This May 29 will be the election day in which Colombians will elect the successor of Iván Duque and many are still unaware that the State gives voters a benefit for participating in the electoral elections, which consists of half a day of rest, paid, in accordance with article 3 of Law 403 of 1997.

The article says the following:
“Any citizen who proves to have legitimately exercised the right to vote may have a half day of paid compensatory rest for the time he uses to fulfill his role as a voter.”
But how do you apply for this benefit at your workplace? The main requirement is to present the electoral certificate and agree with your immediate boss the date and time in which you can take the paid day off.
It should be noted that you can take the benefit up to thirty days after the voting day. In case of having been a voting jury, the Law grants a full day of paid rest that can be taken in the following 45 days.
In the event that the employer denies you this benefit and you work in a public entity, you can make the claim with a compliance action and if you work in a private sector company, you can file the complaint with the Ministry of Social Protection or the Office of the I work.