We want you to find the job you’re dreaming of. To do this, it is important that you update your resume and take into account these tips that experts shared.
Dedicate between two and four hours to your daily job search, expand your network of contacts and start browsing through thousands of jobs offers that we have for you.

Adjust your resume according to the application
Don’t keep sending the same resume that you haven’t updated for a year. It is necessary that, according to what is described in the offer, you prioritize your previous experiences and skills in the resume.
If your brief profile description doesn’t fit what the recruiter is looking for, you’ll probably be discarded.
“To make your resume attractive, you need to think in a clear format without a lot of decorations. The second thing is to use and place all the keywords that you use and manage in your day-to-day work. Third, you must show your profile,” explains Felipe Franco, manager of Permanent Placement Adecco Colombia.
Remember that, you can register your resume for free and attach your portfolio or resume in PDF or DOC format. Also, if you wish, you can use networks like LinkedIn to improve your personal brand.
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What does an attractive resume look like in 2021?
María Mercedes Peña, director of Business Development at Ren Consultores, toldelempleo. comthat in a resume, beyond the academic profile and work experience, “the achievements and proposals generated by employees are outstanding in the execution of assigned work activities.”
Take time exploring the job market
Regardless of your profile, you should analyze which sectors are generating the most job opportunities.
As a result of the pandemic, thehealth, technology and financesectors are some of those that have had the highest growth in recent months, a trend that can be maintained during 2021.
By performing this task, you will know what types of profiles and skills are being sought.
According to Franco, “companies and industries value different characteristics of professionals, because they all have a different culture and are in a different situation. From our experience, I can say that people with a high level of innovation, resilience and adaptation to change are valued in the professional market.”
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Trust you
Just like you, many people are in the search for employment, so the job market becomes more competitive. In turn, this can cause that getting a job is not a matter of ‘one day to the next’ and you feel frustration.
Mónica García, executive director of Acrip Nacional, shared the following key points to adapt, professionally, to this new era of sudden changes:
1. Actethically and responsibly.
2. Constantly train, especially in digital skills.
3. Adaptto changes and be flexible.
4. Assimilatechanges without fear.
5. Havesoft skills that are key in the digital age, such as leadership, communication, collaboration and among others.
6. Manage emotions.
Finally, Peña recommended learning and developing office skills, all those that have to do with computer tools in the office, since they support adequate communication and facilitate the fulfillment of business goals and objectives.
“With teleworking, working at home and face-to-face alternation, companies seek to have proactive workers who anticipate possible problems or risks and propose solutions,” he added.