Tips & Tricks

Signs that your boss doesn’t want to let you grow

Some superiors fear that their subordinates may be better than them and go further in their careers.

In working life, you will meet good bosses, who bring out the best in you. However, you may also have to deal with a superior who keeps you in control, who does not delegate functions to you and, in particular, obstructs and inhibits your professional development.

Signs that your boss doesn't want to let you grow

Carlos Garavito, director of the psychology laboratory at the Pilot University of Colombia, says that some signs toidentify that the boss does not want to let the worker groware, in most cases, because there is an absence of consensus, promotion of ideas and tasks together, and because the superior invalidates the opinions of the person.

“When an employee experiences this type of context, they can suffer a series of deteriorations, deficits and delays in their development process, because it prevents personal and professional growth. They are usually environments in which theboss is too managerial and autocratic,” says Garavito.

For her part, Marlén Peña, director of Human Management at the Italian Cheese Factory of Vecchio, affirms that this type of signals usually arrive when internal promotions are presented within the company and, although the collaborator has the competences, skills and attitude to be able to perform the positio.

Garavito clarifies that the process of leadership and direction is an action that integrates both competencies and the fulfillment of tasks and the development of operations that allow the monitoring of achievements within an organization. Such actions are mediated by human processes (bosses).

In the world of work there is a diversity of bosses, the one who is autocratic, the one who does not allow the proposal of his employees or the development of alternatives and, in addition, who makes decisions individually and does not potentiate the human capital he possesses. This boss profile only achieves negative results for both the subordinate and the company.

Peña ends by defining that “a leader is one who pushes, who wants his collaborators to grow, who have the opportunity – even – to go further than him. A boss is the one who simply makes the way that the worker always stays there, where he can control him and where he dominates his functions. “

If you find yourself in that situation, the best advice is to talk to your boss to understand what motivates him to truncate your growth. If there is no subsequent agreement or improvement, it is recommended to apply to job offers that provide you with professional growth. And if you can’t count on your boss, count on the Human Management area.

Tips & Tricks

Educational tourism, the option that young people want to grow professionally.

According to the International Civil Aviation Organization, the number of airline passengers was reduced by 60% in the world during 2020, which meant a great crisis for different industries, however, thanks to the positive evolution of prevention measures, some countries were in the need to adjust their migration and student policies integrating new incentives for foreigners to migrate to their destinations to cover academic and academic offers. Labor labor, thus generating a high degree of interest in young Latin Americans to improve their financial situations.

Educational tourism, the option that young people want to grow professionally.

Do you want to have a new job opportunity? Register your resume here.

According to theFundación Huellas Latinas, a multi-Latin non-profit foundation, which works directly with the Ministry of Labor of each country where it has a presence, it affirms that70% of young Colombians from the pandemic decided to have better life opportunities, to the point that the national passport issuance system collapsed.

The countries most desired by students:

Until 2018, it was estimated that about 50,000 Colombians traveled in search of a better future, most of whom resided in countries such as Australia, Germany, Canada, and the United States due to the quality of student life. In addition to having the opportunity to get to know new cultures, languages and tourist places, these nations are coveted for the opportunity for economic growth for their new residents.

In Germany the government invests a large percentage in education, not only for nationals but also for foreigners, making higher education in public universities 100% free education and the United States has one of the highest salaries for young people who work and study at the same time, between 800 and 1,000 dollars per month.

“The Huellas Latinas Foundation seeks to help young people who wish to study abroad by offering them training in the English and German language, offers them work, food, housing, international medical insurance for one year, while the person can defend themselves in the country and in some cases even round trips,” said Víctor Manuel Peña Caro, CEO of Fundación Huellas Latinas.

Requirements to study in any of these countries:

There are few requirements that young people must meet to start the benefits they will receive when they start their studies abroad.

  • Have command of English and the language of the country to which you wish to travel.
  • Be between 18 and 25 years old.

“Educational tourism, in addition to contributing to personal finances, is an opportunity to get to know wonderful places,” adds Peña.

According to figures from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, OECD, it is estimated that by 2025 8 million people will leave their home countries to study abroad.