Employees can face unfair and uncomfortable situations at work and to face them you have rights that should not be denied.

Thanks to the several doubts of its users have been resolved and they have been advised to use the right of petition in different cases. Therefore, the portal presents an indication on how to present a right of petition; This mechanism allows the individual to make a claim about a situation before a public or private entity.
“Everyone has the right to submit respectful petitions to the authorities for reasons of general or particular interest and to obtain a prompt resolution. The legislator may regulate its exercise before private organizations to guarantee fundamental rights.”, announcesArticle 23 of the Political Constitution of Colombia.
“The right of petition is a right of constitutional rank enshrined in the Political Constitution. It is said that it is of fundamental rank in that it protects a right, which if not attended to gives rise to the exercise of the tutela action, “says Consuelo García, a lawyer specializing in Social Security.
It is usually done before a state institution, but also before individuals when the applicant “is in a situation of subordination or in cases in which the person before whom it is requested, exercises a dominant function or position vis-à-vis the petitioner; this is the case of the petitions that workers can act before their employer,” says García.
How is it written?
In a petition you must specify:
- Authority or entity you are addressing.
- Name and surname of the applicant.
- Applicant identification number.
- The address where the response is sent.
- Subject matter of the request.
- The reasons on which the request is based.
- The list of documents or evidence presented to initiate the procedure.
- The petitioner’s signature.
Keep in mind
- In the document you can also put data or contact information such asemail, cell phone number or city.
- The term to resolve the request, except for special rules, is 15 days from the receipt of the request.