Companies make the final touches to the plans for the new year in December, present a balance of the work that was carried out and perform the performance evaluation of their teams.

But can employees make that feedback open to their bosses or employer?
“It’s a myth that employees can’t give feedback to their bosses. In fact, the new generations are much more open to express their concerns and feelings, which is an opportunity that companies must know how to promote and take advantage of,” says Martha Calderón, deputy manager of People of Parque Arauco Colombia Division.
And it is that the bosses must change that frequent unidirectional relationship and perspective that everything, in turn, is working correctly.
Some companies are already setting themselves the task of listening to their employees and applying “two-way feedback practices”, that is, the leader feeds back to the employee and vice versa. For this to be achieved you have to have a period of time and it must be part of a cultural decision of the organization so that leaders exercise feedback in a positive way in traditional generations such as baby boomers, generation X and millennials, “says Patricia Vargas, manager of Right Management.
The ‘feedback’, feedback or evaluationshould be given in spaces where career projections, recognition of achievements and the importance of employees in companies are highlighted.
So, is December the ideal time to raise everything that worked or did not about the role and role of a boss?
“The end of the year is key, especially for companies that are finishing their planning for the following year. When bosses and their teams are reviewing their goals and commitments, it’s a good time for both parties to put on the table their expectations about each other, the things that could be done better, the support they require and in general, the terms of the relationship,” warns Calderón.
A good employee is the fruit ofgood leadership. The bond that exists between boss and employee should allow them to learn from each other, point out strengths and shortcomings, but always with respect.
According to Vargas, “Leaders should be role models who seek out different experiences, unusual perspectives, and remain open to new ideas. They must also have new digital knowledge and an understanding of the technical skills required to effectively transform not only their company, but also their employees.”
Finally, for both bosses and employees, feedback and those aspects to improveshould not be taken personallyso that the work environment or labor relations are not affected.
“We must visualize the labor impact of the recommendations or opinions expressed to us by a member of the job, whether a subordinate or boss; all the changes that are proposed in the company are very important and arise from this type of interactions, therefore, through these we must learn from our mistakes and generate positive changes to reach the proposed goals, “concludes Vargas.