In the first months of 2022, the labor market has had a gradual recovery and more and more employees are returning to their old workplaces. Many of them have worked virtually since the pandemic began and the search for a hybrid model as a competitive advantage for both the employee and the company is essential.

According to a study conducted by Microsoft, 82% of 30,000 employees in 31 countries maintained or even increased their productivity under this modality, balancing their work and personal lives.
Specialists have pointed out that in order to establish a new work model, the circumstances in which it will be carried out and the balance between work and personal must be taken into account.
Gonzalo Agüero, co-founder and CEO of Workmates, comments the following:
“One of the biggest challenges is to make companies understand that there is a drastic difference between face-to-face work and working at home, since this is the space that employees have to do other types of activities.”
Agüero also points out that hybrid work has benefits for companies, among which he highlights saving unnecessary costs, since it is possible to eliminate contracts and fixed costs of having an office. However, workspaces, flexible and suitable for daily work, are not usually in homes.
Another aspect that is emphasized is that with this work model, collaborators mitigate transportation costs and also have the possibility of choosing where and when to work, on occasions.
Another study that also supports the hybrid model is one conducted by SurveyMonkey in 2020, which showed that employees who worked remotely felt happier than their colleagues who remained working in the office.
For now, it remains to be seen what decision the companies will make regarding the work models, since with the new measures that the National Government regarding the management of the pandemic, it is not clear whether it will return to face-to-face attendance at all or it will be adopted. a hybrid model that can contribute to the productivity of work teams.