Being part of a company and a work team allows a collaborator to have professional and personal growth. However, the WHO has warned that work stress is identified as a group of emotional, psychological, cognitive and behavioral reactions to demands from superiors, which in the medium term affect the performance and process of a worker.

For this reason, we give you some recommendations so that you can enjoy your work. It is important to clarify that when using the term ‘enjoy’, it should not be confused with neglecting the responsibilities and fulfilling the functions of the position being held. These tips are focused on having a better relationship with yourself and avoiding job dissatisfaction caused by a hostile environment, insufficient pay or inappropriate relationships with co-workers.
Here are some of these tips:
– Before starting your working day, try to have time for yourself by doing an activity that relaxes you. Some examples could be the practice of a sport, reading or exercise routine before starting your work day.
– Avoid bringing family inconveniences to your work environment. If you require a space for these types of circumstances, talk to your boss and take a space.
– It is advisable to take a break before starting a new task, since suddenly changing a set of actions can trigger stress. This break contributes to your well-being and to rediscovering things within your work routine.
– In your ‘break’ spaces or at lunch time, avoid talking about work with your team. Find topics of conversation that allow you to strengthen bonds of fellowship and relax as much as you can.
– Do not speak ill of your co-workers, this can burden you emotionally and make your day heavier.
– Find a way to set personal goals every week; this will make your motivation real, you will be competitive with yourself and you will feel useful within the company, as an important part of the work team.
– After finishing your working day, do some activity that revitalizes you. If you are studying, leave aside the labor issue and focus on the acquisition of knowledge; if you practice any sport or hobby, enjoy it to the fullest or if you want to spend time with family or friends, disconnect from everything related to your work.