee that you can perform better in the future.

Make the best of the 'scolding' you get from your boss

Feedback should always be assimilated from a constructiveand “positive” point of view, because despite receiving criticism that they will not like, there are things to improve and the most important thing is to try to understand that there was a mistake,” says Andrés Díaz Granados, executive manager of DNA Human Capital.

“If for some reason the person who feeds back does not know how to do it, the worker can use his objectivity and emotional intelligence, then extract what he knows he must improve and with humility recognize it, improve it and put it at his service and that of others,” advises Yamile Pardo, director of Human Talent of BDO in Colombia.

Feedback should always serve as a method to analyze different perspectives and situations, this in order to reach different agreements. Bosses should encourage “a conversation focused on thriving, where the employee can give their point of view and arguments, since sometimes superiors also have different biases and perceptions,” says Díaz.

At work there is no shortage of mistakes and carelessness on the part of bosses and employees

If the employee is the one who receives a counterclaim and has to ‘bow his head’, Pardo affirms that these observations must be “digested and rethought, because if it is a professional and height evaluation, there is some truth in that feedback.” In case there is a “latent failure in the worker and this is reported by several of his colleagues, it is something that definitely exists and it is the responsibility of the worker to recognize and improve it.”

If the employee feels that he is being the victim of humiliation or inappropriate words, he has every “right to get up from the feedback session and inform through the channels established in the company for complaints, such as the coexistence committee, the human resources team or some other boss who is an example of leadership”, concludes Pardo.

The important thing is not to take a ‘scolding’ personally, as industrial relations should be just that, links at work. As long as observations are made about tasks, results, or functions, you should know that your boss does it because he expects the best performance from his team.

How To

How not to be a toxic boss and keys to not becoming one

Even if you have a lot of experience leading teams, it is vital that you rethink how you do things and if your employees work under a healthy and responsible direction. If you do, you can get better results from your staff, not only in productivity, but also in job satisfaction.

How not to be a toxic boss and keys to not becoming one

If this is the first time you will be a team leader, these tips will also facilitate this task and the relationship with the entire ‘template’.

Keys to not being a toxic boss, regardless of your experience in it:

  1. Respect

The basis is all respect, both to collaborators and leaders. Regardless of a new position of power, kindness and empathy should always remain, because we do not know when the situation will change.

“One of the most common mistakes we have is not related to commanding, but how people perceive the approach. Respect will not take away your authority, on the contrary, it will make communication more efficient, “said Eduardo Almanza, regional manager of Training and Employability ofManpowerGroup.

Nowadays, if you disrespect someone, you may find yourself in trouble with Human Resources and your image in front of employees can change, causing fear and distrust.

  1. The rules of the game

Set ‘rules of the game’ and keep your team in line with the objectives set. Everyone must do their part and fulfill the assigned role.

You can also create rules to manage your workgroup. Do not forget to socialize them with the greatest clarity and consensus, you must be open to the ideas and opinions of others.

“You must understand the rules that are going to be applied in the company and not ask for things contrary to what is established; give training, know how to address employees from the workplace, so that they have what is necessary and can fulfill their obligations, since instead of demanding they should instruct,” said Almanza.

  1. Stay calm

It is impossible not to have times of crisis, day-to-day problems or greater challenges. Therefore, leading a team is also knowing how to attend to unforeseen events and talk about calm so that all employees can ‘tolerate’ a situation.

According to the ManpowerGroup expert, before reacting, a boss must investigate the problem, from the simplest. For example, if the employee was late, it is better to avoid anger and preserve a contact in a serene manner. In this way it will be easier for you to specify an action plan, agreements and a favorable solution.

  1. Have balance:

Ideally, you should always approach situations objectively. Know the causes, take action, and explain them to your team so they know how it’s going to work. This ensures assertive and growing communication among all and with better results.

Finally, don’t be imposing and authoritarian. Don’t be “paternalistic, infantilizing the team, either. It is better clarity to explain what is breached, how it affects and what will be the sanction that will be carried out, and not be visceral, “concluded Almanza.

Tips & Tricks

Feed back to your boss and express what needs to improve

Companies make the final touches to the plans for the new year in December, present a balance of the work that was carried out and perform the performance evaluation of their teams.

Feed back to your boss and express what needs to improve

But can employees make that feedback open to their bosses or employer?

“It’s a myth that employees can’t give feedback to their bosses. In fact, the new generations are much more open to express their concerns and feelings, which is an opportunity that companies must know how to promote and take advantage of,” says Martha Calderón, deputy manager of People of Parque Arauco Colombia Division.

And it is that the bosses must change that frequent unidirectional relationship and perspective that everything, in turn, is working correctly.

Some companies are already setting themselves the task of listening to their employees and applying “two-way feedback practices”, that is, the leader feeds back to the employee and vice versa. For this to be achieved you have to have a period of time and it must be part of a cultural decision of the organization so that leaders exercise feedback in a positive way in traditional generations such as baby boomers, generation X and millennials, “says Patricia Vargas, manager of Right Management.

The ‘feedback’, feedback or evaluationshould be given in spaces where career projections, recognition of achievements and the importance of employees in companies are highlighted.

So, is December the ideal time to raise everything that worked or did not about the role and role of a boss?

“The end of the year is key, especially for companies that are finishing their planning for the following year. When bosses and their teams are reviewing their goals and commitments, it’s a good time for both parties to put on the table their expectations about each other, the things that could be done better, the support they require and in general, the terms of the relationship,” warns Calderón.

A good employee is the fruit ofgood leadership. The bond that exists between boss and employee should allow them to learn from each other, point out strengths and shortcomings, but always with respect.

According to Vargas, “Leaders should be role models who seek out different experiences, unusual perspectives, and remain open to new ideas. They must also have new digital knowledge and an understanding of the technical skills required to effectively transform not only their company, but also their employees.”

Finally, for both bosses and employees, feedback and those aspects to improveshould not be taken personallyso that the work environment or labor relations are not affected.

“We must visualize the labor impact of the recommendations or opinions expressed to us by a member of the job, whether a subordinate or boss; all the changes that are proposed in the company are very important and arise from this type of interactions, therefore, through these we must learn from our mistakes and generate positive changes to reach the proposed goals, “concludes Vargas.

Tips & Tricks

Attitudes that may upset your boss and colleagues

Be careful when you run away from work or take more than the stipulated time for lunch. The workplace can become tense when an employee behaves like this. Adapting to all personality types and customs is difficult, especially in a work environment where work teams live together for long hours. To work in a healthy, functional and tolerant environment, respect is the basis.

Attitudes that may upset your boss and colleagues

Being cordialwith your colleagues prevents you from getting bad faces in the workday. Therefore, “not greeting, not respecting the space of the other, the use without consent of elements or speaking in a very loud tone, are attitudes that can alter a healthy environment,” says Fabián Motta, general manager of SmartPR.

Make responsible use of your time and trust in you

Arrive on time at the office, do not use work hours to do other errands and avoid overextending your breaks. Although some colleagues are not interested in your activities or performance, others may be annoyed by the ‘privileges’ you grant yourself. “In a workplace, work groups coexist with very dissimilar personalities and sensibilities that can affect interpersonal relationships and teamwork,” says Motta.

At all costs, you should avoidthese practices:

– Temper

– ‘Lambonería’


The companions who can become unbearable

Don’t become the complaining office buddy either, your co-workers weren’t hired to serve as a therapist. “When someone sees the face of everything, constantly finds disagreements or criticizes all decisions, this person generates a contagious negativism that is transmitted and reflected in the performance of the work team,” says Juan David Tous, director of Education and Business Development at Blockchain Centre Colombia.

There are employees who value silence in the office, others prefer a more active environment. Keep an adequate volume when you’re having a chat or laughing. For a good coexistence, employees must “speak well, use a good tone, respect the right spaces and have conversations with the right interlocutors,” says Laura Alba, HR Manager of PageGroup Colombia.

There is nothing wrong with talking with colleagues, as long as they fulfill the tasks performed and are notconversations that provoke commentsor distract people around them. However, the visit to your colleagues should not be extensive or repetitive and less when the workday has just begun. “Being an inopportune and exaggeratedly frequent visitor is annoying and affects productivity,” Alba explains.

Can using the cell phone be uncomfortable?

Another point has to do with the cell phone. “Using the mobile phone is a practice that can no longer be judged in the same way, since it can be related to work aspects and, in the same way, the personal component of its use must be respected,” says Tous. Of course, try to pay attention when you are in a meeting and -if there is no need- do not use your phone in an exaggerated way, do not be a rude person with your interlocutors.

To correct these behaviors, you should not make a big fuss or process. They are customs that vary from one person to another, but that must be handled with subtlety in the work environment. According to Tous, the example is a good tool; If bosses feel that their teams have conflicts over these issues, “he must lead under prudence, emotional intelligence and good manners.”

Tips & Tricks

As a boss you should also prepare for the interview

Consider the achievements you project for the position, and that these are related to the organizational objectives and the corresponding area. There is always talk of how the candidate should but little is said about how the recruiter, recruiter, boss or employer should plan this stage of the selection process. For some, this phase is decisive because a mistake can lead to a bad decision.

As a boss you should also prepare for the interview

Valentina Montoya Morales, Human Resources manager and co-founder of INVITA psychologists online, offers several tips on how a boss should prepare for the job interview, something that usually happens after the Human Resources area does the filters andrigorous tests. She states that the employer must start considering the achievements projected for the position, and that are related to the organizational objectives and the corresponding area.

“With the above clear vision, you will be able to define with greater assertiveness the soft and hardskillsthat the employee needs, without exaggerating in looking for the perfect applicant, but the most opportune for the current needs of the company and the team”.

Similarly, Montoya comments that the best candidates are demanding in the search, surely, they are informed of the company and also of who is going to interview them. They know the name of the interviewer, what he does, what he has done, and prepare according to the profile to know how to persuade him.

“Some candidates also prepare their answers and arrive with a premeditated speech. So, with the preparation of innovative questions we break these schemes and get to know – as selectors – more closely the applicants, “analyzes Montoya.

Making mistakes in hiring represents a very high cost for the company and, therefore, one of the main challenges in Human Resources management. “To reduce turnover rates, recruiters must identify related skills andleadership skills, but equally relevant is the motivation and taste thatthe candidate radiates with his attitude.”

You must be clear about what you are looking for that position and pay attention to the hidden potentialities, those thatare not spoken verbally but that underlie the attitude. In addition, as a boss you can simulate real tasks that must be fulfilled at work or discover the candidate’s answers and competencies in the face of challenges that will arise in the future.

It does not hurt that the boss prepares the interview in advance, has a suitable place to do it and reserves space in your agenda to do it with peace of mind.