Companies did not abandon their selection processes due to the coronavirus. In fact, many recruiters are interviewing candidates virtually.

Being at home is then an opportunity to continue looking for a job and applying for job offers. The portal consulted with experts on how to succeed in job interviews by video call.
Essential tools for teleworking
Prepare the technical aspects
Initially, you should prepare for the medium or technology you will use, whether you will communicate through your cell phone or computer. Surely, the recruiter will notify you through which software or application they will establish a connection; If not, ask in advance to download or create an account on the designated platform.
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Regardless of the type of computer the interviewee uses, according to Michael Page experts, it is vital to check the device’s battery charge and Internet connection level. When the loss of communication is generated, the continuity of the interview can be affected.
Pauses between answers
Once this is done and once the interview has begun, you have to “wait before speaking, since it is common for videoconferences to have a delay in the camera. Just like in the news, it’s a good idea to wait a few seconds before answering a question, so you’ll avoid accidentally interrupting the interviewer in the middle of his speech, which may seem like a discourtesy,” adds the information provided by Michael Page.
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Dress for the occasion
Also, you have to take care of the personal presentation, not show yourself in sportswear or pajamas, hence the interest and respect of the candidate for the process he performs.
“It is important that the applicant investigates the business well or, if he has the opportunity, talk to people who already work there to know what their dress code is like and present yourself to the virtual interview according to this,” advises Joaquín Jiménez, managing director of The Bonding.
Relax and get ready to make your best impression
According to Jimenez, the advantage of video calls lies “in control, because in a virtual interview the candidate should not face external factors such as traffic, hunger, nerves for not arriving on time or the direct presence of the recruiter. On the contrary, he can control his environment and, therefore, be calmer and more prepared.”
Finally, do not forget to have ready the answers to frequently asked questions about the interest you have in the company, your possible contribution to it, strengths, weaknesses and expectations regarding hiring or work experience.