In general, it is the company and the employer who put the worker on probation. However, the employee should also test the person who hired him.

Rafael Minauro, director of University Development Colombia & Peru at the Antonio de Nebrija University – Madrid, Spain, says that it is important to test the employer because it is a commitment that requires a company that values knowledge and effort, “and that offers the conditions for the worker to efficiently deploy his potential. If the employer does not meet the requirements, the employee will be exposed to burnout that can lead to failure and professional development problems”.
According to Minauro, this trial period can be an analogy of the process carried out by companies. It is about identifying indicators of the success of the labor project. In other words, analyze and detail whether the employer demonstrates respect for the worker in daily activities, compliance with the conditions agreed upon in the contract, and whether it provides the necessary support to meet the goals.
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If you want to know if your employer passes the test or not, you should consider as a first item the level of communication and openness that you have in the organization. In other words, determine if as an employee you directly receive the relevant information for decision-making. “At this stage, the worker must identify if they have the necessary confidence in him and if he is respected as a member of the company. The understanding of the organizational culture will be important for the final determination”, assures Minauro.
The worker will also evaluate at this stage if he has the necessary tools to meet the expected goals. In addition to the opinion of other members of the organization, the new worker will draw up his work plan considering the available resources.
Normally the trial period that the company sets as a condition for the worker is for a period of two months. Applying that time, but from the employee to the employer, it would be 60 days of intense learning, but also of recognition of working conditions. “It would be a period in which the worker sets his goals and evaluates the internal and external conditions, understands and integrates into the organizational culture, expresses his doubts and suggestions for improvement and, finally, decides if the employer offers him fair conditions. of professional development. After that period, he will make the decision to commit himself and stay, or leave in search of other opportunities,” says Minauro.
For his part, Jorge Alberto Hernández, a specialist in Human Management from the Universidad Pilot de Colombia, affirms that you can test your employer by evaluating, mainly, the post-hiring processes: specific induction of the position, general induction about the company, presentation with the work area personnel, budgeted time for the learning curve, and willingness of the employer to resolve doubts and concerns on the part of the employee.
Finally, it is important to identify how organized and effective the employer is in the process. In the same way, you should evaluate what the new company you work for brings you emotionally.
Despite the fact that the situation in Colombia does not give the majority of workers the luxury of testing their employers, since many people need their work to survive, it would be very good to take risks and not bow their heads and demand, above all, compliance with what was agreed in the selection process prior to hiring.