Not having a job or a fixed income affects emotional and psychological stability. In fact, unemployment is associated with an increased risk of suicide because of its link to depression, according to the Center for Suicide Research and Prevention in the United States.

According to the entity, unemployment (particularly among people of working age between 25 and 64), economic and financial pressures—such as job loss, prolonged periods of unemployment, reduced income, difficulty covering medical, food, and housing and even the anticipation of such pressures—can increase people’s risk of suicide.
To avoid these situations and not give up trying to find a job, it is important to dedicate time and effort, establish a strategic perspective to aim in the best way for a position in which skills, knowledge and expectations can really be developed.
Whatever the situation, you must be honest and seek support from family and friends so that the process is not a problem but a common goal.
“There can be two main scenarios: looking for a job when you want a change or looking for a job because you don’t have it. In both you have to think of a route that is clear and that points to reality. Many times, out of desperation, it can be applied to positions for which you are not really prepared or even to some that are less than expected. Do an effective search and get the job of your dreams”, recommended Carolina Forero, leader of the Marketing team for Latin America and Colombia at Hays.
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Having a clear and objective resume is the gateway to many selection processes, which is why you must provide all the necessary information in less than two pages. It is essential to write a profile that highlights education, specialized experience, skills, achievements and responsibilities, in addition to the use of specialized tools and languages.
Another key point to have confidence in the process and not fall into despair is to do a specialized search. “Once a resume is organized that makes the specialization of the profile evident, the search and application to different vacancies must respond to that order. Many times, it is believed that by complying with some of the characteristics of the job offers, the profile will adjust to the rest, but this does not usually happen. Identify the companies and vacancies to which you really apply”, added Forero.
Demonstrate your abilities in interviews, there you will have the opportunity to show that your skills, knowledge and experience will add value to the company in which you want to be located.
“Not all interviews or companies are the same, so knowing your history and how you perform in the market beforehand is a great tool for the candidate. In the questions you always have to seek to emphasize the differential of the profile, in the details and knowledge that can solve the needs that the company has. This will be a space to honestly recognize if you have what is necessary to carry out certain functions or if the vacancy is really appropriate for the candidate’s interests,” the expert pointed out.
Understand what your strength is to do a search that is not messy, your level must be evident in all aspects of the process and although there may be some flexibility, the chances of obtaining a position will be higher if a conscious and non-random process is carried out.