Tips & Tricks

The year is going to end, is it a good time to look for and find work?

According to the DANE, while among men in the national total the unemployment rate for August 2021 was 9.4%, for women it stood at 16.4%. However, there are many Colombians who are still looking for a job opportunity. November arrives and many feel that it is no longer time to look for work and that the best option is to wait for a new year.

The year is going to end, is it a good time to look for and find work

Register your resume here and find the job you want.

we want to give you the tools so you can find that job opportunity you’re looking for. That’s why we want to answer that question: is it a good time to look for a job?

“It’s important for people to know that there is no perfect time to look for work. However, we must bear in mind that companies are constantly looking for people to fill their positions, “explained Alejandro Ordóñez, manager.

We know that finding a job can be a stressful, frustrating task that can bring you moments of stress, however, remember that here at we want to give you all the tools so that this search is done in the best possible way.

Remember to update your resume, here we tell youhow to have a winning resume. Also tell your friends and family that you are looking for work, it is possible that an opportunity may also come out there, determine certain daily hours to apply for vacancies, which for example you can findhere on our portal, do not be discouraged, remember that you are not the only one who is going through or has gone through this situation, Then comes the reward of those hard moments.

“People looking for work should understand that looking for work is a job in itself, so they should dedicate enough time to it. Understand that if in a period of time there are fewer people looking for work, they see it as an opportunity because we have less competition, more chances that our resume is striking, “advises Ordóñez.

The expert recommendsnot applying for any vacancy because you think it increases the possibility of finding work. It is important to apply for vacancies where the requirements are met so you will find the job you really want and are qualified for.

So cheer up because this year you can end up working.

Tips & Tricks

Get to know the fair where you will find employment in the textile sector

The economic reactivation has allowed many businesses in the textile industry to recover and generate employment. With the reopening and extension of hours in the commercial sector, many points of sale of major brands have generated employment and profits that allow them to reposition themselves in the market.

Get to know the fair where you will find employment in the textile sector

Due to this, Trade Alliance Corporation, a company withmore than 14 years of experience in Fashion Retail, will hold this Thursday, October 28, a job fair in whichvacancies of Store Managerswill be offered from10:00 am. The fair will be held at the Texmoda Selection and Training Center, located atCalle 82 #12 – 68, in Bogotá.

Photo: Courtesy of Trade Alliance Corporation

This event will also feature franchises from large companies and brands such as Zara, Pull&Bear, Massimo Dutti, Bershka, Stradivarius and Oysho.

To apply your resume through our portal, you can enter here.

Do not forget that there are many more offers on our portal.

Tips & Tricks

Are you a workaholic? Find out here

Every employee aspires to fulfill the functions and goals assigned to him in his work, but the situation is complicated when he finds in his trade his only concern and satisfaction.

Are you a workaholic Find out here

This is one of the symptoms of the workaholic’o workaholic, since he works -involuntarily- without rest, because for him it will always take a little more effort and better results.

What does a person with this disorder think about?

According to Iris Luna, M.D., a psychiatrist at the Pontifical Bolivarian University of Medellín, these people “feel an exaggerated need to be working and the moment they cannot continue doing it, they may feel anxiety, depression or irritability.”

“It is a disorder where there is a compulsive and involuntary attitude to continue working. They live isolated and abducted to achieve excellent performance, since this is what gives them greater satisfaction; They tend to be perfectionists and demanding with others, to the point of not being able to feed back or learn from the people around them or who are not linked to work,

What is the profile of a workaholic like?

For them, work is the center of their livesand they tend to put aside other activities with family or friends. Some common behaviors of workaholics:

  • They take work for the house
  • During holidays they do not usually rest
  • Stay connected to work during weekends
  • When there is no internet connection you can despair

A ‘worker’ usually talks and exposes work issues all the time, does not give space to othertypes of conversations and often finds other types of topics boring. This is where relationships with their acquaintances are most affected and isolated, because in “leisure time they move away from meetings with family or friends, they are disconnected and do not pay attention to talks that are not strictly work,” says Luna.

At work it usually stands out for being that person who does everything possible to perform at his best, works more than the stipulated hours, is obsessed with increasing achievements and successes, and is unable to reject projects or clients, even if it involves sacrificing his rest or free time.

The obsession with work could become widespread in the 20th century

According to the expert consulted, this disorder may have a cultural origin. It is possible that this trend is due to the importance of work and high productivity after the Industrial Revolution, when society begins to “designate a high value to prestige, position and high work performance,” says Luna.

The consequences of not stopping and resting

Although employers may be satisfied with these types of employees for their good results, families are the ones who suffer the most. “Workaholics neglect their health, since they do not eat well, overdo it with coffee, do not exercise and can opt forcigarettes, alcohol or stimulants such as cocaine,” says Luna.

In addition, there are other problems such as hair loss, altered blood pressure, gastric problems and insomnia.

How to treat this ‘addiction’?

“Many of these people need psychological treatment and other times, psychiatric treatment; the common thing is that they come to the consultations because of the consequences that this way of relating to work has brought, such as sleep disorders, depression or anxiety, “says Luna.

If you think you are a workaholic or know someone with this profile, the invitation is to reevaluate the priorities in your life, do not forget your family, friends or partner. You must relate in a healthier way to your work and not emotionally depend on it; Although necessary, you may be losing relationships and valuable time with loved ones.